Chapter 43 Girls Day /Guys day

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Remi thinks back over the last 3 weeks it's hard to believe that in just 2 days she's going to be marrying B. The time sure flew by on the road, she told BG what she had wanted in her tattoo and that was his initials in his fingerprint. And his thumbprint underneath it. Right above her left hip bone the exact place he would grab her and pull her to him. He liked the idea and loved it when Carl emailed the drawing to him. He just didn't realize she was going to get it today while she was at the spa. Carl was coming to do it for her, she couldn't wait till B saw it on their wedding night. She knew it would make him happy. She has to get around the girls would be here soon. Part of the guys were already here, she could here them on the back deck.
Brantley was outside talking with Kolby and getting the 4 wheelers and razors ready to go muddin. He thinks back on how quickly his life changed and how he was getting married to the love of his life in 2 days. He was so ready to get the girls gone, Carl was coming over to tattoo Remi's lip print and her name. He knew that it would be a good time to do it with her gone on the girls day and that she wouldn't see him until tonight when they got to the game and then the bonfire it would be late and with a full day tomorrow he was in the clear. Sandman, Ace and Snake were gonna be with them today and the rest of the Reapers would come up Sunday for the wedding. He knows Remi is planning something but he hasn't been able to figure it out yet. He looks up and sees the cars and trucks with trailers pulling in the driveway. He just smiles they were gonna have some fun today. He was glad they did this instead of a Batchelor/Batchelorette  party. He looks to the front door and Remi is standing there with a smile on her face too. They are a lot alike and that is why there love is so great.
   David walks up to Remi and said everything is set up at the spa for all of you and that includes massage, mani/ pedi, sea salt exfoliating baths facials with makeup and hair so when you get back here you just have to change clothes. Also your surprise present is ready for BG. Now that I have you all set its off for my day with the guys. I will see you tonight.

     David walks over to BG and said "have I got the right clothes on?"
BG said," man I was worried about you but you are alright. Didn't know you owned a pair of old ratty jeans and boots. Just so you know Carl is set to come this afternoon after  lunch for your surprise for Remi." BG said "did you put the card in the bag so I can call and surprise her? "  David said," yeah it's there in the outside pocket. I told her that it would be all day and she would come back only long enough to change before going to the game."
   Remi walked to where BG and the guys were standing and she told him that she was leaving and pulled him in for a kiss. He wrapped her in his arms and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him and the catcalls and wolf whistles were loud from both the girls and the guys. BG sat her back on the ground and pulled back. Remi grinned at him and said," With a goodbye kiss like that I'm having second thoughts about leaving outlaw."  BG growled low and Remi laughed as she started to walk away BG slapped her ass. She put a little more swagger to her walk and looked back over her shoulder and said" 2 more days outlaw and you best be ready."
Kolby and Ace looked at him and said" what does she mean BG 2 more days and you better be ready?"
BG said," Nothing guys just forget it."
Ace said ,"gotcha man"
Kolby was like," no man what is it?"
BG said," if you must know Kolby she's talking about having sex, 2 more days till we have sex, okay are you happy?"
Kolby was like," what the hell are you talking about man? Y'all have sex "
BG said," we haven't had sex since before her surgery man"
Kolby said," What in the hell?"
BG said," Things had to heal brother and we just decided to wait till after we were married to make sure it had plenty of time and didn't cause any more damage. "
Kolby said, " guess we won't see y'all for a while after the ceremony"
BG just shook his head. The rest of the guys got there and they all were ready to hit the mud pit. After a couple hours of muddin and rooster tailing each other they went and hosed off. While they were eating the sandwiches Remi had made for them he called her.
Remi: Hey outlaw what's up?
BG: Still thinking about you and that sashay you did when you left me it made me want to take you right there and make you scream my name
Remi: your on speaker phone babe
BG: Well it did Princess, have you got your bag with you?
Remi: Yeah why
BG: Well look in that zipper pocket, you see that black card today is on me also y'all are to go shopping on me too. Kim you know what to do so with that I love you Princess and will see you at 5:30
Remi: Thank you outlaw and you didn't have to do that. But I love you and I will see you at 5:30.

Remi looks at the girls and says let's finish up here and go shopping. I'm just glad Carl was finished and was gone.

