Chapter 37 Tour life

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It has been a couple of weeks since their fight and BG was getting worried about Remi. She was not acting like herself these past few days. He asked Ben if she had said anything to him, Ben said no but she hasn't been herself for a few days.
When Ben told him that Remi wasn't herself, BG text Ace.

BG: Ace has Remi talked to you she's not been acting like herself and I'm getting worried.
Ace: Shit BG I should have told you, the date she was beaten and raped and in turn lost her baby is tomorrow. I can imagine that is what she is thinking about the baby she lost.
BG : Thanks man I know if it's  tomorrow then that has to be it. I will just have to talk to her to see if I need to do something special or just a quiet evening in.
Ace: My thinking would be quiet evening, I'm just going on what she was before all that happened. Death anniversaries always were quiet movie nights with food and sometimes drinking with Grizzly.
BG: Thanks man we don't have a show tomorrow night so I can definitely do quiet.

    Remi is walking around the venue and she finds a spot and sits down and watches sound check. She watches B interact with the band. She thinks how lucky she is and how the sad days that sent her to Atlanta sent her to be in his path. He is her forever, she has to get to the doctor for her checkup and to see if she can have children. She never thought about it a whole lot before B came into her life but now she wants to carry his child. She knows he has been worried about her but she doesn't want to taint their love with those horrible memories. The only memory worth thinking about is about her baby.
    BG walks up behind Remi and he sees she's lost in thought. He leans down and kisses the top of her head bringing her back to the present. He asks if she would like some company. Remi smiles and tells him she would love his company.
      Remi looks across the Ampitheater and said,"I know you have been worried about me but I want you to know I'm okay B. You may know by now but tomorrow will be 5 years that I lost my baby. I usually get down and drown my sorrows but not this year B. I'm focusing on you and our love. I do want to talk to you though. I need to get to Atlanta next week for a doctors appointment. I have to see my gynecologist for a check up.
     BG looks at Remi and asks what day darlin?
Remi said Thursday. BG smiles and said then after my show Wednesday we will fly to Atlanta and stay in a hotel and then see your doctor on Thursday. Then fly out to my show on Friday. This way you can check in with David while we are in Atlanta. Remi smiles and says that's great, I was afraid I would have to go by myself.
BG looks at her and said, "Baby you will never have to go face that by yourself, I promise you. I would have figured out a way to be there. But from now on give me a heads up so I can make sure that we don't have a schedule conflict okay."
   Remi smiles and said," Okay it's not like I haven't been going by myself for the past 11 years. One of the Reapers took me when I was 15 after mom died and I was put on birth control. They dropped me off I went in and they picked me up.  So I wasn't thinking and the past 4 years it's just been me."
   BG said," Well that stops now I want to be there with you, I have to ask Rem are you thinking you are pregnant!"
  Remi smiles and said ," What if I did? Would you be happy or upset?"
    BG said," I would be happy but at the same time I want you to my self for a while."
    Remi said," No I don't think so B, but I do want to find out if he thinks it's gonna be possible or difficult for me to get pregnant. I have never really cared until now to find out. So I am a little scared this time."
    BG said, " I'm here for you baby any time."

They get up and head to the bus to get ready for tonight's show. BG wears his gray tank with his cut out Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt and black jeans and his black and white boots. Remi wears her black tank that says Mama Tried in white with her grey ripped skinny jeans and her black cowboy boots. They head to the VIP session and he asks her if she will sit with him tonight. She smiles and said I will sit in the front row so you can see me. BG smiles and tells her," I love you baby"

  Q: Brantley since you have proposed have y'all set a wedding date?
   A: Well I am leaving that up to Remi

    Q: So are you a part of the planning?
     A:  Yes I told her to tell me where and when and I would be there but I ain't wearing no girlie colors

       Q: You seem the happiest in a long time do you think that there will be more love songs since you are in love
      A: I don't know I just write what comes or what some one else has on their mind. It's possible I guess.

      Q: What song makes you think of Remi?
       A: A lot of them actually, she makes me feel like I'm 17 again and she's my kind of crazy and I fall into her every day.

    Q: How much were you in trouble with the law when you were younger?
     A: I had a time that I put everyone through hell and I regret it but at the same time I learned so much.

      Q: Football season is a few Saturday's away how are y'all gonna handle have 2 different teams and can you get her to change to a Georgia Bulldog?
     A: Well we have more than 1 TV and no she might cheer for my team if they aren't playing her team but when they play no holds barred in our house. Ain't that right Darlin'?
Remi said," that's right I do like your team and hope they do well but if they face the Tide then all bets are off its gonna be smash mouth football in full force, babe" BG laughed and said ,"And that folks is just one reason I love her."

BG sings a couple songs and then they head to see the band before the show. They hang and cut up with them until showtime.

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