Chapter 9 Party for the Princess

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       It is now 6pm and the barbecue part of the party has started. The ol ladies did good getting it all together. All the club members and families are outside in the common are playing and enjoying the weather. This part of the party was always Remi's favorite. It was here where she felt loved and that nothing could have ever hurt her, the biggest reason behind that is none of the club whores were ever invited to this part. As she walks from group to group catching up with her family, she keeps an eye on BG. He really hasn't moved from his spot by the grill talking to her dad and brother.

         He really meant what he said to her, no one has ever thought enough about her to be willing to go toe to toe with Sandman. He catches her looking at him and raises an eyebrow causing her to grin. As she is making her way over to them, she is stopped by Tiny. Tiny is not so little. He stands 6'8" and is 300 pounds of solid muscle. He tells her he would like to introduce her to his ol lady Sharon.     

     Remi stops and sits down to get to know her a little bit. Sharon owns the dress shop she saw when they rolled into town. She asks if they have any children and Sharon told her no that they are enjoying each other right now before having kids. Remi told her that was a good thing. Sharon said yeah well not everyone here thinks that. Remi asked her to explain. Sharon explained how Janice the one in charge of the women said that the ol ladies were supposed to always be pregnant or trying to get that way for the good of the club. Remi laughed and rolled her eyes, my momma would have a fit if she heard someone spew that crap. I remember her telling me that when I got older to take care of my man and love him with all I had cause if a man knew he was loved then he would always have a reason to come home. When you have a reason to come home then you fight harder to protect the club cause that is home. Tiny said, "our baby girl has grown up. You know Remi you look so much like your momma. I know you may not want to hear this but I got to say it, you leaving and cutting contact hurt Sandman really bad. It hurt us all baby girl. The biggest reason is you got hurt right under our noses, on our turf ,by one of our own. So some of the older members may be a little more protective so cut them some slack okay ?"
       Remi smiles and hugs Tiny and tells him that she will keep that in mind but if they will excuse her she was gonna get something to drink and find her ol man. Remi walks to the coolers sitting on the grass and is looking for a Mt Dew when someone pops her on the ass. She jerks up and her face breaks into a grin and she is engulfed in a bear hug by Grizzly.      

       Grizzly was her partner in crime growing up. They got into more trouble than the club could get them out of sometimes. He was one of the ones she had kept in contact with over the past 4 years. Grizzly was the VPs son back then. The club lost him when they were 16, that was what changed a lot of things in her life. That was the reason she became a nurse. She swore she would never be helpless again when it came to saving someone she loved. Grizzly said I don't get a text or call saying hey brother I'm coming home? What's up with that shit Remi? She laughed and said Griz I just decided last night when I ran into those 3 doing security that it was past time. I'm 26 years old and time to face up to the past so I can move on to the future. Grizzly said " I guess it must have something to do with the big guy over there that's looking at me telling me to get my hands off his woman or he's gonna stomp my ass huh?" Remi said yeah come on I want you to meetBG.
     Remi walks up to BG and said BG I want you to meet my best friend growing up this is Grizzly. Grizzly this is my ol man Brantley Gilbert. They eye each other and shake hands. Grizzly said "good luck with this one you gonna need it. She can get in more things than I could keep her out of" Remi smiled and said " I don't ever remember hearing you complain back then. And half the time I was into something cause of you " Ace walks up and groaned, "BG keep them apart, they find trouble just doing nothing. Half my time was spent getting them out of scrapes and messes." Remi stuck her tongue out at Ace and grinned.
      BG puts his arm around her and whispers in her ear" you look happy and relaxed Rem you can tell you love these people" Remi leans into BG kissing him and tells him" this is my favorite part. The family part , the part I hate is what comes next the wild party with the alcohol and fights and club whores. That I could do without, but I know it's part of it. I just don't have to like it. " BG nodded.  Sandman walks up and sits down to eat asking Grizzly if everything went smoothly on the run. Grizzly told him that it did. Grizzly asks if they had entertainment tonight and Sandman nodded that they did and pointed to BG. Remi looked at him and said no he's with me tonight daddy. Don't worry princess he's not the only one I just asked if he would sing a few like he has in the past and he agreed . Remi knew she wasn't going to win.
     She stood up and said then I am going to steal him for a few minutes since it's almost time for that part of the night. Remi knew the live entertainment would happen inside and that was the signal of transition, the kids went home the club whores and other MC's would show up to party. Remi said " I need to ask you something and I need honesty B so I go in with my eyes open tonight and I'm not blindsided okay. Have you been with anyone here, club whores or hang arounds? I know it is in the past and I'm not trying to be petty I just have to know what to prepare for so I'm not caught flat footed" BG looks at her and said "Rem I promise you I haven't had sex or let them suck my dick. Not one of the club whores or hang arounds, I will tell you that I have had one in particular that keeps trying every time I come here, and it's Candy. The others pretty much leave me alone when I don't show interest. Every other time I came I had a fiancé back home. "  Remi said" good it's nice to know but why did it have to be her? She and I don't get along at all so she will be after you when she finds out your mine." BG kisses her and tells her that she just needs to remember that he is going home with her. She grins and said "can I introduce you tonight? " "Sure Darlin that would be great"

