Chapter 23 It was the calm before the storm

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   Remi woke up with her phone going off and at the same time BG's phone started going off too. She knew it couldn't be good news. She rolls to get her phone off the night stand, praying it wasn't anything really serious. She opened her messages and she had them from Ace, Axel, Snake and Grizzly. She opened Ace's message first and it asked if she was okay because the Angels had retaliated. Axel Snake and Grizzly had sent the same message. No message from Sandman, that meant either he was hurt or dead. She jumped out of bed and was pulling her jeans on and texting Ace asking was Sandman hurt or was he dead. BG had checked his phone and was texting someone Remi figured Ace. She looked at BG and said is my dad hurt or is he dead B? I have text from everyone but him. So if you know you better go to talking and getting your ass dressed cause as soon as I get dressed and pack an overnight bag I'm on my way.
     BG looked at her and said all Ace has told me was that the Angels retaliated and was checking to make sure you are okay. I'm with you lets get our stuff together and get on the road. But darling we are taking the bike but we are gonna be fully loaded today just in case. She nodded and went to pull on a tshirt and her biker boots. She texts Ace and tell him he better tell her how Sandman is. She sent Grizzly a text and said I'm fine but I need an update on Sandman. Then she sent Axel and Snake the same message. While she was waiting on an answer she threw some clothes in her bag with her phone charger and another pair of shoes. She headed downstairs to go outside and start cleaning up while she was waiting on BG. She walked outside with a trash bag and starts picking up bottles and cups that didn't make it to the trash bins that were set up everywhere.
She is so preoccupied that she didn't hear him come up on her until he called her name, Princess Remington. She stopped their was only one person who had ever called her that and it was Knox's son the heir to the Angel's club Blade. She turns and faces him. He stands there in front of her all arrogant like he has the upper hand. Remi looks at the gun he is pointing at her and asks him what he thinks he's doing. She knows she has to give BG time to do whatever he can. But she also knows that he would shoot BG without reservation. Blade tells her that she should have taken him up on his offer years ago and they wouldn't be doing this today. She asked him what offer that would be. He said when I told you that you needed to be my old lady. If you had done that then I wouldn't have had to shoot one of my dads men and blame it on your dad and the Reapers. Remi said why are you doing this Blade? Blade looked at her and said Knox said until I had a decent old lady and I could prove I had what it took to lead the club that I would never be President. That he would give it to Dallas before me. If I can get you as my old lady and destroy the reapers I will be sitting pretty. Remi said you seem to have left out one important thing Blade. He looked at Remi and said what is that? And at that moment BG spoke behind him and said,"her old man" Blade turned around and fired at BG and he fired at Blade. Remi had her gun out and fired at Blade too. She heard the sirens coming up the drive. She took her gun and ran to BG to make sure he was okay, keeping an eye on Blade at the same time. The sheriff got out and BG told him to check on the other guy. Remi had taken BG's bandana and pressed it against his shoulder wound. She kissed him and told him she loved him. The sherriff came over and said he's dead BG. Remi looked at the sherriff and said good riddance now get an ambulance here cause he needs one. BG said did you hear it all? The sherriff told him yes I heard it all it has been recorded but he would need both of their guns as evidence. They both handed them over to the officer. The ambulance got there and they loaded BG in the ambulance. Remi climbed in with him and off they went. She text Kolbey to get his momma and meet them at the hospital. She sent the Reapers all a message that her and BG had killed Blade and that BG was shot and on the way to the hospital in an ambulance and asked that someone please tell her how her dad was.
       They pull in the ER and they tell her she can't be in there and she said I can I have that right not to mention I am a certified ER  Trauma nurse. I will be staying with him. The Dr looks at her and said he needs surgery to remove the bullet. Remi nodded and asked where the waiting room was that he would look for her. He told her surgery waiting room. She went over to BG and said I love you baby. He took her hand and kisses it and said you saved me baby. She said no you saved me and took a bullet for me. I love you B!!  I love you darlin'! With that they took him to surgery.

Remi is sitting in the waiting room alone playing the scene over and over again in her head. Trying to figure out what she could have done differently to keep BG from getting hurt. She hasn't heard anything from any of the Reapers and that isn't a good sign at all. In the four years she was away she missed her family but she didn't miss any of the drama.
Kolbey and Momma Becky come to the waiting room. Remi isn't sure if they are going to hate and blame her so she is preparing herself for the worst. Momma Becky comes up to her and pulls her into a hug and Kolbey hugs them both. Remi looks at them and said,"he's in surgery to remove the bullet from his shoulder. He was awake the whole time. The sheriff has it recorded so he shouldn't be charged with anything. It shouldn't be long now that we should hear something from the doctor. Remi looks at both Kolbey and Momma Becky and said I'm so sorry that me being here caused BG to get shot. I know that you can never forgive me cause I can't forgive myself for bringing this to his home. I just ask that you let me see him once after he gets out of surgery so I can see for myself that he is okay."
Momma Becky looks at Remi and said," what are you talking about girl? I never picked you to be a runner when things got tough. Why do you think we have a say in you seeing my boy?"
Remi said," I expected you to blame me and hate me because B got shot. I am not a runner but I also will not be the reason a family is torn apart, so before y'all could kick me out I was going to leave."
Kolbey said," Remi you know if we sent you packing 1. BG would only come after you and 2. He would kick my ass and not speak to us again. He loves you and so do we. We don't blame you at all. BG wouldn't have had this any other way cause he would gladly die protecting the ones he loves."
At that time the surgeon came in and said," I removed the bullet without any complications. It did not hit anything major,no broken bones it just causes some soft tissue damage that should heal nicely. He's in recovery now and y'all can see him in about 30 minutes. As soon as he wakes up because of how it is, he can be discharged today." They all 3 thank the doctor and sit back down.
Remi gets a message that says " on my way babe " it was from Snake. That has to mean that Sandman is dead and they are sending the person who has always given her bad news and dealt with her flip outs when it happens.

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Why are they sending Snake?

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