Chapter 6 Take Me Home

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BG bounces out on stage to Kick it In the Sticks and starts rockin the crowd. Remi and the girls make their way to the front and center again.
She can feel the alcohol taking effect. She realized a little to late she probably shouldn't have said all that to Ace or BG but it's done and if she's honest with herself it feels so good not to be carrying the weight around anymore. She loses herself in the music and dances like she hasn't danced in a longtime.
Liz has left the group and is rubbing up on Snake. Remi smiles they are suited for each other, because neither one of them do relationships, just friends with benefits. For so long it hurt her to watch him with someone else, now it doesn't. Snake was her best friend growing up. She could always tell him anything.
Bailey has just left with someone and Michelle was in the corner with her tongue down a guys throat,so that was coming next she was pretty sure. Kim was with her dancing and having a good time. Remi watched BG now and could see in his eyes he loves performing in front of a crowd. He catches her watching him and winks at her. She smiles and thinks to herself he really is sex on a stick.
BG is having fun, he is glad to do this hometown show. Sometimes he misses this, it gets lost in the big concerts. Remi is front and center and he can't keep his eyes off her. When he saw her last night she intrigued him and then seeing her in action tonight just made him want to bury himself in her and never come back. Oh well back to my crowd, " y'all having a good time tonight?" The crowd cheers and BG says "that's what I like to hear, this next song is about growing up and finding out who you are and all the hell raising it took to get where we are today and he sings That Was Us. " Y'all are a great crowd and it means so much to me to come back here where I started out , thank you all and everyone get home safe tonight."
BG walks off the stage and Ace meets him,saying man that was even better than the first set. BG grins and says "it usually does get better each time. Hey man, can I have a word with you "
Ace said sure what's up man?
BG said ". Remi was the nurse I was talking about, I guess you put that together. I asked her out then and she turned me down and I don't want it to cause problems between us brother since she's your sister but I'm not giving up. I'm gonna ask her again, I know she's been hurt so I am willing to be patient but I'm just telling you up front man."
Ace grins and said, " I appreciate it brother . Yeah I got as much since you planted yourself beside her and stepped in between us earlier. I will be honest man I don't think that is all the story she told us tonight. There is more to the Snake issue and if I'm honest man if I knew I'd probably kill him. I think that is why she left. I knew she had kept in touch with some of the club and she don't know I came down every 3 months and watched her just to see for myself she was alive and doing good. I know that you are a one woman man BG when you are in a relationship. I'm not sure about her because I don't know her like I did before. So after what I have seen and heard my advice is to be upfront and always honest. Now let's go see those beautiful women out front."
Remi is back at the table with Kim and Kim asks her if her brother is single. Remi grins and tells her I think so, just tread carefully MC guys are a lot different than what you are used to. Most have ol ladies or girlfriends, some like Snake have a different flavor of pussy 3 times a day. It takes getting some used to for outsiders and some never understand. Now Ace when he's with someone it's them and no one else, not even on a run. Kim nods and says thanks for the heads up. Ace and BG come to the table and they are talking when Snake tells Ace he's leaving and will catch him tomorrow.Ace nods at him. Snake looks at Remi one more time before walking out with Liz. Remi says Snake, he turns and looks at her, and she says wrap it before you tap it brother and dies laughing. Snake shakes his head and said always sister and she raises her eyebrow. He said see y'all later. They call out goodbyes.
BG leans over and whispers in Remi's ear " you are full of surprises darlin' " Remi smiles and said " always babe" BG asks Remi if she would like to take him up on the ride on his bike. She grins and says "I thought you would never ask. " Remi looks at Kim and tells her that she's heading out and Kim nods. Ace said "Remi can I get your number? I don't want to lose you again. " Remi nods and gives him her number and he texts her so she can save his to her phone. Axel comes up with a blonde on his arm and tells Ace and BG that he was going to head on out. They say their goodbyes and Axel hugs Remi and tells her that he expects to see her soon. She grins and says you will I'm gonna make the trip tomorrow. I have put it off long enough. Ace said how long will you stay? Remi said tomorrow night and then I have to be back by 10:30 the next night since I have to work at 11:00-7. Then Monday I will go in at 3 and work 16 hours 3 pm to 7 am and then Tuesday its 3p- 11p and then I'm off until Saturday and Sunday where I will work doubles both those night. So I thought I would go down tomorrow and get there around 12ish and spend the night. Then leave around 6 pm. Will that work Ace?
Ace grinned and said yeah that will be good. You want 3 escorts home? Remi grinned and said of course I am the princess after all. They laughed and told her bye.

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