Chapter 17 Trouble

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Remi gets ready for the first of her double shifts. BG tells her that he is gonna head to his house for a couple days so she could rest when she got off work and not have to worry about him. She smiled and told him that it was fine but she would definitely miss him. He pulls her to him and tells her that he will miss her too. She kisses him and said you better be sure and let me know when you get home mister. BG kisses her and said I will and just so you don't forget I love you! Remi said I love you too B but I have to go so I won't be late. Okay doll I will text you later.

Remi clocks in and sees that Kim is working with her tonight and so is Noel. Oh what joy Remi thought as long as she stays out of my way we will be fine. Remi starts by checking the crash cart making sure everything is stocked and ready to roll if needed. Kim comes in stocking the shelves and asked what Remi did over her days off. Remi told her that B flew her to Nashville cause they had scheduled a show and then they went to his mom's . Kim asked how it went and Remi was telling her about the fan she took down for grabbing B's ass. Kim said she wished she could have seen that. Kim said I knew that you were tough but didn't realize how tough till the other night. Noel walked through at that time and said I don't know who you are calling tough cause it sure ain't Miss I'm Better than Everyone over there. She wouldn't know tough if it walked right up and slapped her in the face. Remi said Whatever just stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours.
At that moment the doors burst open and the paramedics came in with a stretcher holding a big guy that was bleeding all over the place. 30 year old white male with gunshot wounds to the chest, BP 70/40 pulse 142 and tachy , respirations shallow and labored at 32. Remi said page the doctor stat and move on my count on 3, okay 1,2,3. They moved him and Kim was cutting clothes off and Reminoticed the man was wearing a cut, an Angels cut. Shit just what she didn't need right now. Kim started to cut the vest off and Remi stopped her told her they would get it off when they rolled him. They got it off and started 2 large bore IV's. Remi said get the lab and tell them to type and cross his blood and bring 2 units of O neg. Dr Logan came in and they all worked on the patient like a well oiled machine. They get him ready to take to surgery when they hear a commotion in the hallway and Remi sees what she didn't want to see and that is the Angels club standing in the hallway looking like they were out for blood. They take the stretcher to the elevator and the President Knox grabs Remi by the arm and said, "You better tell me what is going on right now." Remi looked at him and said " we are taking him to surgery to get out the bullets so we can try to save his life. So if you will let me go and do my job the doctor will be out to talk to you in a minute."
Knox responds," you better pray that you save him or hell will reign down on every one of you and your families." Remi doesn't show fear, she looks at him and says, " Well considering that you are taking away from his care by detaining me that might fall on you Mr. (Looks at his cut and says ) Knox. But I will tell you this, don't threaten my family you won't like what happens. " Remi looks to the security guard and said, " please escort them to the surgery waiting room where the doctor will know where to find them. " Remi walks and gets on the elevator where once inside and the doors closed she exhaled and sent B a text telling him the whole Angel club was in her hospital and she may need backup. They had a member with slugs in him. Then she sent the same message to Sandman and Ace. She told them she would be in surgery so not to panic if she didn't answer right away. She got off the elevators and scrubbed in for the surgery in case she was needed. After the 6 hours in surgery they got the man settled in ICU and Remi went with the doctor to talk to the family. As they walked up Remi noticed that she knew a few of the Angels from when they were in school. Dr. Bonner told them that they were able to remove all 3 bullets and that he was stable but that it would still be touch and go for the next 24-48 hours because one of the bullets had nicked his heart. He told them that he was in ICU and would be there several days and they could go up and see him but only 2 at a time. They thanked him and started to walk when one of the ones Remi knew spoke to Knox and he turned and looked at her.
Knox walked back and said , " Now Princess it's a shame that you didn't tell me who you were. But now that I know it just makes my job easier, tell Sandman that paybacks a bitch." Remi looked him dead in the eye and said," Don't start this crap again Knox you know that they are legit now so this ain't Reapers. You know as well as I do if it was the Reapers that your guy would be dead cause they don't play and they don't miss. Now please take your hand off me, as I have a job to get back to. " Knox looks at her and said, " Bitch you may be royalty to them but you are just another piece of pussy to me and it looks like you need to learn your place." Remi stares him in the eye and responds, " I said take your hand off me before I make you. You just keep believing I'm just another pussy and see what happens to you Knox. Now I have a job to do and you need to go see your man laying in that bed that I just helped save his life. So the way I see it Knox you owe me. And that means I own you right now. Like I said before you need to find out who did this cause it wasn't the Reapers."
Knox got in her face and said " I will give you a pass on your disrespect since you helped my boy out but I'm telling you now I don't care who you are, you talk to me that way again and I will teach you how to respect a man and that is on your knees sucking my dick" Remi slapped Knox and it brought blood to his lip, he tightened his grip on her arm." I told you to take your filthy hands off me Knox and you need to learn some respect for women. Don't make me do anything else in front of your men, cause you won't like it. I ain't the Princess in name only." " I heard the lady tell you to take your hands off her and I suggest you do that if you want to keep that hand." BG said. Knox looks at BG and said " This don't concern you mister so my suggestion is that you just move along and mind your own damn business." Knox told him. BG looks and said, " See that is where you are wrong mister. It became my business when you first threatened her and then when you put your hands on my old lady. One thing I do know if you don't let her go right now I will stomp your ass and you will be laid up next to your man in ICU." Knox laughed and said " You and what army!"
BG said," unlike you I don't need an army to take care of my business. I can handle my shit myself. NOW TAKE YOUR DAMN HAND OFF MY OLD LADY" Knox removed his hand and said " this ain't over by a long shot"
BG said " No it ain't cause you will pay for marking her. " As BG said that in walked Sandman, Ace, Axel and Snake.

Well it is getting interesting. How are you liking it?

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