Chapter 36 Leaving

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Remi walked back to the bus and checked the flights to Alabama. She found one for 2am, she asked PJ if they would be at the venue by 10 pm and he said yeah should be. She booked the flight and started packing her stuff so when they got there she would be ready to go. She was doing all she could to keep from crying. She text Ace and asked him if he could bring a cage and pick her up from the airport at 4 am. He sent her a text back that told that someone would be there to pick her up. To be sure and let them know when she boarded the plane. He asked her what was going on and she said she was just coming home she needed to be home for a while.
Ace left it at that and then he text BG and wanted to know why the hell his sister was needing someone to pick her up at the airport at 4 am and all he got out of her was she needed to come home.
BG stormed on the bus and yelled" What the hell do you think you are doing Remington Slade, booking a flight to Alabama without telling me and talking to Ace?"
"What the hell do you care apparently you think I'm a tramp I figured you would be ready to get rid of me that way people wouldn't talk bad about you. I don't know what happened B but I love you but I will not stand for any man to tell me what to do or how to dress." Remi loses it at this and continues," you knew I was a biker princess and you liked it I guess until people started telling you I was a tramp and you know what the thing that hurts the most B is I love you and I thought you were different. But no you only want what you can get and then you are done already looking for the proper girl to take home to mama. Well B I don't know what happened before we left the farm but you have ruined the last 2 days I have had with you. I love you and you have ripped my heart out and tore it to pieces, so I hope you are happy."
BG said," Remi , I love you and I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry baby I let something that I overheard someone say get to me and it pissed me off. I took it out on you and I'm sorry it's no excuse and I love you just the way you are. One of the workers was talking about you and said they wondered if you were screwing both me and Kolbey and it pissed me off. Not at you but them only I took it out on you instead of beating their ass. I'm sorry I just thought if you dressed different they wouldn't think that but I was wrong. It doesn't matter what you have on you are beautiful and sexy and men are gonna fantasize about you and when I think about that I get so angry. You are mine and only mine and I hate that it makes me go crazy. But baby please take this ring back, please forgive me. I can't make it without you, you might as well kill me now if you walk out that door. Please baby please?!"
" B, do you not think women say things and fantasize that about you? Your fans love you because of your music but there are a lot that love you cause you are sex on a stick and they want to lick you like a Popsicle in the summer. I deal with that cause I know you love me and you are faithful and I'm the one you go home with every night. I want to be with you but I will not be disrespected and be talked to like I don't know how to dress. I have never dressed like a tramp. I may dress sexy but that is for you and me. You have to know that trust goes both ways. I love you more than life itself but I will not live in a marriage where I'm not an equal partner so if you agree that you won't tell me I look like a tramp again I will stay but B next time there won't be a warning it will be just like your song, I'm Gone. I'm not kidding so what is your answer?"
"Rem, I love you and I promise I will never do what I have done today again. I will talk to you and let you remind me that we are a team cause I can't live without you. Please cancel your flight and let me try to make today up to you. Let me love you and show you just how precious you are to me. " said BG.
He walked to her and took her head in his hands and kissed her softly like she was made of glass. He wiped her tears away and kissed them, told her I love you baby!
Remi text Ace and said never mind about picking her up she wasn't coming and she would talk to him tomorrow. She cancelled her flight and took B by the hand and led him to the bedroom where they stayed until the band beat on the door the next day telling him that he had sound check in an hour. Remi looked at him and said," thank you for loving me but don't ever make me feel like I have to leave again." BG wrapped her in his arms and said,"I promise you baby I won't, I promise that I will always talk and not blow up like that, I hated it. Promise me that you won't ever leave without talking it out. "Remi smiles and said,"I promise B"
They got up and started their day.

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