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Here is another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S: thank you so much for over 500 reads on this book, it means a lot to know people actually read what I write so thank you so much xx)


Being at Starfleet academy is amazing. The classes are really fun and interesting, the lecturers are all so helpful and caring, it's just perfect. You've wanted to go to Starfleet ever since your brother had told you about it. Your brother was Jim Kirk, his father George had been Captain of the USS Kelvin for less than ten minutes and in that time save hundreds of lives, he was a hero, and you wanted to be a hero too. You worked hard and got the bests grades you possibly could and it payed off, you got an early acceptance into the academy, and the best part was you'd get to do it with Jim because he had also decided to go.

Most of the time when siblings are at school together they tend to avoid each other or the older sibling bullies the younger one but me and Jim weren't like that, Jim accepted me as a friend more than a younger sibling. Jim had met a man called Leonard McCoy, although me and Jim call him Bones for fun. The three of us instantly became great friends, we did everything together and we're practically inseparable. We made a good team, when Kirk got drunk or beat up, me and Bones would take him home and patch him up, Bones occasionally hit the bottle for personal reasons and me and Kirk were there to make sure he didn't do anything stupid and keep him company, and when I got stressed out about school or had panic attacks about something going wrong, I had my two best friends to help me.

Since meeting Bones I have been keeping a secret from him and my brother...I have fallen for him, he's just so perfect, he's good looking, kind hearted and even with his slight drinking problem he is still an amazing guy but I'm just to scared to tell him. I'm worried that if I said anything that both he and Kirk would just see me as a immature teen who can't go without crushing on someone but it's not like that...I know I'm only 18 but age is just a number, I'd happily spend the rest of my life with Bones because I cared about him, I love him, but he would never feel the same way.

I heard a knock on my door so I opened it to find my brother and Bones, they held up beer and some DVDs, I invited them in and we started a movie marathon. After about 4 films I noticed Jim had fallen asleep so me and Bones decided to have a little fun. I found a few sharpies and we drew all over his face, we couldn't stop laughing when we were done, he had unicorns and starships and a moustache on his face. When we were done, we both say back down and watched another film, at about half way through I felt Bones move his arm to round the back of where I was sitting, I turned my head to look at him to find him staring at me...

"(Y/N), I don't want this to ruin our friendship but I just have to do this."

And before I could respond his lips were on mine, i didn't pull away and instead just allowed Bones tongue access to deepen the kiss. Once bones realised I had given him approval, he pulled me onto his lap, we sat there making out for a while until Bones picked me up and carried me to my bedroom, you can probably guess what happened 😉and it was amazing, the only thing was we had to be quiet so not to wake up my brother who was asleep next door so note to self: next time me and Bones sleep together, make sure you Kirk isn't next door as it is very awkward to have your big brother next door while you have fun with, your probably now, boyfriend.


Hope you liked it.

Request Open.

~Clo x

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