Chapter 35 Time Off and first fight

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BG had a couple of days off so he took Remi to the deer farm in Alabama. He showed her all the babies and she fell in love. They spent time riding in the Polaris and just talking sharing hopes and dreams. He asked how the wedding plans were going. Remi told them that everything was done and on board and even back up plans were good.
BG pulled her in his arms and said, " I want us to write our own vows as well as have some of the traditional ones. I'm just glad that you want to marry me so quickly. Now I want to ask are you gonna continue to tour with me or are you gonna go back to work?"
Remi smiles," B I want to spend time with you so as long as you will have me I want to tour with you and depends on how things go I think I want to tour with you even after we start a family. I guess we will just have to see how that works though. "
BG said," When do you see us starting a family Rem?" Remi said," I'm not sure I know I have to go to the doctor next week for my check up so I guess I need to talk to him about that. When do you want to start a family?"
BG said," I don't care when we do although I think I would want to have you to myself for a little while before we start a family. Although if you were to tell me today we were gonna have a baby it would be fine. I love you Remi!!!"

As they are loading the bus getting ready to head out again, Remi tells B that she loves the farm and has had the best 2 days just spending time with him. She goes to hug Kolbey and tell him bye and that she would see him soon. Kolbey tells her to keep BG in line and she told him that it was impossible to do that and laughed. BG came up and said,"we got to go so get your ass on the bus Remi." Remi looked at him and raised her eyebrow and went to the bus. When she got on the bus she got her tablet and started checking her emails and responded to those that needed an immediate response. BG got on and went to the back room, she didn't know why he got so pissy before they left but she was just gonna see how it went. She dozed off in the chair.
BG was furious and he was trying to keep it reigned in but he knew that he didn't do a good job back at the farm. Remi was telling Kolbey bye and one of the workers there had made a comment about how Remi was dressed and wondered if she was screwing both him and Kolbey. Remi had on blue jean cut off shorts and a tank top, nothing bad at all but it flew all over him and he got short with her. He knew he needed to go apologize but dammit it pissed him off. He hated that other men saw her and fantasized about her. She just needed to start wearing longer shorts and regular t shirts instead of tank tops. He would tell her when they stopped to eat. Speaking of he could tell the bus was slowing down so he walked to the front. Remi was asleep in the chair and PJ said they were going to stop for food in 10 minutes. BG woke Remi up and told her they were stopping for food in 20 minutes so she needed to go get changed. She asked where they were eating and he said Waffle House. Remi looked at him and said," Why do I need to change if we are eating Waffle House? "
BG said," cause you need to go put some clothes on before we go out in public instead of flaunting every thing you have."
Remi stood up and said," I'm not changing B what I have on is fine, I wear stuff like this all the time. I have worn stuff like this all the time with you and you like it. So what has crawled up your ass today?"
BG yelled," like hell Remi, you need to cover your self up if you won't respect yourself at least respect me and the fact that people will talk about you and me. You are not to get off this bus looking like a tramp."
Remi yelled back," Kiss my ass B, my daddy didn't tell me what to wear growing up and they ain't no man gonna try and start now. So either get out of my way or be prepared to be put to sleep. Don't you dare forget who I am B"
She pushed past him and walked off the bus and he stepped down and yelled,"Remington Slade get your ass back on this bus and put some clothes on do you hear me?"
Remi kept walking and shot him a bird behind her head.
PJ looked at BG and said," Son you are wrong, you got a lot of groveling to do. Whatever has crawled up your ass you need to get it out before you lose her."
BG stomped into Waffle House and spotted Remi sitting on the inside with Ben, Jess and Jon. He walked over and told Ben to get up. Remi said," I'm not sitting with you B until you apologize for what you said and what you called me. I love you but I will not tolerate you to disrespect me. So you go over there and think about what you have said and done and when you want to discuss in a normal way what has crawled up your ass and got you acting like some bitch then I will talk to you but not before." BG growled," Don't push me Remi." She made Ben get up and she stood toe to toe with BG and said," no don't you push me. I don't know what your problem is but you better sort it out and quick . I made myself clear, I am me and I will not be something else. If you don't like me the way I am, then I guess you need this back. I will be on the bus and when we get to the venue tonight I will get a cab to the airport and go home. It's been real B." Remi walked out.

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