Chapter 59 Bonfire

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  BG had gotten up early to go hunting with Justin and Kolby, so Remi slept in knowing that tonight would be a late one with the bonfire.
     Remi was in the house doing some prep work for the cookout when BG text her and told her to come to the shed. She knew one of them must have killed a good one and she was betting it was BG. Remi walked outside and was making her way to the shed when she saw them all in their camo. She smiled cause she knew BG was in his element hunting and being home. She walked over and hugged him and he took her to the back room where he had set up to clean anything he killed or caught. As soon as he opened the door Remi took off running outside and vomitted everything in her stomach up. She was standing there dry heaving when Kolby brought her a bottle of water. BG came up and said," Baby I'm so sorry I didn't think about that." Remi smiled," it's okay we didn't know but not going to repeat that so someone show me the picture of that beast and the man who killed it."
   Justin showed her the picture and it was Brantley with a 14 point deer. Justin said," Didn't think you would be squeamish since you are a trauma nurse."
Remi replied," I'm not squeamish over that, the smell of the blood made me sick. So I guess it's a good thing that I'm not working now cause I would be sick all the time for the next 7-8 months."
     Justin started to say something then you could see he caught what she was saying and he started grinning and slapped BG on the back and said,"Congratulations y'all , wait that means you have a honeymoon baby"
       BG smiled and said," no man we have honeymoon babies"
   Justin said," oh shit more than 1, Remi how you gonna deal with 2 more of him running around?"
    Remi laughed," Now Justin we are telling everyone tonight at the bonfire so don't tell anyone till then okay."
   Justin replied," yes ma'am"
BG kissed her and told her he was gonna handle the deer and then come in to shower and help get everything ready for the cookout.
Remi told him she was going to grab something to eat and then rest until it was time to finish everything.

