50 things about me (Tag)

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I was tagged by SaveTheBrooklynBoys

Thought it could be interesting, so here we go.

50 things about me

1. I haven't seen my dad since I was around 10 years old.

2. The first CD I ever bought was the 'Camp Rock' Soundtrack.

3. I recently got glasses because I am slightly short-sighted.

4. I have only ever traveled in an airplane once in my whole life.

5. For my first plane ride, I went to Copenhagen, Denmark.

6. I am obsessed with all things Star Trek and Marvel.

7. I recently learned that just after World War 1, someone in my family committed bigamy.

8. I am allergic to marker pens.

9. I am the second tallest person in my house.

10. One of the first things I said to my Best Friend was "Can I stand next to you???".

11. Since primary school I have always been part of a group of 3 friends, never more or less.

12. I have a terrible memory.

13. My phone has a penguin cover, I named his Percy.

14. There is a family of deer living in the field outside my house.

15. Whenever I play Hockey or Lacrosse, I pretend the stick is a vacuum cleaner.

16. Me and one of my friends like to exchange puns to annoy our other friend.

17. People used to say me and my big sister looked like twins.

18. My first pet was a hamster named Dizzy.

19. I have a half-sister who is 14 years younger than me.

20. I have never met my half-sister.

21. When I was 5, i cut my hair the day before my school photo...my mum wasn't happy.

22. My favourite bands are 'R5' and '30 Seconds to Mars'.

23. My favourite song is currently 'I hate you, I love you' by Gnash (ft. Olivia O'Brien).

24. My middle name is Angela because that is my mum's name.

25. The only reason I have a middle name is because my dad gave my big sister a middle name without discussing it with my mum so she gave me a middle name without discussing it with my dad.

26. My mum and dad use me as their messenger because they refuse to speak with each other.

27. At nursery, I deliberately hit my head off the toilet floor in order to use the Mr Bump ice pack...I was a weird child.

28. I once burnt my hands on a radiator, I was about 4 years old. Luckily there was no scarring...I have no memory of this, but my family keep telling me it happened.

29. After I was born, my Papa told everyone my name was Cleo instead of Chloe.

30. In my English prelim, I had a mental break down because I didn't understand what I was suppose to do.

31. I once went to P.E but when I couldn't find my teacher I went to the office, they thought I was there because I was ill so called my mum to take me home.

32. My first kiss was behind a garage...it was weird and I seriously regret it.

33. I won a valentine dance competition...only dance competition I have ever or will ever win...I only one that time because I was 6 years old and everyone else was 11, basically they didn't want to hurt my feelings.

34. I don't eat marshmallows after witnessing my sister being sick and bringing up whole marshmallows...it was very off putting.

35. An friend once told me that she tried to sleep with my boyfriend, her excuse was that a voice in her head was telling her to do it...it was later revealed that she was just trying to break us up because she didn't like that her two friends were dating so pretended that she had a mental health issue...her plan unfortunately worked.

36. I have a fear of death.

37. My favourite book is 'War Horse' by Michael Morpurgo.

38. I can't say the word 'sleep' properly...it always comes out as 'shleep'.

39. I was born the day after my nana's birthday.

40. I will soon be getting a Chocolate Labrador puppy called Bruno.

41. My sister had an operation to have a kidney removed on her birthday. During that time I cried because I thought she was gonna die...I was too young to fully understand what was happening.

42. I can touch my nose with my tongue.

43. I am ambidextrous.

44. I failed 3/5 exams last year.

45. I have a short attention span.

46. My favourite film is currently 'Kickass'.

47. My favourite Disney princess is Belle from 'Beauty and the Beast'.

48. I love Doctor Who. My favourite Doctor is David Tennant's version.

49. I love Roo from 'Winnie the Pooh'. He's just so cute.

50. As a child, I was obsessed with a book called 'Ness the Nurse'. I used to borrow it from the library all the time, I even cried when it wasn't there, so my mum bought me a copy, I still have it.

People I tag:
Plus anyone else who wants to take part 😊

Imagines will continue tomorrow as normal.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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