    The club is packed now and the local band is pretty good. BG and Remi have spent time on the dance floor and hanging out with her family. It's time for him and Remi makes her way to the stage to introduce him. She stands in front of the microphone and said "Thank you all for coming tonight. Some of you may not know who I am so let me introduce myself to you , I am Remington Slade and the Princess of the Reapers. Tonight we are celebrating my return home after 4 years. I have missed you all and I am so glad to be here. Now for the highlight of the night I would like to introduce you to country music's outlaw singer and my ol man Brantley Gilbert. BG runs on stage and kisses Remi until someone yells get a room. He grins and as she was walking off popped her on the ass. He leans in the mic and said that's all mine boys hands off. He has his guitar and sings Small Town Throwdown, Do What the Night Wants, Bending the Rules and Breakinb the Law , Grown Ass Man, Bottoms up.  As Remi is standing at the bar drinking a coke she looks over the crowd of people, her family. Sandman walks up and tells her he has been knowing BG for a few years now and she picked a good one. She leans into her dad and tells him she loves him and is sorry for leaving for so long. He squeezes her and said I know you had to have a reason and I will be here ready to listen when you want to tell me baby girl.
     The crowd is a little rowdy but not out of hand. Remi makes her way to the living quarters to use the restroom when she hears someone say her name.
   "I don't know who that bitch thinks she is, she can't come waltzing backin here after 4 years like her shit don't stink. She left this club and She needs to stay gone. Walking around here shaking that ass at every brother and then get up there and call BG her ol  man. I guess someone's gonna have to take that skanky ass down a notch or two. Won't be the first time I did it and I guess I will do it again."

    " What are you talking about Candy?"

" Well she went running before after she realized she was just a glorified whore. That princess title didn't mean a damn thing to most of the brothers. Without a patch she's fair game like the rest to do as she's told. I mean Snake took the prize though he took her vCard and that little tramp thought it meant something told people they were together while he was banging 4&5 girls a day on a run. Everyone had a good laugh over that especially when Digger showed her the pictures and told her she was for whoever wanted her and he wanted her. He had to get a little rough and  put her in her place but he got what he wanted and I saw the video. Might have to find that and show it on the big screen."
   Remi backs up not realizing someone was behind her or that tears were streaming down her face. She hits a brick wall and has run into Snake. She looks at him with horror on her face and he goes to hug her and she backs away and runs around him. He goes after her and gets to the crowd and sees her headed for the door BG is just finishing when he catches sight of Remi and he goes after her. Snake yells for Ace and Grizzly. They ask what's wrong, he tells them to clear this place out need a meeting with Candy and Digger that some things have just come to light and Remi is running again. Sandman comes up and tells everyone the party is over they have church in 10 minutes. Candy and Lila walk out of the back and ask what's going on. Snake grabs Candy's arm and said you got a lot to answer for bitch. Lila backs away and Ace grabs her arm and tells her to get on the couch and don't move.

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