   When BG walked into the bedroom he saw Remi in just a tank top and panties asleep their bed. He went in and got a shower and wrapped a towel around him, before walking to the closer to grab some clothes. Remi spoke up and said," drop the towel baby and let me look"
BG did as he was told and turned around so she could see it all. She smiled at him and took her tank top off. He walked to the bed and kissed her while cupping her breasts in his hands. When he did this Remi moaned and deepened the kiss. That was all it took for BG to rip her panties off with his bare hands and begin a trail of kisses down her neck to her breasts while his finger slipped down her slit to find that she was already drenched in her juices. He began to rub her nub and it caused her hips to buck as he was going from one breast to the other. He slipped a finger inside her and she came moaning his name. Remi sat up and pushed his shoulders back and climes on top of him. She leaned down to kiss him while he grabbed her as sand squeezed. She rubbed against his rigid cock and moaned again before lifting up and sliding down on top of him. She began to ride and threw her head back as BG guided her up and down using his grip on her hips. Remi touched her nub and begin to rub and she rode him. That was all it took for BG to see her pleasure herself while riding him and he filled her up as she came again. He pulled her down and wrapped his arms around her and whispered that he loved her. She kissed his chest and traced his tattoo on his chest. BG rubbed circles on her back and reached down and squeezed her butt. She told him not to do that if he wasn't gonna finish it. BG looked at her and she said," What I can't help that I want you 24/7 I mean I was like that before pregnancy and all this has done is make me even more sex crazed babe"
   BG said," Well I'm all about pleasing you darlin' " and he rolled her over and enters her from behind. He reaches around and pinches her nipple with one hand while rubbing her nub with the other and as soon as he did that Remi screams his name. He continues his rhythm slow and steady and she feels herself climbing again and he tells her," babying not gonna last much longer" she tells him to cum inside her and he immediately grains her name and as soon as she felt him release she went over the edge again. BG has her spooned against him holding her and just enjoying the time they have. They hear the doorbell ring and he grabs his phone and said,"oh shit that's Thomas and Lauren I bet. I lost track of time." He tells Remi that he will go get the door and be right back. 
   Remi gets up and heads to the bathroom turning on the hot water. BG comes in and jumps in just washing off so he didn't smell like sex. He gives her a kiss and tells her it was just Kolby but people will be arriving soon. She smiles and said," I know but even if it was the it was worth it baby." He smirks at her and said,"I aim to please"
   Remi gets in and showers and when she gets out she puts on a matching bra and panty set. She dries her hair and does big curls and puts on her makeup. When she goes to put her jeans on she can't get them buttoned for the baby bump she has, even though she is only 10 weeks she looks like she is 4 months. If she wears fitted clothes you can definitely tell it's a baby bump.
BG comes in and says," I'm not trying to rush you but baby everyone is already here"
   She looks at him and said," That's good cause we are gonna have to tell them first thing cause my pants won't button and these are the most loose ones I have. So I'm gonna have to wear leggings and the tshirt that says "Eating for Three" and it also means I've got to go shopping tomorrow. I really thought it would be longer than 10 weeks even with twins."
BG said," Okay I will go round everyone up around the deck and you put on the tshirt and my button up and come on out.
    BG gets everyone's attention and said," I'm glad that we all could get together tonight and celebrate another holiday." Remi walked out and put her arm around him. He hugged her and continues" this year has been one of the very best for us and it just keeps getting better. We are blessed to have you all and we have something we want to share with you all."
    Remi unbuttons the flannel and drops it and everyone reads her shirt. The ladies squeal and jump up and down. The guys start to holler.
BG and Remi stand there and he said," for those of you who are slow read and to understand, Thomas& Luke we are expecting twins in July but doc said to plan mid June."
  They were then bombarded with people congratulating them.
   Remi explained to the girls that they had to tell now instead of later cause her pants decided not to fit today. Miranda said," are you showing"
Remi pulled her shirt tight and Caroline said "you look 4-5 months not 2 1/2." Remi said," I know I've got to go shopping tomorrow for clothes cause I am not wearing leggings and a tshirt the next 6 months." Caroline said," Girls day" they all agreed and helped Remi with the food and setting it out.
    The drinks were flowing seeing that it was about 10 pm and Luke had a good buzz going you could tell and he yelled," BG didn't know you had it in you man, that must be some pretty potent stuff brother to make 2 babies"
Justin was drunk and said," aw Luke you know he's gotta make up some way for being little"
BG said," Guys I ain't lacking in any area, I mean my wife is the one carrying twins, and it happened on the honeymoon. And can I ask what you did this afternoon before coming here?"
They both answered," Just hung out at home"
BG said," Well boys while y'all were hanging out I was taking care of my woman, if you know what I mean."
Remi was embarrassed but she knew how they all were and so did their wives. She told the girls to watch this and winked. They all got up cause they knew it was gonna be good.
    Remi walked over to BG and kissed him hard on the mouth and started running her hands over him and copped a feel of his manhood. When she did that he grabbed her hands and said," we have company"
Remi smiled and said," so I just heard you bragging about taking care of your woman and I'm telling you right now baby that I want you so are you gonna take care of me or not?" He let her hands go and grabbed her butt as he pulled her close to kiss her. She took that opportunity to undo his belt and he grabbed her hands again and growled, "Remington don't" She batted her eyelashes and said," Dont what baby, I thought my man was all about taking care of me or was that just for show and she grabbed his balls and gave a gentle squeeze. BG turned red and he said," okay I get it I'm sorry baby I shouldn't have said that forgive me?"  Remi walked back toward the girls and put a little more sashay in her walk. BG just stood and watched and then turned back to the guys and said," I'm one damned lucky man y'all." Then he hit Luke and Justin in the back of the head and said, "next time keep your damn mouths shut." Which caused the rest of them to laugh.
     They enjoyed the time with their friends. Everyone started leaving at 11:00 pm cause the women told the men they needed to so Remi could get off her feet.  They said their goodbyes and the girls told her they would pick her up at 11:00am tomorrow.
BG picked her up bridal style and took her upstairs after locking everything up.

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