Chapter 64 Finding out and Party Planning

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          Today is the day they find out what the gender of the babies are, BG is bouncing off the walls driving Remi crazy. She looks at him and tells him to sit his ass down, that they would leave as soon as she got ready and she couldn't do that as long as he was pacing around. He looked at her and said,"I will wait on you downstairs" Remi finishes her hair and make up and grabs her purse and slips on her boots. When she got downstairs BG was pacing around the living room. She went up behind him and placed her arms around his waist and laid her head on his back. He stopped and got completely still. "I'm sorry Remi, I'm nervous about today and I'm excited and I'm scared. I mean what if they tell us that we are having girls?"

Remi laughed, "Then we will buy pink bedding instead of blue and we will pick out girl names. You will be a great dad B, no matter if it is girls or boys. Now let's go find out so we can plan how to tell everyone."

 At Dr. Williams office they were taken straight back to a room. He came in and did the exam and asked how she was feeling. Remi told him that she felt great. He smiled, "this is the fun part of pregnancy, morning sickness is over and hormones are high, but I will caution you still with carrying twins not to overdo it. Now are you two ready to take a look at these babies?" They both nodded and Dr Williams placed the probe on her stomach as they all watched the screen and heard the heartbeats. BG squeezed Remi's hand as they heard it. Dr Williams said" It looks like daddy needs to get his guns cleaned cause if these little girls look like their momma he will need it." Remi has tears in her eyes and looks at BG and he is wiping tears and said," I'm gonna end up in jail" They laugh and get the pictures Dr Williams hands them. Dr Williams tells Remi that she is almost halfway through and he is pleased with her progress. To keep doing what she is doing and he will see her again in February before they start tour.

   As they leave the doctor's office BG said," Lets get some food and plan a get together to tell everyone, I have a great idea on how we can do it together," Remi smiled, she knew she was in trouble they weren't even born and they had their daddy wrapped around their little fingers. As they ate BG explained what he wanted to do and Remi loved it and threw in a couple of her own ideas. The planned it for next Saturday and Remi called the printer to see if they could pick up the invitations before they headed home. So that gave them 2 hours to kill so off to Babies R Us it was. Remi had the best time with B buying things and planning the nursery. He ordered what he wanted, they picked out the paint and he was going to get started this evening.  They went to the printers and then stopped and picked up stamps and put the invitations in the mail. They ordered the cake and had the writing to say "We're here for the sex" It was in Pink and Blue.

The invitation said:  

You are invited to a SEX Party!

Not that kind of party! Don't be gross!

WE have found out what  kind of apparatus our babies are growing in there. Well, what greater reason to celebrate with our friends than the graduation ot it-hood to "He" or "She" ness

When: Saturday January 25 4:00pm

Where: Our Home

Who: You and others like you who are glad we are not asexual beings

What: A sex party, guess the sex, win a prize

Come dressed in pink or blue to cast your vote!

            When they get home BG changes and goes to the babies room and locks the door. He told Remi he wanted to do it and this way no one walks in on it by mistake cause hew knows his momma will be over trying to find out. He works for several hours and Remi is working on the gender reveal party getting the caterers set up and making sure she had invited everyone.  She was tired and headed upstairs. She knocked on the door and told BG she was heading to bed. He told her he had one more wall and then he was coming to bed.

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