Chapter 42 Working on Surprises

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  Remi text David and told him what they wanted and said she would pay extra for him to plan it and told him who to invite. He said he loved the idea of the weekend and he would schedule all the girls day appointments but would leave BG in charge of the guys unless he wanted him to plan something.
Remi yelled," Hey B you want to be in charge of guys day or you want to be in charge?
B walked to the bathroom, " I will do it but I want David that day to come play with us guys. Don't forget to text whoever was gonna plan your party that we aren't doing them cause I text Kolby and he was a little pissed at first but then I explained that Friday we were going muddin and shooting guns and gonna blow some shit up before the game then after we were doing bonfire party. He was pretty cool and is excited. " B explained.
Remi text David and told him want B said and he was happy to be with the guys that day. Told her he would be at the house in10 minutes.
   She finished getting ready and made sure she had all the things she needed for the photo shoot. She applied her lipstick and walked down stairs giving B a kiss and telling him David should be there soon.
BG wondered how David was gonna pull this off so he wanted to see.
   David knocked on the door and came in and he asked if she was ready to go. Remi nodded. David pulled out a handkerchief and told Remi to blot her lipstick. She did and he told her let's go. He slipped BG the handkerchief as he walked out. BG just shook his head and laughed, David was slick.
   He called Carl and told him to come on down to the house. Now all BG had to decide was where to put the tattoo that he could keep it hidden the next few weeks.
Carl gets there and starts setting up and ask BG if they were going to work on his back piece some more. BG told him if they had time but he needed something else done first. BG explained that as a surprise wedding present to Remi he wanted her lips tattooed with her first name in a delicate script. Carl asks do you have her lip prints? BG showed him the handkerchief. Carl grins and said "I guess you are getting red lips somewhere then. Do you have somewhere and how in the hell are you gonna hide it till you get married?"
BG said," Well Remi had surgery a month ago to remove some scar tissue from her female organs so no sex till the honeymoon cause you know we are doing the secret wedding in a month. I was thinking of putting it right front hipbone where my pants would keep it covered. I can always use one of the waterproof bandages that are skin colored to keep it covered. If she sees it before then that's okay, it will not be as surprising or what I want but I will deal with it."
Carl said," let's do it the week of the wedding that way I can be sure to take my time and have all the intricate details worked out man. Also if you want to put it somewhere else you would be able to."
BG said," I want this to blow her away so if you think we need to wait we will man. I always defer to you on that brother. I trust you you know that. So I guess it's working on the back today."

David and Remi arrive at the studio. Remi is really nervous until she meets Kathy the photographer. Kathy sits her down and talks to her to get a feel of what she is wanting. Remi tells her she wants sexy but classy. She wants something that will knock his socks off right before she walks down the aisle. Kathy grins and says we can definitely do that.
They take pictures of her sitting in a chair, on the bed, with BG's guitar and she wants one sitting in BG's bike. David said he could take that one when they got back wouldn't be as good as Kathy but would be okay and then he would bring the camera back to Kathy.
While Remi was doing the photo shoot David was organizing the girls day with Mani/ pedis, a facial, a massage and lunch would be a private room with a lingerie shower. He had the invitations and RSVP sent out this morning before going to pick Remi up.
    Remi and David head back to the house and they sneak in the garage to do a couple of pictures with the bike and then as David is putting the camera back in his car Remi changes and meets him outside.
     As they enter, they see Carl and Brantley working in his back. Remi smiles and said," will you do one for me next?"
Brantley turns his head and raises an eyebrow,"what are you thinking princess?"
    Remi responds," not sure got a couple of ideas I want to run past Carl. But not sure I want you to know just yet."
Brantley said," Darlin' you know if you are gonna put something on that body permanently I'm gonna want to know what it is."
Remi said," After I talk with Carl and he draws it up then I will let you see what you think. You know I can just go have Snake do it if you kick up to much of a fuss. He does all the club tattoos and he would do this one. However I had rather do it here in our home than go somewhere else. So let me talk to Carl and let him send us some options okay. "
Brantley said," okay but promise me you will let me see before you do it?"
Remi smiles and said," I promise. Now I am headed upstairs to pack cause we are gonna have to hit the road."
BG turned to Carl," See what I'm talking about full of surprises and sass!"
Remi yelled," I heard that Brantley Keith Gilbert and you are damn right I'm full of sass, I have to be dealing with you outlaw!"
Carl laughs, " Man she's got your number."
BG laughed, "Yeah she's crazy but she's my kind of crazy. I don't see what she sees in me but man I'm glad I'm the one she wants. I couldn't make it without her."
Carl finished up and told BG that he would work on the design and send it to him for approval. BG walked him to the door and saw that the bus was pulling up the driveway. He turned to yell at Remi but she was walking down the steps with 2 bags. He asked if there were any more and she said just 1 more.
He told her he would get it just to set those down and he would take them to the bus.
He got the bags and had Remi lock up. He said, " you know the next time we walk in those doors we will be just days away from getting married." Remi kissed him and said," I can hardly wait to be your wife B."
He pulled her in closer and kisses her and said," I want to be your husband more than anything Remi, without you life doesn't have meaning for me."
PJ yells," Come on you two we gotta catch up with the others."

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