Chapter 40 Recovery

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BG wakes up and sees that Remi is still sleeping. He gets his shower and packs their bags except for Remi some traveling clothes. He goes to wake her up and she wakes up and said," I need a shower but I know I will need help so can you help me B?"
   "Yes baby that's why I'm waking you up so I can help you and we make it to the plane. I love you !" Said B.
   Remi makes her way to the bathroom and BG turns the water on to warm up and helps her get undressed. She steps in the shower and he helps wash her hair and shower. He dries her off and she checks the incisions and puts dressings on them. She thanks him for her clothes. He left her some loose black yoga pants a sports bra and tank top and his deer farmer sweat shirt. She dries her hair and puts it in a ponytail and grabs a ball cap. She does a little light make up. She walks out and asks if they had time to get something to eat and B grinned at her and told her it was on the way up.
     They ate breakfast she took her meds and told BG she was ready to go. He grabbed their bag and her hand and went to check out. They get into the rental and head to the airport.
      On the way they discuss how to tell his fans cause rumors have been going like wildfire. Remi's said" just tell them I had to have a minor surgical procedure and I'm fine and recovering. That I had some scar tissue from an accident that had started bothering me. We don't have to tell them it's because I want to have a baby with you.  Since we are talking about babies I want to know what you think about me and a baby touring with you, from the get go. I know that some don't but I know that it has been done that way you don't miss much and we are a family. Now I know there will be times we can't but I think it's something I would want to do, but how do you feel about it?"
     BG smiled and said," I love that idea and when they get in school I will cut down my touring to breaks and vacations and I mean I will do some during the school year but kinda like Tim has done with his girls. I think we can make it work Remi."
     Remi smiles, " we can do anything as long as we are together. Next question would be when do you want to try?"
    BG said," I don't want to actively try right away but maybe after we have been married a year. Although if it happened before then I would be so happy Remi, you know that. I'm like you I want to enjoy us a little bit first."
    Remi said,"so where are we going on our honey moon?" BG laughed," Good try girl but no dice."  Remi looked at him with sad eyes and poked out lip, BG said," Baby you know I will tell you anything, do anything for you but please let me do this and surprise you. Let me make something special for you."
     "Well since you put it like that how can I not, I love you!" Remi told him. 
      They arrived at the airport and returned the rental car and headed to the private plane section. They were recognized but thankfully no one stopped them. They met the pilot and boarded. They had a 4 hour flight so BG set his alarm for 2 hours so Remi would be able to get up and walk around to help prevent blood clots. He helped her lay back and get comfortable so she could rest. He sent Jeff a text that they were on the plane and should land in 4 hours.
        Remi woke up and silenced BG's alarm and she got up and walked back and forth for 15 minutes while she checked social media and saw that Jeff had put out a statement and that B had took a picture of her and asked everyone to say a prayer as she recovers and to know that they feel the love from everyone.
      She took a picture of B sleeping and posted it with the caption I'm so blessed to have such a great man. He's been up all night taking care of me. Thank you all and he will see you tonight BG Nation!  She answered the texts she had and touched base with David and he said it was all under control for her to take care of herself and not overdo. She started hurting pretty bad so she took her pain medicine and lay back down curling up close as she could to BG.
     The pilot announced that they were about to land could they please buckle up. They do as he asked. BG thanks them for a wonderful flight and gets their bag and takes Remi's hand and helps her down the steps. PJ is there waiting on them with BG's truck. They help Remi in the truck PJ gets in back behind her and BG drives to the venue. PJ told him Jeff said to go straight to sound check, BG looked back at PJ and said I will just as soon as I get Remi on the bus. Remi told him that PJ could help her get on the bus so he could go to sound check. BG looked at her and said," I know he can but he ain't going to I am you are my fiancé and I'm taking care of you Jeff can kiss my ass cause 15 minutes ain't gonna make a difference on sound check. Now I'm not talking about it any more."
      They pull into the bus area and BG hops out and comes to Remi's side and helps her out while PJ gets their bag. When they make it to the front of the truck the whole band piles out of BG's bus and they have a sign welcoming Remi back and a get well sign. She cries a little and stops to hug each of them . BG gets her settled in bed and told her to rest that he would be back soon. BG told PJ to stay with her and to radio if anything happened.
     He bounced off the bus and looked at his band and said, " let's do this boys".
BG did sound check and then he went to the bus and checked on Remi, she was still sleeping so he got ready for his VIP set and asked PJ if he was okay staying with Remi. PJ told him that he was fine and would take good care of her, not to worry he would let him know if anything changes. BG hugged him and told him and left to meet Jeff for the VIP.

