Chapter 19 Working with a bodyguard

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  The hospital wasn't happy about her extended leave but after she showed them the bruise that was left on her arm, they didn't have much of a choice. BG did as he said and was her body guard. He was right outside the ambulance bay doors or at a desk in the corner of the nurses station. From there he had a vantage point that could see her all over the ER. Dr Logan was the only one who continued to harp about it. Finally BG had enough and told him to shut his mouth cause one more word then he'd take it outside and deal with him.

Remi continued to do her job like normal, she didn't pay any mind to BG being around and Kim asked her how she just acted like he wasn't there. Remi smiles and tells her when you grow up like she did that having a babysitter was the norm. She explained how from the time she was 15 it was usually Snake until she went to college and then it was whichever prospect was about to be patched in. Guarding the princess was their last assignment. If they could keep up with her and out of trouble then they would patch in at the summer when they came back from school. I would test them at the beginning of the year to see if they really could deal and if I felt they couldn't then I would disappear and dad would know they weren't really ready. I only did that to 2 of them. They eventually left the club, they liked the idea of it but couldn't handle the responsibility of it. Kim laughed and asked was she a handful as a teenager. Remi smiles and said yeah me and my best friend Grizzly got into so much trouble. I think Ace lost a few years off his life getting us out of the trouble we got into. You name it Grizzly and I have done it. He was the one I stayed in touch with while I was gone. I know that Ace probably knew where I was and checked on me without me knowing it but he respected the fact that I left. He didn't know all the reasons why but he knew I would be smart and I knew how to get in touch with them if I needed him.

Knox walked through the ER and Remi asked him if she could help him with something. He sneered at her and said " yeah you can tell your daddy that he's back on Angels radar for starting up drug trade in our town. Remi looked at Knox and said " I don't know where you got your information but you are wrong the Reapers ain't never been in the drug trade and they sure the hell didn't start now. So you need some more Intel. You need someone who knows their asshole from a hole in the ground."
BG got up and made his way to stand behind Remi and told Knox that he needed to move along cause he would be happy to take it outside since he still owes him for putting his hands on Remi and disrespecting her. Knox said give Sandman the message now doll.

BG said what was the message Remi? She told him that he said the Reapers were dealing drugs in the Angels town and that daddy was back on their radar. B, call Ace and Snake and tell them. Someone needs to be with him at all times now. I can't lose him B I just got my family back. BG pulls her into a hug and tells her to her back to work that he will call them and let them know. BG called Ace and told him and asked if he needed to call Snake or Sandman and Ace told him no that they were all together and he would fill them in and call him back if they had any instructions for him. BG said my plan is to take her to my house when she gets off work unless y'all need me to do something different. Ace said that was a great idea since he had the gates, it was a lot better than her apartment. If they found out anything they would let him know. BG told Ace he had another week before having to go back on tour and if Remi agreed as long as this was going on he'd take her with him. He had to ask her but was waiting to see how it all played out. Ace said as of now that would be fine cause even when BG was performing he had PJ to be with her. They hung up with BG promising to let them know when they made it to his house.

The rest of Remi's shift was busy with heart attack, car accidents, ruptured appendix and a couple of bar fights with a stabbing . Remi gave report on the patient she had when her shift was over to Danielle. She collected BG and they got in his truck and he told her that they were going to his house after collecting her things from her apartment. They would be there in45 minutes and she could sleep on the way and crash when they got there. She asked if he talked to Ace and he told her yes and Ace agreed his house would be better than her apartment one because its secluded and has gates. She agreed with them besides she was off work till they figured this mess out with the Angels. When they got to her apartment she packed her bags and then jumped in the shower. She put her hair in a messy bun and pulled on leggings and a oversize tshirt that said Reaper Princess on it and slipped on her flip flops. It took her all of 20 minutes and they were back on the road. Remi leaned against B and he put his arm around her and told her to rest. She fell asleep and when he stopped the truck, she woke up. It was 8:45 am and she was ready to stretch out and so was BG. He opened the door and reset his alarm and took her to his bedroom where she took off her bra and leggings and then crawled in the bed. BG pulled the black out curtains together and stripped to his boxer briefs and crawled in behind her and pulled her to him. They were both asleep in less than 10 minutes.

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