Chapter 48 MC Celebration

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BG and Remi are loading the bike up to head to the MC compound for their wedding celebration with the Reapers. They have spent the last 6 days away from phones and television, secluded in the cabin on the backside of their property. They have enjoyed each other and the long walks, 4 wheeler rides, fishing and of course skinny dipping in the pond at midnight.
Remi tells BG that she needs to run by their house before they leave. They have the MC wedding and then they are meeting up with the band on the 12th for the show on the 13th. The next big break they will have from touring will be the Thanksgiving through the new year. All that time will be spent setting up the next tour.Their lives are always busy but she wouldn't want to spend it any other way than with B.
   She goes in the house to get some of her clothes that she will need and she goes to the bathroom and shit! Her birth control pills are sitting on the counter, she hasn't taken them since the day of the wedding. She don't know what to do. She will grab them and the next pack and call Dr Williams to see what he thinks she should do. To think that it is a possibility that she may have gotten pregnant this week scares her and excites her at the same time. She grabs what she needs and heads back to Brantley. Remi  is wearing her tight black ripped jeans and a tight fitting white long sleeved shirt with her Reaper Princes cut and her high heeled biker bitch boots as B calls them. She climbs on behind him and squeezes him with her arms letting him know she was ready. They travel on the bike just enjoying the ride. They both feel free when on the bike. It is gonna be a wild couple of days of celebration MC style. They are her family and have been a part of her life that has caused scars but also made her into the person that she is today.
   BG was riding enjoying his wife's arms wrapped around him. He know that she doesn't have to hold on but he loves feeling her pressed up against him. This week together at the cabin has been amazing. They have about 3 weeks before they will have a break for Thanksgiving through the new year. Then it will be getting the next tour together. 

   As they roll into town they are met by a royal biker escort. Bringing the Reaper princess home to celebrate her wedding is gonna turn this town on end. They pull into the compound and was met by Sandman and Ace. They told them that the family part of the celebration would be tonight and then tomorrow they would do the official ceremony and party.
Remi and BG took their stuff to her room.
BG went to find Ace and Remi called Dr Williams while she had a few minutes alone.
Dr.Williams: Hey Remi what's going on?
Remi: Well I have a question in the process of the wedding and honey moon and the fact that I didn't pack my bag cause it was a surprise, my pills were left at home so I haven't taken them in a week. What are my chances of being pregnant and how do I need to handle this?
Dr Williams: First of all don't freak out Remi. Where are you in the cycle?
Remi: I missed week 2 of the pills.
Dr. Williams : Well that is probably not the best week to miss. But we won't know for 2 more weeks. You will have to wait till then to start the next pack. There is the morning after pill or emergency contraception and you can get it by asking for it. Other than that it's a waiting game Remi.
Remi: Thanks Dr Williams I guess I need to tell Brantley since I haven't mentioned this until I talked to you.
Dr Williams:You're welcome just let me know if you need me Remi.

BG walked back into the room and saw Remi siting on the bed looking at her phone. He went to sit down beside her and said," Whatever is bothering you just spit it out Rem, we will deal with it together darlin'. She smiles and said, "I was talking to Dr Williams because I needed some advice."
BG looks concerned and said,"Are you okay? Has something happened?"
Remi said,"You could say that something happened or actually didn't happen. Not packing my own bag and the wedding and honey moon I didn't take my pills at all last week. It was the second week of the cycle which according to Dr Williams is a good thin or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. He said I have a couple of options and that is to wait till next week to see if I have a period or I can go to a pharmacy and ask for the morning after pill to do emergency contraception. "
BG looks at her and said," Well what do you want to do?"
Remi looked at him and said," how do you feel about this? That is what I want to know"
BG said," Honestly I don't want you to do the morning after pill. I think that if you are pregnant then it is a part of God's plan. But if that is what you want to do I will support you because I love you. If you want my honest opinion then I say we wait and see."
Remi smiled," I was so hoping that you would say that but was willing to do the other if that is what you wanted cause I love you and we are still starting out but if we are being completely honest I would love to be carrying your child."
BG said,"Since we are being completely honest I cannot wait to see you round carrying out child. So we wait and see. Now the question is how do we handle the party drinking?"
Remi said," I will just turn it down and if anyone persists I can just say I'm on medication that I can't drink while I'm taking it. I didn't drink at the wedding so they should be okay. "
BG said,"are you ready to go celebrate being married MC style?"
Remi smiled," lead the way outlaw"

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