Chapter 56

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After the show BG had a meet and greet,so he sent Remi a text to let her know. She told him she was fine and had been sleeping and resting. He asked about the IV and she said she had a couple hours left of it but it was going good and that she had eaten some cheese toast and so far had kept it down.
Remi set her phone down and made her way to the bathroom and when she was coming out the band was coming on the bus and Ben just stopped and said," What the hell is going on Remi? That is an IV and last time I checked you don't take IV's unless something is wrong with you especially not at home. There is more than just getting too hot at the VIP session so you need to tell us what's going on."
Remi said," Yes there is a little more going on than that but I'm not telling y'all anything until B gets here from meet and greet. So y'all can wait here or you can go to your bus and come back I don't care either way."
Ben said," I'm not leaving until I know what is going on."
The others all agreed with him so she brought out the PS4 and they played on it until BG walked on the bus.
BG looked at Remi and she shook her head no. He then said," let me get a shower and then we will talk guys."

BG came out and picked Remi up and settled her before he addressed his band. "Guys what we have to tell you has to stay on this bus no one not wives or girlfriends can know okay?"
They all agreed and BG said,"We flew to Atlanta after the show last night and had a doctor's appointment this morning because Remi has been really tired lately. We had some suspicions and after calling the doctor he wanted to see her ASAP. We found out that Remi is .... pregnant with twins. " They all started cheering and telling them congratulations.

BG said," I'm not finished she's not very far along but because of it being a multiple pregnancy and her past history it could possibly turn into a high risk pregnancy. We have not told our families yet because she is so early on but as you can see she may be having to get IV's on the road and take it easy alot. She is due mid July but the dr said to be prepared for mid June."

Ben says,"yall got pregnant on the honeymoon"

Remi smiled and said,"Ding, ding, ding we have a winner."

BG said," The doctor gave us all the stuff we will need to do this on the road. She just has to listen to her body and rest more since she is carrying twins. Jeff is gonna try to get things wired so she will be able to watch the shows in here when she can't be out there. We are gonna tell our family at Thansgiving so that is why I mean that it cannot leave this bus guys."

Ben said," Whatever yall need us to do we are here for all 4 of you guys. I had jumped to the worst thing thinking you were diagnosed with cancer or something when I saw the IV."

Remi said," I may take you up on that if I get weird cravings and right now if I'm around can you keep the beer away from me, it made me sick smelling it the other night. I'm tired guys so yall can stay with BG but I'm ready to turn in."

BG looked at his band and said,"I'm beat we flew out after the show and all the sleep I have had is what I got on the plane. We will talk more tomorrow. Thanks guys for all of this."

Remi went to the bedroom and she was taking the IV out when BG came in, he just stood and watched her. She was getting undressed and he threw her one of his long sleeved Tshirts and he told her to wear that. She smiled and said," I love you and I'm ready for us to be in our bed together."

BG said," I love you too baby and I am ready to stretch out and hold you all night in my arms."

Remi pulled the cover back and climbed in one side while BG did the same on the other. He laid down and she curled into him throwing her leg over his and he pulled her in his arms and kissed her. When he kissed her Remi moaned and BG told her to settle down. She rubbed her leg against his as her hands roamed on his chest. Remi deepened the kiss and said,"Please B"

Bg said," You need to rest you have been through so much the last couple days baby. I will tomorrow I promise baby. Just let me hold and protect you and our babies tonight, okay?"

Remi smiled," Okay I am gonna hold you to that outlaw. I never thought I would see the day that you would turn me down when I wanted to have sex with you."

BG sat up and said," Please don't say it like that Rem, I want you as you can damn well feel. I just want you to rest, it scared the hell out of me when you fainted. If I lost you it would kill me. I think I could survive if we lost the babies but I couldn't survive if I lost you. So tonight let me just hold you close and show you this way how precious you are to me."

Remi starts crying," B, I didn't mean it that way, I was just kidding. I love you and I know what you mean, if I lost you it would be the end of me. I could go through losing the babies but I wouldn't survive losing you. You are my life baby"

BG pulls her closer kisses her and then said," Get some sleep baby, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

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