Chapter 49 Family time

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  Remi and BG walked out to the picnic tables and were talking with Axel and Sandman about the celebration tomorrow and the party afterward. Sandman told Remi that they expected 200 plus people to come through tomorrow night. Every charter was sending delegates that would be at the ceremony tomorrow at 5pm.
   Sandman was called away to see to some business. Snake sat down and took Sandman's place talking to BG and Remi. He asked them where they went this last week and Remi laughed. She said," Through the woods from the ceremony about a mile. From the road about 5 miles away at the cabin by the pond. No phone service, no TV except for movies and the prettiest scenery. Was the best time not having our phones going off all the time."
   Snake looked at BG and said," I hear you brother keeping your woman all to yourself, but I figured y'all would go where no one could get to you."
BG laughed," We did no one knew where we were going except Kolby because no one knows about the cabin yet. I had it built the last 3 months well it was there just had to be updated and I had a rush put on it since she wanted to get married in October."
Snake asked if the car was the only present. BG just laughed and said"No it wasn't"
Remi smiled and said," I'm surprised you haven't spotted it Snake."
Snake started looking at her for a piece of jewelry and Remi stands up and turns around in a circle and Snake says," Hells bells Remi you got ink! What happened to y'all can do that all you want but I'm not marking my body up?"
  BG looked at her and said," you felt that way and did it any way?"
   Remi replied," That's not all of the statement, i said I'm not marking my body up unless it has a special meaning and then it's gonna be something I know is gonna last forever. Because I have watched Snake fix tattoo after tattoo because they were drunk or thought the flavor of month was the one."
  Snake said, " Can I see it BG?"
BG grinned, " Sure man I don't care"
Remi rolled her pants down so he could see the whole tattoo.
Snake looked at the tattoo and said "Is that your fingerprint BG? And why this placement?"
Remi said," yes it is and you want to show him B?"
BG grinned and placed his hands and pulled her to him. Snake just laughed and asked whose idea was this?
BG said," Believe it or not hers, she came up with all on her own and had it done as a surprise wedding present."
Snake high fives her and said," I love it but a little upset that I didn't get the chance to do it but whoever did it was a great artist."
Remi said," Go ahead since we are doing show and tell BG and share your new ink"
BG undone his pants and pulled it down so Snake could see his tattoo right above his hip bone. Snake grinned and said," I love it and I'm guessing those are Remi's lipprints and I know it's her signature"
BG said," yeah man it is"
Ace walked up and said," Woah is that my sisters lips and signature?"
They all laughed and said yeah . Snake said,"wait till you see Remi's ink"
Ace looked a her and said," Come on sis let me see"
She Showed Ace and he said," I love it Remi and Im guessing that is where his thumb is when he pulls you to him."
She laughed and said," yeah it is"
Snake said," I'm gonna get a drink y'all want something?"
Remi said," yeah get us a Mt Dew each brother"
Snake raised his eyebrow at Remi and said," something we need to know"
Remi said," I'm on meds and can't drink"
Snake looked at her and then nodded and went to get their drinks.
   They just sat around and talked watching the kids of the MC play. BG asked if it was like this when Remi and Ace were young. Remi smiled and said," I would say yeah but worse cause Grizzly and I were holy terrors always pushing the limits as daredevils. I'm not sure if we ever had a get together that one of us didn't end up with stitches, concussion or broken bone."
   Ace said," You thought I was joking but my whole life was spent trying to keep those two out of trouble and not killing themselves. For example, they get the bright idea that they can climb the tree and ride their bicycles down the trunk. Well that time Grizz broke his arm because he was the guy and gonna go first. Or the time they were 5 and climbed the swing set and both jumped off the top and Remi broke her arm then. I have literally tried to keep them alive when they were younger. They had no fear and were so badass they had to prove it to everyone."
Remi laughed at Ace and said," We always were badass and that won't ever change big brother. Remember when you caught us drinking at 14 and had a fit. I still don't understand all of that one."
Ace said," Remi when you were 14 you were already built baby sister and y'all were drinking at a party here with a lot of other clubs present. That was your I'm gonna try everything phase and you and Grizz were drinking because y'all had kissed each other so you could practice in case you needed the experience. I had just stomped a members ass because he had talked about bending you over his bike and fucking you. He had no clue your age and so yeah I was pissed off that night. I wanted to have a good time but instead I had to listen to them talk about you. At first I thought they were talking about someone else and me being a guy wanted to see. Well you can imagine how pissed I was when it was my sister who was supposed to be at home in the bed but her and her best friend had snuck out to the MC party. So now you know the rest of the story sis."
   BG laughed and said," Man you did have your hands full but my question is how did Sandman not end up in jail over her if she was that wild."
   Ace said," Well it wasn't too bad until mom died, she was able to keep Remi under control. It was after and it took the whole damn MC most of the time after she hit puberty. Snake was a godsend when Dad ordered him on protection detail at 15. It was like he knew her as well as Grizzly did, could locate her if she snuck off, and could sometimes predict what she was gonna do before she did it. Looking back I see the connection, then I was just glad to have help with her. Don't get me wrong Remi, I loved you then but you were a pain in my ass. I don't know how many times you cock blocked me with your shenanigans, Snake too. Grizzly would call about her and we went running. Sandman didn't know half of what we got her out of so yeah and that was a bloody time because we were at war with the Angels. So we did what our first priority was and that was protect the princess. I will say this BG when y'all have kids get ready, you gonna pay for that hellraiser you married. If y'all have a girl then I imagine you will be in jail if she looks like her momma."
BG said," thanks Ace, couldn't you have told me this before I married her? "
  Remi laughed and said," you ain't no saint babe, I'm pretty sure you walked into my ER after a barroom brawl."
BG laughs and said," yes I did and that was the best damn thing that happened that night meeting you."
It was late and Remi started yawning and told them she was turning in. BG followed behind her because he knew tomorrow would be a long day and night."

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