Chapter 67 OH NO!

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       Remi is watching the show from the side stage and she feels as big as a house with the twins. She can hardly believe that it is May and she is 32 weeks. She has a doctors appt tomorrow and is glad that they are in Atlanta tonight. Brantley is playing the Georgia Theatre. That was always one of his goals in his music career so every time he can he does a show here. It also means she can sleep in their bed and that is heaven compared to the bed on the bus.
     BG is bouncing around doing his thing on stage and he talks about slowing it down. She knows he loves the part where she comes on stage but lately she doesn't really want to cause she waddles like a duck. He laughs at her when she says it and tells her that she is beautiful. One things for sure being pregnant hasn't turned him off if anything he wants more sex than before and she was happy with that. He is calling her out and she goes and stands beside him with her arm around him. She hasn't been able to sit on the stool on a while. He kisses her and talks to the crowd and then sings You Don't Know Her Like I Do  and My Kinda Crazy. Remi loves him and is happy with their life. He kisses her again and as she turns to walk off stage, BG grabs her ass and said," Eat your heart out guys she's all mine, and I know I'm one lucky sumbitch." Remi just shakes her head and grins. She gets back to the side and PJ helps her sit back down in her chair. She hasn't been able to get comfortable all day and her back has been bothering her a lot today. She continues to watch the show and she experiencing a sharp pain in her stomach that takes her breath. She waves at PJ and said," Please help me up so I can get back to the bus. I'm not feeling so good." PJ asks," want me to get BG?" Remi shook her head no. As PJ helps her stand up, Remi's water breaks as she has a contraction that causes her to yell out." At that moment BG looks over and stops the show. He runs to Remi and she tells him,"My water just broke and I'm having a contraction, we got to get to the hospital. I will see you there when you finish the show." BG looks at her and said,"I didn't think women lost their mind when they went into labor but I thought you just told me that you were in labor and expect me to finish a show." Remi started walking and she said," that is exactly what I said"  BG told PJ," help her to the truck and I will be right there as soon as I explain to the crowd, but don't you leave without me."
   BG ran back out on stage and said,"I'm sorry BG nation but I have to cut this show short because Remi has just went into labor and that crazy woman thinks I'm gonna finish this show. I love you all and be watching for picture but also pray for the babies cause they are coming early." He ran to the truck and was calling Dr Williams who said he would meet them at the hospital. BG got in beside Remi and sent a text to everyone letting them know what was going on. Just like he said Dr Williams was waiting for them and got Remi in a labor room and hooked up to the monitors and examined her. He told them she was already 6 centimeters and ready for her epidural. They got the epidural in and she was able to rest.BG had been out and kept everyone informed of what was going on and how the babies were gonna be early and probably have to be in the NICU for a while.
   BG went back in and Dr Williams was just telling Remi that she was at 10 centimeters so it was time to push. They got her set up and ready and he said on the next contraction you need to bear down and push while I count to 10. The contraction came and she starts to push holding onto BG's hand. She relaxes and another one hit so she pushes again and Dr Williams said" I see the head so you are doing great. Come on Remi one or 2 more pushes girl and this baby is here."
Remi pushed again and she hears a baby cry and BG looks as Dr Williams says," it's a boy"
BG looks again and said," how in the hell?" Remi just laughs until another contraction hits and water gushed from her all over the doctor and floor. Remi is pushing and Dr Williams tells her she is doing great.  The baby's head shows and he tells her to push again and she does and hears a babies cry And Dr Williams says"it's a girl".  Remi groans with another contraction and bears down Dr Williams looks shocked and said," there is another head"
BG looked at Remi and then back at the doctor and said"3 babies? Did he just say another head?"
Remi laughs and pushed again and is rewarded with a third babies cry and lays back. She is exhausted. BG kisses her head and tells her he loves her and that she is super woman carrying 3 babies that long.
   Dr Williams finishes and they get everything cleaned up. Remi is in the bed resting and Dr Williams said apparently the baby boy his behind his identical twin sisters this whole time. They are doing well to be triplets. So far they are breathing on their own with no distress, he weighs 5pound 10 ounces, then the girls each weigh   5 pounds 6 ounces each. That is very big for triplets. Since they are not requiring any oxygen they are gonna bring them in here to you to hold and meet. I will tell you for right now they are only going to let you 2 hold them. They want you to do skin on skin contact , it helps with bonding but also with them wanting to thrive. I know the girls are named but what about your first born son, BG said ," that's easy Justin"
Remi started crying and placed her hand on BG's "Justin Keith Gilbert after his Uncle Grizz and his daddy, the girls are India Grace and Harley Faith"
The nurses bring the babies in and they place Justin in Remi's arms and she cannot help but cry. Justin goes to rooting and the nurse said,"Looks like he's hungry do you want to try to breastfeed him?" Remi said," yes I do, I know I can't feed three all by myself but let's try and I can always pump." Justin latched on with no problem and BG sat and watched his wife in amazement and he snapped a picture on his phone. The nurses told him to take his shirt off and he looked at them like they were crazy. Remi laughed and said," it's to help them bond with us and its proven to help them thrive, it's called skin on skin contact." BG did this and they lay both girls on his chest and Remi had the nurse to snap his picture. This moment with their family of 5 was something they would always remember. Remi took turns feeding the girls some and they both latched on well too. When BG held Justin he cried. The pictures of these moments were priceless to Remi. The baby Doctor came in and he told them that if they promised not to let anyone hold them they could show their family the babies in the room. He wanted to be very cautious but they were doing extremely well to be 32 weeks and triplets. The nurses helped get them all situated on the bed and took their picture before going to get their family. Remi was holding Justin and BG had India and Harley.
Their was a knock on the door, BG said "Come in". Sandman and Momma Becky were the first through the door and they stopped BG and Remi said "Surprise we found out that we had one that was hiding this whole time"
The rest of the crew came in and once they were all in Remi said," We want to introduce you all to our family, the oldest one is Justin Keith and he was the shy one this whole time unlike his daddy. Then the two princesses that BG is holding are India Grace and Harley Faith, we know you all want to hold them but the doctor said not at this time. It is unusual for triplets to be doing this well since they are this early. So that's why you are able to see them like this, instead of in an incubator."

