Chapter 4 First Glimpse

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Remi and the girls yell and clap as the music starts and Remi looks at them and said I love this song I just never knew who sung it. She looks up and her and Kim looked at each other and say at the same time OH MY GOD!!!
The other girls look at them and Kim yells to be heard over the music, "That's Remi's sex on a stick guy". They all look and start nodding their heads in agreement.
BG starts the song Kick it in the Sticks and is singing when he sees the blonde Ben described and then he stops in front of her and raises an eyebrow at her while singing and Ben nods. She looks up and he's shocked it's his sweet nurse Remi. Keep it together you have a show and can talk to her later.
Remi doesn't know the next song but she likes it Small Town Throw Down and is dancing and feels someone come up behind her and put their hands on her waist . She stops and turns around removing the hands that belong to a sleazy guy who is obviously drunk already . Remi tells him to not touch her and move along. BG notices and sees Snake making his way to them. He keeps on singing and stays pretty close in case he has to step in before Snake can make his way the front.
The guy puts his hands on Remi again and leans in trying to kiss her and Remi takes him down to his knees in one move, Snake nods and tells he he will take out the trash for her to go back to having fun. She turns around and sees BG grinning from ear to ear shaking his head. She shrugs her shoulders and smiles.
BG said this next song is one I stand behind and I firmly believe in the 2nd Ammendment and support it whole heartedly. With that being said those of you here last night saw that I back up these words. There will never be a man lay his hands on a woman in my presence and me just stand by and watch. I'm sorry I had to cut the show short last night but I had to be checked out at the hospital. I had the best nurse ever and she had the touch of an Angel. I said that to say she is here tonight and I just want to say thank you. Now I promised you another night so I will be doing another set at 11 tonight.

       BG sings Read me my Rights,Lights of my hometown , You don't know her like I do, Let it Ride, Halfway to Heaven, Hell on Wheels, I'm Gone and ends the set with Bottoms Up

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BG sings Read me my Rights,Lights of my hometown , You don't know her like I do, Let it Ride, Halfway to Heaven, Hell on Wheels, I'm Gone and ends the set with Bottoms Up. Remi knows that song so she's singing along with him and he bends down and gets close sharing the mic and in his amazement she sounds good. They have been flirting this whole time.
The girls make their way to the table and as soon as they sit down another round of 4 beers is brought and 2 shots. The waitress asks if they need anything else Remi asked for a coke.
Snake walks over and said sorry Remington that I didn't get there before you had to take him down. She grinned at him and told him it wasn't a big deal because she needed to practice so she didn't get rusty, that she really didn't have to drop him like that. Then she introduced Snake to the girls and asked if he wanted to join them for a drink. He said he would in a bit when the crowd thinned out some. Liz said that man is sex on a stick.
What is up with you ladies and sex on a stick? BG asks . Kim laughs and so does Remi. Remi takes her shot and said "maybe we just call it like we see them BG"
BG said may I join you? They make room for him next to Remi. She looks at him and said I had no idea that you were a singer and apparently famous as well. I know a couple of the songs but never caught who sung them but she loved them all.
He laughed and said that was nice to hear, and I didn't know put together that Remi and Nurse Slade was the Remington Slade I have heard about the last several years.
Remi smiles and says that is something that most people around here don't know. As you know I haven't been home in 4 years.
I'm sorry if my friendship with the Reapers has caused you problems by bringing them here. She grinned at him and said no it hasn't it has made me realize I miss home and should not have stayed away this long.
I'm glad to hear that and I know the old man will be too, said Ace. Remi jumped up and hugged him tight. He tells her in her ear, BG isn't what you had before sweetheart. He really is a good guy. Rough on the outside but like most of us. Remi pulls back and smiles.
     Ace sits down and starts talking to the ladies and then Snake comes over for a drink with them. The band joins them for a drink. Remi still has one shot sitting on the table saving it. She has been drinking her coke. They are all having a good time when they hear "hello ladies it's nice seeing you here" they all groan and Liz said Dr Jordan we are having a girls night out so please move along.
     Dr Jordan said Well I don't think this is just ladies, or is it? Ace starts to get up but Remi puts her hand on his arm and she stands up, "Dr Jordan we are having a girls night out and we would like for you to move along. These men are our guests, you are not. We may have to tolerate you at work but we don't here. So either move on your own or else"
   " Babe, you know that you are just playing hard to get just give in and stop this nonsense." Dr Jordan replied.
     " First of all I am not your babe and if you call me that ever again here or at the hospital you will regret it. Second I cannot stand you and would never be with you if you were the last person on earth. And Finally if you must know the truth you can't handle me, it takes a real man to be able to handle The Reaper Princess Remington Slade and everyone here knows you aren't a real man. So like I said move along."
      Dr Jordan said "you bitch how dare you talk to me like that who in the hell do you think you are?"
       Remi said, " I just told you who I was but like always you didn't listen so I will say one last time. I am Remington Slade the Reapers Motorcycle Club Princess. In case you don't know what that means I will enlighten you. My dad is the President of the club and his name is Sandman Slade. My brother right here is Ace Slade and he is the Vice President. The guy right over there is called Snake and he is the enforcer of the club. So when I tell you I am biker royalty then you better listen cause they ain't nobody dumb enough in 5 states to go against the Reapers. So you better watch your mouth before one of them takes offense on how you talk to the Princess. Like I said before move along"
  Dr Jordan has turned red and raises his hand to slap Remi and she takes him down with one swift move. He is on the floor and all the men are standing up pissed off, she leans over and said I warned youDr Jordan so say good night I'm not the Sandmans daughter for no reason. She presses a point and he is unconscious.
            Snake can you please take the trash out? Snake walks over and whispers in her ear, " I forgot that you are hot as fuck when you go biker bitch on someone. "  Remi looks at Snake and says "We are not going there Snake that ship done sailed besides you told me earlier you would need a paper bag to cover my face." Ace moves toward Snake and Snake says I'm going to take him to Axel.
             Kim said okay girl you haven't told us any of that why?
    Remi said I left 4 years ago and cut almost all contact with them. There are things that happened that I will not talk about so don't ask. The fact that I told you all this much well it means that I am finally healed about a lot of things.
     BG was rubbing  circles on her leg and it felt great! She wanted to lean over into him and rub him all over. She forgot that biker bitch made her horny and the fact that other than her vibrator she had been celibate for 4 years.
     She took her other shot and BG looked at her and asked how many was that and what are you shooting? She told him that was 4 and Jim Beam. He raised an eyebrow. She said 4 is my limit when I haven't drank in a while. And I have always taken 2 at a time blame the MC. BG just grinned .
     Ace said " I need to talk to you so can you walk back with me since its time to get them in the back?"

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