Chapter 15: Old friends

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Iroh's P.O.V

"Well, I'm sorry but not everything is gonna work as you wish, Saira! Did you forget how you look like at the moment? And your voice! You can't even speak probably!", I yelled.
"I'm not saying that it has to, Li! But it would be clever! I don't care how I look or sound like at the moment! What really important at the moment is the independence of Ahana Island and I'm not going to sit here and do nothing!", Saira hissed.
"Well, a lot of people HAVE to do nothing while we are talking to Unalaq!"
"Lower your voice, when you speak to me!"

I stood there, now frozen. I haven't realized that I was shouting. Saira refused to stay at the ship when we talked to Unalaq. She just didn't understand that she was unwell and that she needed rest. Last time she changed my mind when she kissed my cheek but this time, it didn't work. I didn't care if she hated me for that but it was only for her wellbeing.
"I need you take care of the ship, while we're there, Saira."
"Oh no, don't even think of convincing me."
"Good. I tried the nice way. I order you to stay at the ship and if you only set a toe outside of it, you'll be fired."
Saira looked at me horrified.
"You didn't just-"
"Yes, I did, Lady Navigator. And you haver to follow my order."
Saira capitulated finally:"No one ever fired me,"she sighed,"Fine."
I grinned.

It was difficult to handle this woman or better said bundle of energy. But she still fascinated me every time with her courage and positive aura. Now I knew why General Minho was that patient. If I had a daughter like her, I would become patient too. I was about to say something but she raised her hand and said.:"Keep it to yourself, Li." Then she walked out of my office. I sighed, knowing that she was pissed but she had to understand, that not everything was dancing to her tunes.
After a few minutes of frustration, I thought everything through, what I would say to Unalaq.
But my mind distracted me and made me think of Saira. I didn't know, how I should tell her, who I was. And what I was feeling. I was afraid, the friendship, we built might break.

Suddenly someone knocked on my door. I looked up to see Haku:"Are you ready to convince them? Because we reached the Northern Watertribe." I sighed and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath:"Yes, I am."
Haku and I got down of the ship. From the corner of my eyes I could see Saira standing, with her arms crossed under chest, with an emotionless face. She turned around and walked away.

I sighed and turned around to see Unalaq with a bright smile on his tanned face.
"Admiral Iroh, Lieutenant Haku. It's a pleasure to meet you two. Please follow me." Haku and I nodded and followed him. We reached an ice palace. Unalaq opened the door and asked us to follow him to the meeting room. As I walked in, I saw an older woman, smiling warmly in my way. She stood up and walked to me, messing my hair:"It's good to see you, Iroh honey. You grew up so much."
"It's good to see you too, Katara.", I said and hugged the wise woman. "I heard you are here for Ahana's freedom?"
"Indeed, ma'am."
"Oh my gosh! It's Katara!", we heard Haku yell. He soon realized that he acted like a little kid and cleaned his throat:"I'm very honored to meet you ma'am."
Katara smiled:"You must be Haku, Iroh has told me a lot about you."

Haku nodded and kept quiet for the next few hours as we bespoke the reasons for Ahana's independence. To my surprise, everything ended up very well. Unalaq agreed on the contract. But I still had a weird feeling about this.
As we finished, Unalaq offered us to stay for dinner but Haku and I declined politely, since we had to leave. Katara joined us because I asked her to heal Saira. "But please call me Li.", I said.
"Ah, playing that little Mr Mysterious game like your grandfather? ", She asked.
"Kind of."

When we reached the mother ship, Haku and I helped the old lady to get on the deck.  She looked around satisfied:" Aang would love this sight. Benders and non-benders from all nations working together." Suddenly she looked down sadly, She was missing Aang. So did I. He was a big inspiration, a great teacher and most important, a good friend. I used to listen to all his stories, when grandfather invited him and his family to the Fire Nation.
"So, where is your friend?", Katara asked all of a sudden. That was a good question. Where has Saira been? I asked Haku to look further since I didn't want Katara to get tired while looking for her. Meanwhile I offered her a chair and a cup of tea. "Hmmm...just like your great-grandfather Iroh used to make it. Zuko must be really happy to have a grandson like you.", she smiled warmly.

Haku joined us a few minutes later, telling me quietly that Saira was reading a book in her room.
"Would you please follow me, ma'am? " I asked and offered her my arm. The old lady took it gladly and we walked downstairs. I knocked on Saira's door. She asked us to come in and her eyes widened as she saw Katara. Saira immediately stood up and jerked when she realized that she still was injured. She ran over to Katara and hugged her:"I can't believe you're really here! I haven't seen you in ages!" I looked at Saira surprised. Did the two know each other? Katara returned her hug:"You grew up so fast and my my! Beautiful too!"
Saira's rosy cheeks redened and she laughed:"Thank you. I know I look great with bruises and wounds." We all laughed at that. But she was right. Even now she looked gorgeous.
Katara then asked me and Haku out so she could heal Saira.

Saira's P.O.V

I still couldn't believe who I was seeing! It was Katara! It had been four years since we have seen us. Since Aang passed away.

I undressed my upper body to let Katara heal me. As she saw my wound, she didn't look happy:"That looks rough. It won't be easy to help you." I let out a sigh:"I know."
She then took out a little bottle and took the water, that was in it. She waterbend the water into my body what made me grit my teeth because I didn't want to scream, the pain caused.
I didn't know how long Katara was healing me but it felt like days. I couldn't bear the pain anymore and when I was about to scream, she stopped.
"We'll continue tomorrow. That's enough for today.", Katara said with a worried look. Tomorrow?  Great. I wiped my sweat away and got dressed. I immediately noticed, that my wound got better. The last days I couldn't breath properly, not talking about moving. I felt easier, I felt relief.

"So tell me what's about Li?"
"Oh please, honey. I know you like him."
"How do you know that?"
"I can see it your eyes."
"I'm not sure."
"About what?"
"If I should tell him or not."
"Saira, honey. Don't race into things. Calm down your hyperactive personality. The right time will come."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Li will tell you himself."
"Are you mocking me?"
Katara laughed:"No, honey. I know Li long enough to understand him. And believe me, he really likes you."
I laughed ironically.
Yeah, sure. The man who is chased by almost every young woman I have seen so far will tell me that he likes me.

I was confident. But not about Li.

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