Chapter 39 Surgery

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     Remi and Brantley find Jessie and she takes them to get Remi registered away from the public eye. They head up to her room that she will be in before and after surgery. They text everyone that she is in Room 304.
     The nurse comes in and starts her IV after she gets into a gown, she has her sign the surgical consent and if she agrees to take blood in case it is needed. Anesthesia comes in and gets consent and she is sure to tell them all she is allergic to Latex. He said," they have it marked and we have a special OR just for patients who are allergic to latex. Do you have any questions? If not then I will see you in a little bit."
   When everyone leaves, Remi asks BG to come sit on the bed with her. He does and he puts his arms around her and asks if she's sure about this since it entails risks. She smiles and said "yeah I am cause it means I can carry our child. Although I don't know if you realize it but it means no sex for 6-8 weeks, I'm sorry baby"
   BG looks at her" well darlin' I figured that out but as hard as that's going to be I want you healthy and well besides it will just make the honeymoon even better and winks at her."
  Remi laughs and said," I love you B and I love how you think!"
       There was a knock on the door and BG yelled for them to come in. Mama Becky and Kolby walked through the door. Remi looked shocked and looked at BG and asked them,"what are y'all doing here?"
Mama said,"When Brantley called and said you were having surgery we did what we always do do for rfamily we come to offer support. I also stopped by your house and got you some clothes to go home in." Mama Becky hugged her and said "we both know he's gonna need someone to keep him under control so he don't badger the nurses while you are in surgery and recovery." Remi laughed and said," that is so true and thank you for the clothes."
      There was another knock on the door and it was the surgery team to pick her up. She asked them to give her a minute with B.
      " B I love you baby and I'm not expecting anything to go wrong but we never know so I have to tell you that my time with you has been the happiest of my life. I love you more than my life. I'm glad we can do this now that way all things with us and our wedding day will be new. I love you baby and know it's gonna be 2-3 hours before you see me again so be patient baby." Remi said.
     " Remi I love you baby and I done told you I don't care if you can have kids I am perfectly happy just you and me. I promise to try and be patient. Please promise to come back to me baby! I love you until the day I die!" BG told her.
   The nurses load her and she sees tears on his face and motions for him to lean down, she kisses him and wipes his tears and says," there's no cryin' in baseball"  BG laughs and said," I love you baby "and looks to the nurses and said, "take care of my girl."
      As they are walking to the elevator, Ace, Sandman, and Snake run up. Remi has the nurses stop. "Daddy I'm fine I told you not to come. I love you though and I'm glad to see you, all of my family." They hug and kiss her and step back. BG is allowed to walk with the until they go to the OR he tells everyone that he will be back.
      They say their goodbyes and they kiss one more time. The nurses tell him the doctor would come talk to him in the room when the surgery was over that he was there waiting on Remi.
    BG goes back to the room and there are flowers in the room, he walks over and looks at the  card, they were from the band and the others were from Justin and Thomas and their families. He started crying and Snake came up to him and said," She stubborn and she ain't gonna leave you man. Not for anything."
   BG said," Thanks man I know, just hate she's having to go through this. I told her I didn't care if we had kids or not as long as I had her."
Snake said, " you know that's her dream man and she loves you and knows it's your dream cause family is what you live for man."
BG smiled," you are right and family is more than blood relation, take these flowers they are from the band and 2 of my best friends and their wives. I consider them all family and so does Remi."
   BG takes a seat and they are all just quietly talking and Kim walks in and hugs BG and Ace.  She said," I just checked on our girl and surgery has started and going good right now, said it would be another 30 min if it continues this well and then an hour in recovery for her to wake up."
    Everyone that has found out is texting BG checking on her. He cannot wait to show Remi how much everyone loves her.  Just as he's answering a text Dr Williams comes in.
BG stands up and so does everyone else. Dr Williams tells them to sit down. He sits on the bed and tells them," Surgery went very well. There were no problems, I was able to clean up all the scarring that had been left. While I was in I looked at her tubes and ovaries and there was a little scaring on one tube so I cleaned that up too. She has 3 small 1 inch incisions that have staples. I'm sending a removal kit home with her so she can take them out in a week. I want to see her back in 4 weeks to check on everything healing. But I say that it was a big success today. She's gonna be very sore and in some pain. I am leaving 2 prescriptions one is an antibiotic and one is pain medicine. Get them filled before you leave today. I also am giving her some antibiotics through her IV. She has orders to leave as soon as she wakes up and uses the bathroom. Brantley you want to walk with me to get the prescriptions? " 
       As they step outside, Dr Williams said," I haven't told you and I didn't want to say it in front of everyone, no sexual activity for 6-8 weeks. I want her to heal completely this time before penetration of any kind. Please excuse me if I am out of line when I say this but I feel like y'all are very active and I will tell you that it's going to be difficult for both after the soreness goes away and she sees me in 4 weeks I think oral would be okay. Like I said forgive me if I am out of line. I have been her doctor since they dropped her off at 15 and I want only the best for her." Brantley stopped and hugged Dr Williams and said," Thank you for making her dreams possible and no you are not out of line but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret only a small number know. We are getting married October 2 at our home I will have you an invitation next visit, so we talked about it earlier and decided no sex until the honeymoon. That's why it was so important to her to have this done today. Thank you! "
   Dr. Williams smiled and said," I look forward to it. Also any questions or problems Remi has my cell phone don't hesitate to call me. I will come to wherever y'all are. Take care of our girl. Also when you get ready to leave tell them you want to leave by the side entrance, there are some reporters downstairs. I'm sorry it wasn't us"
BG said," it's okay part of the territory and probably cause people have sent flowers and some have asked for prayer on social media or sent us well wishes. "

    BG gets the prescriptions and asks Snake if he cares to go get them filled since there are reporters downstairs. Snake takes them and leaves. Remi is brought in an BG is shocked at how pale she is. Remi looks a him and smiles weakly and said," I'm just fine, got good drugs in me so get that worried look off your face. Now I love you all but get out except B cause I got to pee." They all laugh and B helps her to the bathroom and she said bring me the clothes mama brought me so we can get out of here and get something to eat at the hotel. He helps her pull up the hospital panties with padding and then helps her slip on the loose yoga pants. They go back to the hospital room where the nurse takes out the IV and then BG helps her put on her sports bra and big t shirt.  She told him to let them all in and asked who sent flowers. He lets her read the card and hands her his phone. Read all the texts baby while I round everyone up and sign your release papers. Snake walks in with the medicine and said its wild out front. Everyone is back in the room and they come up with a plan. Kolby and Mama were going to take the flowers with them since BG and Remi  were leaving in the morning. Ace was going to go get the rental car and bring it around to the side entrance for them and everyone would leave separate and at different times. Remi told them that they would release a statement later. She thanked them all for coming and hugged everyone bye.
     Their plan worked and they ate after they
got to the hotel and Remi got comfortable and slept only waking up to take her medicine.

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