Chapter 60

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Remi woke up and ran to the bathroom and she vomitted everything in her stomach up. BG was right behind her holding her hair back and when she finished he handed her a wet washcloth. She washed her face and brushed her teeth and then BG picked her up bridal style and took her back to bed. He held her close and rubbed her back until she drifted off  to sleep.
When Remi woke up again she was in the bed alone. She looked at the time and it was 10am and the girls were supposed to pick her up at 11:00am so she had an hour to get ready. She jumped in the shower and washes her hair. When she stepped out BG was in the doorway with a cup of coffee. She walked over and gave him a kiss and took the cup. He asked," How are you feeling now?"
Remi replied," pretty good so hopefully today is going to be a good day."
  BG said," I'm gonna be working on my bike so if you need me you can call."
   Remi puts on her makeup and fixes her hair then she walks to their bedroom and BG follows her and hugs her from behind placing his hands on her baby bump. She leans back and said," We are gonna have to tell BG nation pretty soon because I'm showing more than we thought. But I wanted to wait until we found out what we were having but now I'm not so sure."
BG said," We could always do a Christmas announcement to BGNation if you want that's just 4 weeks."
Remi smiles and said," that's the perfect present for your fans."
She goes and gets her leggings and pulls them on and a loose fitting dressy shirt that covers the bump and her black boots.
  They head downstairs and he cooks her some eggs and toast and they eat together. Caroline pulls up in her SUV and Remi grabs her bag and kisses BG goodbye. She told him that she would be back for the game since today was rival Saturday and she knew she couldn't shop all day like before. He told her that anytime she needed him to call him. He kissed her and walked her out to the car and told Caroline to take car of her. Remi just shook her head. Caroline told him she would and that she would have her back for the games. She knew she didn't need to be up all day. BG just grinned.
    Brittany, Caroline and Remi headed for the maternity store that Caroline knew that would be discreet and not blab to the media. Remi found some jeans and dress pants dresses and tops. She was really surprised at how helpful they were. The next stop was the mall and Victoria secret, where they all loaded up on things for them and their men. Caroline then took Remi to another regular store and bought her some jeans and stuff a size bigger so if she didn't want to wear maternity stuff she had options.
  Remi said I need an outfit for BG's new year eve performance but who knows how big I will be.  Caroline said I know the perfect store and then we will hit the shoe store and then home after we grab a quick bite to eat.
BG called and checked on them as they were finishing at the dress shop and she told him that they had one more store and then we're gonna get food and then be home. BG told her that he ordered food and that Jason was gonna pick up Luke and come over so for them to come home after the store. Remi smiles and said," thank you that sounds great we will see y'all in a little while."
  She told the girls the change of plans and they made quick work at the shoe store and headed home.
   When they got home  BG met her and asked what was hers and she told him and he said,"Damn girl did you buy the whole damn town?" And laughed only Remi didn't find it funny she started crying. Caroline shot him a dirty look and they went in the house after Remi. Caroline whispered,"it's not personal I promise it's her hormones and I know it was a joke and you don't care, but her body feels like an alien and to have to buy a whole new wardrobe this soon for her is affecting her more than she has let on BG. Apologize and then give her some space. Pregnant women's emotions are all over the place and with twins it's gonna be even more so. She loves you and that hasn't changed just hold on to that."

   BG found Remi in their bedroom and he sat the bags down and went to her and pulled her in his arms and said," I'm sorry I never meant to hurt your feelings or make you mad. I was just joking and to be honest I expected alot more. Baby, look at me please," Remi met his eyes and he continued,"I love you and I love your body, probably more now than I did before I never thought that possible. I love knowing that you are carrying our babies. It just does something to me Rem. I want you to be happy and feel loved so I'm sorry, will you please forgive me?'

  Remi smiled," I was being sensitive but B I feel like I don't even know who I am any more since I'm pregnant. My body doesn't feel the same and I have always known my body. So this is crazy and I can't promise it won't happen again but I will try to not be so sensitive. I love you and I know you were joking."

    Luke yells from downstairs," You two know that is what caused twins right, you need to get down here for kickoff"

Remi yells back," Yeah I know thats what caused it but can't get anymore pregnant so might as well enjoy it" BG laughs and said,"Darlin' only you and you are my kind of crazy"

REmi replied," Damn strait outlaw and don't you forget it. Now lets go watch the Dawgs win and the Tide Roll and enjoy our crazy friends"

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