BG lets Carl in to do his tattoo while Kolby and Ace are setting up the shooting range and the tanzanite. They finish the tattoo and head outside. Everyone takes turns shooting the targets and then skeet and clay pigeons. Then came the big stuff, BG had David shoot the tanzanite first and it was a loud boom. They had enough for everyone to shoot and of course the sherriff calls BG to make sure it was him and not something he needed to investigate. It was 5pm when they finished so they all cleaned up so they would be ready when the girls got back to leave for the ballgame. They had set up for the bonfire this morning so it was good to go.
The girls come in and Remi heads upstairs to change clothes she puts on a pair of black skinny jeans and a Jefferson jersey she had made with BG's number and Gilbert on the back. She slipped on her black knee high high heeled biker boots. She walks down the stairs and waits for BG to turn around.
Kolby nudges BG and points toward Remi. BG turns and gets the smirk that makes her knees go weak. He walks over to her and stops a couple of inches between them. She asks," Is this okay ? "and turns and shows him the back.
BG said," Darlin' I love that you did this and yes it is okay you will fit right in."
Remi says," I have one for you if you want it to wear."
BG grins and said," yeah baby I think I will wear it. They asked me to come speak to the team before the game and I think the jersey will show them I'm one of them."

Remi gets his jersey and they are ready to go to the game. BG helps her get in the truck and he gets in and said," Thank you Remi for going to the game with me."
Remi's said," B it's football you know I love football and I will warn you I'm gonna yell just like I do at college games if not more. I'm just warning you ahead of time."
BG said," you will fit right in"

BG talks to the team and then he makes his way to the stands to where their group is sitting . Remi is watching the teams warm up. She turns to him and said "the Dragons have this game. "
Kolby said," I hate to go against you sis but this team is ranked #2 in the state. It's gonna be hard to beat them."
Remi said," $50 says the Dragons win by 2 touch downs."
Kolby laughs," I'll take that bet sis cause you just lost."
Remi just smirks.
BG walks up and said," Remi what have you done?"
Remi said," I just bet Kolby $50 the dragons win by 2 touchdowns."
BG said," Kolby you know you are gonna lose"
Kolby said," the other team is ranked #2 in the state we may win but not by 2 touchdowns"
Remi said," You haven't been watching them warm up or you would have noticed they are lining up in a 4-3 defense which means they are gonna just sit and watch the play develop and not go after the quarterback where as the Dragons defense is gonna go after the QB. Also they don't have the skill players like the Dragons do so you are gonna owe me Kolby."
They are all talking and a man comes up and asks BG if he and Remi would like to do the coin toss. BG asked Remi and she said," you bet your ass I would."
They walk down and are announced. The Dragons win the toss and elected to receive. As they walk to the sideline she looked at the captains and said," Boys go kick some ass, go after that QB hard and y'all got this."
At halftime the score was tied 14-14 and Kolby turned to her and said," Better get ready to pay up."
Remi just smirked," it's gonna change Kolby the Dragons are about to school this team in smash mouth football, so you better get ready to pay up."
End of the third and it's 21-14 Dragons lead.
At the final buzzer, Dragons win 35-14. Remi looked at Kolby and said," I may be a girl but I know football. Ace played and so did Grizzly. I had to help him learn plays and football was always a part of our club."
They all head back to the house and light the bonfire and the drinks start flowing. They start telling stories of when BG was in school. Remi is having fun listening to them learning about what made BG who he is today. She is sitting in his lap and someone brings out Jim and Jack. Remi told them to give her 2 shots of Jim and Steve one of BG's friends looked at BG and said," aren't you gonna stop her? She's so little and she wants 2?"
BG said," She can drink most of you under the table with Jim shots."
Ace said," Remi please don't do shot for shot tonight. Your rehearsal is at 11:00 in the morning and you know that it won't be good if half of them can't get out of bed."
Remi said," Okay I won't but give me my four and I'm done."
Remi takes 4 shots of Jim Beam one after the other. The ones who don't know her or haven't seen her drink are amazed. It was getting late and people had started leaving around 2am and we're all gone by 3am. BG picked Remi up told Kolby to handle the fire they were going to bed.

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