Chapter 24 News

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BG wakes up and looks around and sees that he is in a hospital. Then he remembers what happened. Remi where is Remi that is all he can think about. The nurse looks down and said welcome back Mr Gilbert. At that time, Kolbey and his momma walk in the room. He looks behind them and said,"where's Remi is she okay what is going on brother?"
Kolbey tells him to calm down that as they were walking back here Snake came in to talk to Remi. BG said," And you didn't stay? Get me out of this bed. She's gonna need me. They probably sent Snake to give her the bad news about something cause he has always been her protection detail since she was 15. He's the one who told her about her mom and Grizzly's dad. I have got to get to her so help me out of this damn bed Kolbey." The nurse tells him to calm down and just be still. He looks at her and said," I know that you are just doing your job but I'm getting to her with or without your help." He sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed when the door opens and Remi walks in ," B what in the hell do you think you are doing? I could here you giving the nurse a hard time for doing her job as I was coming down the hall. Now lay your ass backdown in that bed until they tell you it's okay to get up. I know you think you are superman but you just got out of surgery from having a bullet removed from your shoulder. So lay back take it easy for a couple of hours and if your good I will take you home. Do I make myself clear?"
BG lay back down on the bed and said, "Yes that's clear but I needed to find you and make sure you were okay."
Remi said," I'm fine now hug your momma and brother." Becky went to Brantley and hugged him and he told her he was okay just a flesh wound. She said I know but you're my baby. You did good son protecting your family.
Kolbey went over and hugged him and said that the police were through and he had text Thomas and Justin and they were going by to finish cleaning everything up for when he got to go home. BG told him thanks for taking care of that for him. BG looked at them and said,"can y'all give me and Remi a moment? " They nodded and walked out of the room.
BG said," come here baby girl and let me hold you so I know that you are safe. Remi walked to his left side and crawled on the bed with him and curled up against him. BG wrapped his good arm around her and said,"now tell me what we are dealing with, what was the news from Snake?" Remi shook her head no and just held him tighter. "Baby don't shut me out what are we dealing with? I'm here and I'm not going anywhere so you can tell me so I know baby." Remi said," Two of Blade's buddies ambushed Sandman and Grizzly on their way to meet with Knox to try and figure out what was going on. At the same time 2 also ambushed Knox and his Seargent at Arms pretending to be Reapers. The Seargent was killed Knox was injured the 2 pretend Reapers were killed. Sandman was shot but was able to return fire and killed one. Grizzly was killed B cause he covered Sandman and took the bullet meant for him. They captured the guy and he has spilled Blade's plan take down the Reapers and Knox at the same time. When I sent them the message about you Snake was already on his way to give me the news. They have everyone on lockdown at the club. When you get discharged I will head back home cause they need me there for a few days."
BG said," Baby I am so sorry. Grizzly was a good man. When they let me go in a little bit we will go home and get what we need and we will head to Alabama together. You are my old lady, my family and it will be over my cold dead body that you go in there alone. Especially having to face losing your best friend. Now lay your head down and let me hold you so I can get it through my brain that you are okay. I could have lost you today. I haven't ever been as scared as I was when I saw him holding you at gunpoint and then I realized you were giving me time and baby to know that you trusted me and knew I would come means so much to me. I love you Remi!" " I love you B!" Remi said . He looked down and she was asleep, he lay back knowing it was going to be very rough the next several days for his baby girl.

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