Spock (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 of the previous Spock imagine as requested by im_a_crazy_dreamer and Lembas_eating_valar. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


It turns out, being a tribble wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. When you were first turned into a tribble, you were annoyed to say the least but after a few weeks of Spock giving you constant 24/7 care and attention, you realised that it wasn't that bad. Spock was such a kind boyfriend, making sure you were warm enough, if you were sleepy or hungry, he just desperately wanted you to be okay. As Spock took car of you, Scotty was put in charge of trying to repair the machine that had put you in this situation because, as much as being a tribble was fine, you didn't want to spend the rest of your life like this. There was so much in your life you still wanted to do like get married, have children, grow old...and that wasn't exactly possible in your current state.

*beep beep beep*
"Spock, I think I've fixed it...bring the lass doon noo, let's see if it works"

"We shall be there momentarily, in the mean time, you should contact Dr McCoy and have him open he kryp tube"

"Right away sir"

"I'm guessing that Scotty???"

"It was...we must go to the engineering department...do no fear my love, for you will soon be returned to your natural form"


Carefully, Spock picked you up and carried you to engineering where you were met by Scotty, Bones and your body. You just hoped that this would work...

"Okay, Spock, just set the lassie doon there and Bones, can ya put her body oor beside it..."

Within seconds you found yourself beside...well, yourself. You everyone stood back, while Scotty flicked a switch. You felt sharp pains running through your whole body, your limbs began to ache...hold on...your limbs...you were you again!!!

"Did it work Mr Scott???"

"I'm not sure comman..."


You sat up and faced the three men, all of which had smiles, or in spocks case, the equivalent of a smile. You went to stand up and go to hug Spock but as soon as you stood on your feet, they began to fall beneath you...

"Woah...careful there darlin'...remember, you haven't had to walk in a while...give youself time"

Spock walked over to you and helped you up.

"It worked..."

"I know...you must be as thrilled, if not more, as I am"

"I'm over the moon...but let's never try and fix a machine we don't understand..."

"I believe that is a logical request...I am just glad you are alright because I love you (Y/N)"

"Aww...Spock, I love you too"

You then leaned in and shared a tender kiss with Spock, it was a kiss you'd been waiting for, for a while, and it was amazing to finally be able to kiss your favourite Vulcan again...you'd missed these moments with Spock, and you hoped you'd never have to miss anymore. You planned to stay in human form for the rest of your life...it was a lot easier.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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