Remi woke up and checked the time. She was late, BG had a VIP session and she needed to get there. She went to the bathroom and cleaned up and put some makeup on and straitened her hair in her ponytail. She was looking for something to wear that wouldn't rub so she settled for a maxi dress and some flat sandals. She grabbed her pass and stepped out of the back to find PJ sitting at the table with a sandwich and glass of tea waiting on her. She said, "thanks PJ." He said," I knew there was no sense trying to argue with you about not going and you haven't eaten so eat up and I will take you to your man, but if he tries to kill me can you still do the move to knock him out?" Remi laughed and said," I got your back PJ thanks for having mine. I haven't missed one yet and I'm not about to start. Can you take my meds in your pocket so I don't have to carry anything? " PJ said," sure hand them over." They finished eating and Remi was ready to go. PJ helped her down the steps and said let's take the cart today Remi. She agreed and he drove them to the venue and helped her out of the cart.
When she got in the VIP experience had already started so she slipped in the back and PJ got her a chair. BG was still answering questions and the next person asked about Remi.
Q: Was Remi having surgery scary for you and is she doing okay ?
A: I can't lie I was scared, I love that girl and it was a minor thing but when they go over all the things that might happen it kinda freaks you out. She is doing good, and I can see that I have my work cut out for me since she's not one for following rules. (He said that as he spotted her in the back and raised his eyebrow. )

BG said," Can y'all give me just a minute"as he gets up and starts toward her. She stands up and he pulls her in for a hug and said,"you need to be resting" she said," I feel good and I haven't missed one not about to start." BG said "will you come up front with me baby" Remi nodded and followed him up front where he got her on a stool next to him.
"Thank you all for giving me those few minutes I've asked Remi to join me up here even though she's supposed to be resting. Now more questions?"
Q: Is Remi a good patient?
A: Yes and no, as you can see she's here and not supposed to be in big crowds just yet but she hasn't missed a VIP session or set since she's been on the road and she said she wasn't about to start now. But yes she does what the dr says pretty much.
Q: Why did you go back to Atlanta for the procedure instead of just having it done if it needed to be done right away?
A: (Remi looked at BG and he nodded) Well my doctor is in Atlanta and I'm sure most of you have a regular doctor and know that relationship is important. It wasn't an emergency and being a trauma nurse I knew that. I went for an appointment but he could do it so we went ahead to get it done and out of the way."

Q: Since you are here Remi how are wedding plans going?
A: They are great, coming together

BG said," How about I sing a couple of songs for y'all now?"
He sung Grown Ass Man and You Don't Know Her Like I Do. They walked out the curtain. He said,"You okay?" Remi smiles"Yes let's get to your dressing room , we have the cart"
They got to the dressing room and she lays down on the couch with her head in his lap. Different ones come in and out and then Jeff said he was on in 10minutes. They headto get him wired up and there is a chair already waiting for her. They do the prayer saying an extra special thanks for Remi being with them that causes her tears to start, then they do the drinks. The lights go out and the intro starts the band takes their places. BG kisses Remi and she said,"kick ass outlaw" "always darlin" he replied before he hit the stage.
BG keeps an eye on Remi and notices they PJ is right beside her and has got it so he focuses on the show. When it was time to slow it down he looks to Remi and she nodded and said only 1 tonight. He tells the crowd that this is where he slows it down and usually Remi comes out to sit and sometimes help him out a little. BG Nation you all know she had surgery yesterday and she's here tonight but it's only gonna be 1 song with her because she needs to get back to the bus and rest. PJ brings her stool and BG has walked to her to bring her on stage and help her up. He tells the crowd I love this woman right here y'all. She blushes and he sings Fall Into Me. At the end he kisses her and walks her to the side. He looks to PJ and said she needs medicine and the bed. PJ pulled out her pain medicine and handed it to her she took one pill and drank her water. She turned to BG, " Go finish the show I will see you on the bus, I'm headed to lay down."

The show and meet and greet was over. BG walked on the bus and PJ said she has been asleep about an hour man but she has been in bed since we got here. BG said," thanks for taking care of her, I couldn't do all that if iI didn't have you watching out for her." PJ said we are about to roll out.
In the back BG strips and crawls into bed, Remi snuggles up to him and he kisses her and whispers I love you before he lets sleep overtake him.

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