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Here's another imagine.

Requested by @mhtun1 :I put my request for a one shot here hope that was alright)
So my request can you write one where reader is sick but doesn't get help cause she's afraid to confront bones cause she is head over heals for him

So here it is. Requests are Open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S thank you so much for over 2k readers, it means so much to me 😊😊😊❤️)



You whacked the alarm clock to be quite, you had a sore head and didn't need your alarm to make it worse. You sat up but then instantly lay back down again as the sudden movement had made you feel sick. You decided to try again, this time getting up slower, you managed to sit up and get  out of bed but then when you started to make your bed, the sickness feeling came back, you ran to the bathroom and threw up. If you were a normal person you would stay in your room and call medbay or if you could you would just walk to medbay but you weren't normal. With your older brother being Jim Kirk, this meant you got to see the best doctor on the ship, only problem was that doctor was Bones.

Since meeting Bones you have always had a crush on him, as you spent more time around him you realised that you were in fact head over heals for the CMO, your crush had gotten so bad that you now avoid Bones because it hurts to much to be around him. Whenever you see him your heart aches because you can't tell him how you feel, you wouldn't be able to handle the rejection and that is why you now find yourself getting ready to go to work. You did your hair and then applied your makeup to make yourself look healthy. Today you had set your self a mission, avoid bones at all costs and try to not let people see your unwell.

You started to walk to the bridge, you work with Uhura as communications officer, she's the only other person who knows how you feel about Bones. You walk onto the bridge and over to your station, by the look on Uhura's face you can tell your mission will most likely fail.

"(Y/N)??? Are you ok??? No offence but you look awful!!!"

You sat down and lowered your voice, you told her how you were sick and how you couldn't go see bones cause it would hurt to much, she understood and half hugged you, your brother noticed and looked confused but past it off as girl troubles and redirected his attention to the monitor in front of him.

After a few hours of no activity, you picked up a transmission, you told Uhura and she listened to it to, it was a language that neither of you could understand, you alerted the captain of the potential threat, your eyes then widened in shock when Jim asked Scotty and Bones to come to the bridge, you turned to Uhura, she looked concerned, from the bridge to medbay there was a 15 minute walk or a 5 minute run, you had either 5 or 15 minutes to come up with a plan.

The plan was that when Bones walked in you would take a file that Uhura had borrowed back to engineering, you would have to be quick so bones wouldn't notice you. A few minutes later bones entered the bridge, the plan was put into motion but it went slightly wrong. You had forgotten that when your around bones your brain doesn't function properly and you usually end up making a fool of yourself. Bones had walked through the door and you had tried to leave to early and tripped bones caught you in his arms and looked at you, you panicked and stood up and rushed out the door. You started to slow down but then heard someone call for you, you recognised the voice, it was the voice you dreamed about, it was bones. He'd probably noticed you were looking a bit ill and was trying to help, you sped up a bit and then ran into a nearby supply closet. You heard the footsteps go past the door, you waited for a moment before exiting, you took the file to engineering and then returned to your quarters, your shift still had half an hour but you couldn't risk seeing bones especially when he knows your unwell. You were more tired than normal probably because running around a starship with an illness isn't the smartest thing to do, you decided to go to bed, so you changed into your pyjamas and climbed into bed, as soon as your head hit the pillow, you fell asleep.

When you woke up the next day you felt a lot better, your early night obviously was a good idea or so you thought...your room was very bright, you could barely open your eyes, it was so white...then you realised this wasn't your room, this was the medical bay. Bones must have guessed you go to your quarters and overridden the passcode. You sat up and looked around, you appeared to be alone. You looked at you arm to find a drip attached to you, that must be why you feel better.

After sitting with your thought for a bit, a door opened across from you, out walked your brother and Bones, when Jim saw you were awake he ran over to you and hugged you tightly.

"Thank god your okay (Y/N), I thought I'd lost you."

"Jim, I was fine it was just a bug, no big deal."

The doctor then came over and stood beside Jim.

"Actually (Y/N), you'd caught a very deadly virus that made its way onto the ship from the landing team from last week, we've been busy in medbay curing all those effected, we thought we'd got everyone fixed...why didn't you tell someone you were ill???"

"Like I said I thought it was no big deal."

You could feel your heart racing and a blush appear on your cheeks, you loved when he spoke to you, the whole time he spoke to you, you'd been staring at your hands, you knew you'd end up creeping him out by staring at him.

*Jim's communicator buzzed*

"We're being hailed by Klingons, I gotta go."

Jim hugged you then kissed your head before leaving, now it was just you and Bones. There was an awkward silence then Bones sat on the edge of the bed and started to talk to you.

"(Y/N), have I done something to upset you??? You've been avoiding me for a while now and it's starting to concern me. You could have died today, why wouldn't you just come and see me???"

You simple shrugged your shoulders still never making eye contact with him. He got a bit annoyed by this and went and got a tripod, he checked how you were doing and realised you body temperature and heart rate had both rises significantly.

"Dammit (Y/N), your heart rates increased and your on the verge of burning up...hold on I'll get a hypo ready..."

He went to leave but you grabbed his hand partly because you hated hypos but also because you couldn't hide this anymore, it was getting ridiculous as Bones said, you could have died and all because your scared of being rejected. You built up all the courage you had and pulled Bones closer towards you. He sat back down on the bed, you but you hands on his cheeks and brought your lips to his, you were freaking out inside, you were actually kissing Bones and the best part was, he wasn't pulling away, he was encouraging it. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. When you eventually broke the kiss to breath to your surprise Bones spoke.

"Darlin' I've wanted that to happen for so long."

"Me too."

"Is this why you've been avoiding me???"

You nodded and diverted your eyes from looking into his but Bone quickly pulled your face to look back at him.

"(Y/N), promise me that if your ever ill you'll come to me straight away...I love you (Y/N), I can't bare the thought of losing you."

"I promise...and I love you too."

Bones smiled and then returned his lips back to yours. You guessed this meant you were an item now, this was the best day ever, the man of your dreams was now your boyfriend, now all you had to do was tell Jim, that would be fun.


Hope you enjoyed.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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