Chapter 32 Wedding plans

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    Remi wakes up before BG does and she starts the coffee before stepping in the shower. Once she is out and dressed she grabs her laptop and a cup of coffee and gets to work on wedding plans. She is looking at dates so she emails the record label for a list of all of BG appearances.  She sets up a folder for the wedding and starts going through her contacts on who to invite to the wedding. She also sends Mama Becky a text to start her list of people that she wants to invite. Remi texts Sandman and asks if they wanted to do their own celebration for them with all the Charters and just have the main charter at the wedding. Mainly due to it would be an outrageous number of guests and she knew the Reaper Princess getting married was a big deal. Sandman text back that he and the boys had already discussed that and that was what they had come up with just needed a date to work with. She sent back that she would let him know just as soon as she could but was trying to get it as soon as possible. She had it worked out if BG was in agreement.
    BG came up behind her and asked what she was doing. She said planning our wedding and said I need you to sit down for a few minutes. He got his coffee and said," okay darlin' what's up that you need me?" Remi said," when do you want to get married and where?" BG said," I told you that I don't care baby as long as we are married." "We'll hear me out B before you say anything, I was looking at dates and what do you think about an October wedding as in this October? You don't have any engagements from the 24 th of September until October 13. I was thinking October 2 at 6pm at your house in the big field. It's a Sunday cause of football season and both of our teams have games on the 1st. Is that too soon for you?" Remi asked.
BG had this shocked look on his face and mouth hanging open. He finally said," I would marry you right now Rem so no that is not to soon for me. I love the idea of getting married at our house in the field around sunset. But I ain't wearing no girly colors. And I definitely love the fact that you took into account both football schedules. What about the club?"
Remi said," The main charter would come and then the Reapers would have their own on a day that works for us I was thinking the 10th and it would give us a day to recover on the 11th and then you don't have a show until the 13th. "
BG said" now can you get it all together by then?" Remi said" your mom is working on her list of people I emailed the record label for who they thought you needed to invite and I have my list done. I just have to order invitations and do them in a rush and hire a caterer, aDJ, get a dress, flowers, guys suits , girls dresses Maybe I need to hire a wedding planner to do all of that and that way I can stay on tour with you until then. " BG said," Do that find one ask for recommendations for one. I don't care what it cost get it done and we will pay it if it means I can marry you in 3 months time. Now what color Rem?"
Remi smiles and says," Why my favorite colors, what else would it be?" BG said "Remi what colors?"
Remi said," Well to make us both happy and the fact it's gonna be a night wedding I'm thinking Black and White with red/ Crimson accents, with black chairs and lots of white lights, red roses, bridesmaids wearing black long dresses groomsmen wearing black tux with Red/ Crimson tie and vest and you in all black with red rose boutineer and me carrying red roses and the girls carrying red and white roses. I even have our cakes picked out. I thought we could do venison roasts, BBQ, and chicken. Then sides of potatoe salad, vinegar slaw, baked beans, and steamed vegetables , green beans and mashed potatoes. What do you think?"'
BG looks at her and said," why do you need a wedding planner you have it all planned? And I love the black and white and red , I knew you would convert to the Dawg pound."
Remi said," I need a planner to get it all done that way I don't stress and go off on anyone. And no if you heard me I said red / Crimson. I've got your Dawgs covered but the Tide will be there in full force too baby" BG just laughs and said "hire the wedding planner and I want to meet them since you will be spending lots of time with them but don't worry about a DJ cause I will handle the music part. I know too many good artists who haven't gotten a break. Just give me a list of songs you have to have played."  Remi grinned and hugged and kissed him.
    BG said," I'm gonna ask you something baby and I don't want you to think the wrong thing when I ask this because I love you and I trust you but last night when you and Snake disappeared is there anything that I need to know?" Remi kissed him and said," baby what you saw last night was closure for both of us, saying goodbye to a love that was gone and goodbye to our baby. I won't lie and say that he didn't ask if there was any chance for he and I but I have you and everyone knows that those feelings for him are long gone. It was hard, I'm not gonna lie B. It was heart wrenching to hurt him but I told him the truth there is nothing left for him except the love of a brother. I knew you and Ace came out but I knew that you knew what was going on. I figured we'd talk about it today. I love you B! My life is with you as your wife and old lady."
   "Remi I love you and I trust you that's why when I saw y'all I turned around and made Ace go back inside. I know that I  would have to ask if there was a chance if I had let someone as special as you slip through my fingers. I also know that y'all needed the time to say goodbye to all that you had 4 years ago including your child. You couldn't do that with an audience." BG said. Remi got up and sat in BG's lap and said," I love you and I cannot wait to marry you! Now you have to let your label know not to schedule anything from Sept 30 -Oct12. "
BG grinned and said," I will do that right now. You are to hire a wedding planner or set a meeting up and I will fly them to meet both of us but they must sign a confidentiality statement." Remi said," Already got an appt. for tomorrow afternoon. "
" Have I told you how much I love you ?" As he kissed her.

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