Chapter 29 The Concert

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     BG and Remi accepted everyone's congratulations and said they had to get back for his show. He asked Remi if she was okay with announcing their engagement tonight at the concert or did she want to wait. Remi said she was torn, she wanted to tell the world but at the same time she wanted to keep it secret and enjoy it for a little bit without the craziness of his fans. He told her that he would leave it up to her to announce their engagement and wedding.
       Remi asked him what he wanted in a wedding and BG smirked," Darlin' I want you saying I do and then taking you away for 2 weeks just us no phones or tv and having my way with my wife." Remi smiled and said," seriously B is there anything you want for our wedding? I want this to be about us and our love for each other not just something that everyone else wants." BG parked the truck and turned to her," I want to marry you it doesn't matter when or where you tell me baby and I will be there, the only thing I ask is that you not make me wear some girly color. I want you to have whatever you want that makes you happy, cause when I get to marry you I will be the happiest man in the entire world. Now let's go do this show but I do have to change my shirt and boots and grab my hat." Remi got out of the truck and went to put her clutch on the bus and touch up her makeup where she had cried out of happiness. While she is in the bathroom she comes up with an idea and texts Ben to see if it would be possible at such short notice. Ben said to let him check and he would let her know in just a minute. He text Remi back and said it could be done to send him the pictures she wanted and he already had the video, and he would handle BG just for her to be ready.
BG and Remi start walking to the venue hand in hand and she asked where everyone else went. BG said they were already at the show. He got them all access passes so they may either be in the pit or standing at the sides watching. BG raises their hands that are entwined and he kisses hers telling her that he loves her. When they walk up Ben said we had to change a song BG I told them it was okay cause something to do with the slide show. So they put in My Babies Guns N' Roses. BG smiles and said that's fine you know I hated taking that song out. Let's just keep it in from now on okay. Ben said sure I will make to tell them as he winks at Remi. They all gather round and pray. Then they lift their glasses for the ritual drink. The band goes to their places on the stage and the lights go down. BG turns to her and kisses her and Remi tells him to go kick ass. He grins and gets the ear piece and microphone. The band starts playing Take it Outside and BG makes his entrance jumping and with the pyrotechnics. When he starts singing they bring Remi an earpiece and lay a mic next to where she is standing. The songs after they were Read me my Rights, Dirt Road Anthem with Colt Ford and then Small Town Throwdown with Justin Moore. When they came off Remi told them BG was getting the tables turned on him tonight they might want to stick around. BG done Halfway to Heaven and talked a little bit Modern Day Prodigal Son, Just As I Am, Country Must be Country Wide, Grown Ass Man, Stone Cold Sober, and then he talks about One Hell of an Amen. They hear in the earpiece it's time to slow it down with Fall into Me, and Let it Ride then you will do If You Want A Bad Boy, G.R.I.T.S. , My Babies Guns N' Roses then finish with Bottoms Up BG.
BG said its time to slow it down for a minute guys and I'm gonna do something a little different and ask my girlfriend Remi to come out here for the next couple of songs. Jess sets a stool by BG and hands him his guitar. Remi walks out and kisses BG as he helps her on the stool. He notices she has an earpiece and mic but not sure why. He decides to just go with it. He starts playing and singing Fall into me as he looks at Remi. He does Let it Ride and as he finishes he pulls Remi into a hug and whispers now? Remi whispers no but I have a plan when and how just trust me. He grins and kisses her. He pops her ass as she starts to walk off and said she's mine guys and I'm one lucky sumbitch. The music starts and he said ladies, don't y'all want a bad boy sometimes and he hears Remi on the mic say"Hell yeah" he looks at her and she's got that devil look in her eyes. When he got to the chorus Remi came out and started singing
Remi. BG
"If you want a bad boy then baby you got it
Got a bad toy sittin in the parking lot
Take you to the wrong side of the tracks
Baby you ain't gonna want to come back
Cause I'm a free bird and damn proud of it
You're a sweet girl are you sure you want ride with me?
Gonna raise some hell, gonna make some noise
If you want a bad boy yeah
Want a bad boy

Well I'll be out by your driveway when your mom and dad lay down
You can climb on out of your window, baby
And we'll get on out of town
I'll call up all my rowdy friends, oh yeah
We'll have a Throwdown where the dirt road ends
I'll have you back before the rooster crows
Girl your mom and dad ain't gotta know

If you want a bad boy then baby you got it
Got a bad toy sittin in the parking lot
Take you to the wrong side of the tracks
Baby you ain't gonna want to come back
Cause I'm a free bird and damn proud of it
You're a sweet girl are you sure you want ride with me?
Gonna raise some hell, gonna make some noise
If you want a bad boy yeah
Want a bad boy

Slide over here ( Remi slides close to BG and runs her hands on his arm and chest winking at him)

If you want a bad boy then baby you got it
Got a bad toy sittin in the parking lot
Take you to the wrong side of the tracks
Baby you ain't gonna want to come back
Cause I'm a free bird and damn proud of it
You're a sweet girl are you sure you want ride with me?
Gonna raise some hell, gonna make some noise
If you want a bad boy yeah
Want a bad boy

Girl you know you want a bad boy Oh yeah baby

BG pulls her to him and said I need to have you right now and kisses her hard. She smiles and said it ain't over yet baby. And walks off.
BG said Y'all she keeps surprising me give it up for Remington Slade. I had no idea that was going down so that is exactly why I love G.R.I.T.S and she is definitely a girl raised in the south. He sings the song and ends it with "So let's give a big ole Hell yeah for those southern girls,"
The band plays the intro to Sweet Child of Mine and BG said love some GunsN'Roses. The crowd goes wild and the band goes into My Babies Guns N' Roses. As BG starts singing Remi walks out on the stage dancing and the crowd goes wild and BG turns and sees that on the big screen behind him are pictures of him and Remi . He watches as he sings and looks to her and she's smiling so big. He walks to her and brings her to center stage and he sees the video that was taken today of the proposal and when he gets on one knee in the video the crowd gets ten times louder. BG stops singing and hugs Remi and whispers this is how you wanted to do it. She nodded and said they are our family they deserve to know too. But for once I wanted to surprise you baby. He grinned and said you did that and I loved it. But I've got to sing this song again,she nodded. As the song ends BG said, BG Nation as you can see by the surprise my fiancé has pulled on me tonight that earlier tonight I asked Remi to marry me and she said yes. I left it up to her how she wanted to tell you so as you have seen she decided to go ahead and do it tonight. How she did it in the space of 30 minutes I don't know. But she said that you BG Nation are family and you deserved to know too. BG looks at Remi and says I love you and love that you got one over on me. Remi smiles and said into her mic, I love you too baby! Now finish this concert cause I'm ready to celebrate our engagement and winks as she hits his ass and walks off. BG smiles and said you heard her guys play that last song so I can sing it without watching the video. He does the song and then closes with Bottoms Up.

He runs off stage and picks Remi up over his shoulder and yells give me 30 minutes PJ before coming to the bus as he takes off running with Remi telling him to put her down.

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