Chapter 25 Saying Goodbye

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     Remi and BG have been in Alabama at the club house for the last 3 days. BG was released and Snake escorted them home. Remi had went into Reaper Princess mode when she awoke from her nap at the hospital and has been there every since. BG was so worried about her how she hadn't dealt with Grizzly's death. The funeral was today and the club goodbye was tonight.
     Remi was putting on her black dress as BG walks in the room and she looks at him. He sees it in her eyes that she is about to break. In two quick strides he reaches her and pulls her into his arms. Remi holds on and the tears start flowing. She cannot stop them and the truth is she doesn't want to stop them. She hurts like she has never hurt before, it's like she can't breathe. That Grizzly was what kept her going able to survive life in the club. BG holds her and rubs her back softly whispering for her to let it all out. As she calms down she looks at BG and kisses him and tells him she loves him and she's thankful that she has him by her side. She looks at her black dress and laughs. BG asks her what is so funny. Remi tells him Grizzly would hate what she is wearing and would tell her she looked like one of the girls they made fun of in school. BG grins and says you look pretty. Remi smiles and tells him I may look pretty but I have to look like Remington Slade Reaper Princess so I have to change. Remi changes and has on her black leather pants with a black flowy sleeveless top and her 6 inch heeled black leather boots. She grabs her cut that has her patches and Princess stitched across the back. She puts on her sunglasses and walks out the clubhouse door and asks everyone if they are ready to roll.
     The funeral procession was a long one they had members come from every charter. Remi rode with BG on his bike. They stopped at the gravesite and she got off the bike and waited for BG. Sandman led the way with Ace and Snake behind him then BG and Remi and the rest of the club. Remi sat in the first chair and BG stood behind her. The preacher said a few words and asked if anyone else wanted to say anything . Sandman stood up and walked to the preacher. He said :

"Grizzly was a son to me. He gave his life protecting me and there is no greater love than a man laying his life down for a friend. Over the years as I watched him grow up and as he came in the club, I saw what a good man he would grow up to be. I witnessed that 4 days ago when he threw me on the ground and covered my body with his, taking a bullet that was meant for me. We lay his body to rest but he will forever be in our hearts. "

Remi stood and walked to the head of the casket.
"Grizzly was a son, a brother,  a lover, a protector.  To me he has always been my best friend, my partner in crime, my protector and my heart. He was the one who went along with my crazy plans so I wouldn't get in trouble alone. I think Grizzly and I have taken a few years off Ace's life with our shenanigans like when we were 17 and decided to go to Tuscaloosa to a frat party of one of our friends who had already graduated. Ace came when we called and picked us up. Not to mention the time we thought we would go against the Angels, cause we were the Prez and VP's kids. All my best memories of my life have Grizzly in them. I cannot remember a time in my life that Grizzly was not there. Even the four years I was gone, he was there for me. We had a standing date that in 4 years he never missed. I always knew that if I called he would be there. I didn't have a chance to say goodbye or to tell him how much I loved him or how much I appreciated all the times he brought me chocolate or held me when some stupid boy had yet again bailed on me because I was the princess. Grizzly always told me the one who was meant for me wouldn't care that I was Princess, that he would take on the whole MC if necessary. And you know what he was right, only I never told him. He will never know his nieces and nephews, or be there when I get married but I know he would do it all over again so I can have my dad walk me down the aisle and see his grandchildren. Cause that is the man, the friend, the brother, and the protector that He was.  If love enough could save him he never would have died. In life I loved him dearly, and in death I will love him still, In my heart he holds a place, that no one can ever fill, It broke my heart to lose him, but he didn't go alone, for part of me went with him on his final ride home."

Remi leans over and kisses the casket and goes to sit down. BG places his hands on her shoulders to let her know he is there. She wipes the tears away, but they continue to fall. The preacher prays and they lower the casket into the grave. Everyone there takes a flower and tosses it into the grave and goes to their bikes. Remi is still seated and Ace tells her Remi it's time sis. Remi shakes her head and tells Ace if I get up and toss this flower in then that means he's dead and isn't gonna ever pull me in a hug and tell me that I have to name my children after him because he's the best in the world. Ace, how do I go on with this hole in my heart? Ace tells her that she goes on day by day and she does it to make Griz proud. He loved you Remi, would do anything for you to keep you safe and to keep you from hurting. This was the last thing he did for you, he gave you more time with dad, and with all of us. He had 4 years all of us didn't have. So you get up and you live life not just for you but for Grizzly too. Saying that Ace walks off.
     BG looks at Remi and said I'm here for you darlin' as long as you need. She smiles and said Ace is right. I have to live for both of us. She walks over to the grave and tosses her flower in and takes BG's hand and leads him to his bike.

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