They all take turns looking at the babies as Remi and BG hold them. Sandman and Momma Becky both cry. Ace and Snake and Kolby just look in awe at their nieces and nephew. Kolby said," Didn't know you had it in you brother"
BG laughed and shook his head. Remi said," He didn't have it in him I did all 3 of them"
Ace laughed and told Kolby," She got you man"
Snake looks at the babies and leans over and kisses Remi on the top of the head and said,"you did great Remi, I'm so happy that you and BG are the parents of these 3 beautiful babies. You both deserve it." Remi reached up and brought Snake down for a hug. She told him," thank you that means a lot"
After everyone had a turn looking at the babies and taking pictures they left and the nurses took the babies back to the step down unit in the NICU to monitor them overnight.
BG held Remi in his arms and he said," I am so proud of you. I knew you were strong but seeing you today bring our babies into this world was amazing. You are such an amazing woman and I'm so glad you are mine and I'm so blessed to have you. You are an amazing mother already."
Remi looked at him," We never talked about a boys name and when you said Justin it just made me happy that you knew me and knew what I would want. Grizz would be so happy."
BG said," Yeah he would and he would be the first tell you to rest that you have been through a lot today. Now before I make you rest do you want to post any of these pictures on social media and announce our surprise baby?"
Remi smiled and said," Post away baby then let's rest cause all of country music will be a buzz and we will have tons of visitors."
BG chose the picture of all 5 of them and posted with the caption "Remi and I welcomed Justin Keith, India Grace and Harley Faith tonight. Please keep them in your prayers as they are early but doing well. And yes Justin Keith was a BIG SURPRISE to us all!"

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