Chapter 78: Awareness

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Iroh's P.O.V

"Iroh! Iroh!", I heard someone whisper in my right ear. I turned my head and looked around but nobody was seen.
"Iroh! Follow me!", the mysterious voice ordered me. I did as she said and soon realized that it was Saira's. I walked down a dark floor, there was barely light. Suddenly I saw a white light at the end of the tunnel. Female screams were heard. Someone needed help! I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. When I reached, I stepped into a white room. Its light blended my eyes and they needed a few minutes to get used to the brightness. I looked around but couldn't see anyone. My eyes noticed red drops on the floor. I kneeled down and touched the drops to smell the liquid. It had an iron-like smell and I knew immediately that it was blood. I followed the blood path and tried not to step on the red liquid. The drops turned into smears. Someone was dragged along the floor. The smears turned into handprints and then into footprints. What was happening here? From far away, I could hear whispers and whines. Soon enough, I could see a thin, emaciated woman chained up. Her dress was torn and her body was whipped and injured. Her body was hanging from the ceiling, where the chains were coming from and capturing her hands. Her knees were touching the pool of blood, which was streaming from her. The woman was panting and I could hear her sob. I couldn't identify her because her hair was in front of her face. The view was horrifying. Whatever she has done, it must either have been a crime or she was punished for no reason, like many people were. I slowly approached her and she suddenly stopped breathing.
"Miss? Miss! What happened?", I asked and tried to unchain her.
Her head shot up and I gasped in shock. It was not anyone, it was Saira. And she looked horrible. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was cut and whipped. The blood was running down her face , she had tears in her eyes and started crying as she saw me. I immediately fell to my knees and took her face in my hands.
"Saira! Saira, what happened?", I panicked. She shook her head and kept crying.
"Saira! Why are you here? Who has done this to you? Speak to me! Please!"
"You must go! Please!"
"Saira, love. What are you talking about?"
"He is after you! You must leave! Please!"
"I won't leave without you."
"No! Please! If he finds you, he will kill you! Please leave, please!", she begged and cried harder,"I will be okay. I promise. Just save yourself, please!"
Suddenly I was pulled away, but nothing was behind me. Saira looked at me for the last time and smiled bravely before a mysterious person appeared behind her, I couldn't see what the person did next because they disappeared  but the screams continued.

I woke up panting from my nightmare. The past few weeks this nightmare appeared every time, I tried to sleep. I ran my hands through my hair and put my head into my palms. It was as if I had visions that Saira was in danger. But what should I do? She clearly told me to leave. And then that leaf. What did she try to tell me? The words, she had told me were different from what she had written. I didn't known what had happened to her in her absence but I knew that it wasn't good. She was pretty confused when she stepped out of the woods.
And then, suddenly and idea crossed my mind. She had told me that she had burned down the house, where that guy had tortured her. But she didn't know if he was dead. So there was a possibility that he was still alive. What if he really didn't die in the fire? What if he survived? What if Saira didn't just disappear? What if she was caught in his claws? But how would he know that she was here? It's not like we had announced our arrival. If this really was the case, I needed to save her. But what was the reason for her staying with him? What if she really had enough of me?

The next few hours I spent arguing with myself. I decided, although she had told me that she didn't want to see me ever again, I would go back and take her with me. I knew Saira could be stubborn but we both were. My thoughts were interrupted when Levi entered my cabin and told me that we had arrived in Republic City. I knew we would arrive soon but I didn't expect to arrive that soon. During the whole ride, I wasn't thinking of the mission, just about Saira and how I would explain everyone that she had left me. But luckily I had found an answer to my questions, at least I thought so. On the other hand, I was happy that we had reached. I needed help of an old friend to find my wife.
As we docked, I waited until the last of my men left and then I was also allowed to get down. I stepped into my car and drove to her office. As I reached, she smiled brightly and asked me inside.

"How can I help you, Iroh? Is Saira already at home?"

"No, she isn't. That's why I came here, to ask you for help, Lin."

"Go on."

"Saira got lost in Kyoshi Island. And I need your abilities to find her."

"Kyoshi Island? I'm needed here."

"As well as I am. I'm also needed in the Fire Nation. But still I'm here."

"Fine. When did you think of departing?"


"It's a bit sudden, don't you think? I need Raiko's permission. You know our little drama queen overacts when something doesn't go as he wishes."

"Hmmm. You are right. I will wait until then."

"I'm sorry, Iroh. I hope I'm able to make it as soon as possible."

I nodded and left my childhood friend. I was outside the Police Department and hoped that Raiko would give her the permission to leave Republic City soon.
After a while I reached back home and it felt strange to be here alone. Not that Saira was here the whole time but still it was a strange feeling. Kinda empty and quiet. The palace was nothing without her as well as our family. Saira changed our family as much as she could. Well, to the positive. We have become more open although the "Don't touch the Royal" rule still existed. But she broke even this rule.
After a while the phone rang:"General Iroh's speaking."

"Good afternoon, General."

"Good afternoon, how may I help you, President Raiko?"

"Have you asked Chief Beifong to join you at your mission?"

"Indeed, Mr President. I'm just waiting for your permission."

"Well, I have to disappoint you, General Iroh. Chief Beifong won't be able to join you until next month."

"It's fine. Thank you, Mr President. Good afternoon.", I put down the phone and sat on the chair. What should I do? Lin was the only one who could help me. I would have asked Toph but only the Almighty knew where she was. I got up from the chair and sat in my car again. Then I drove to Air Temple Island or better said I changed and drove there with a boat. I was immediately greeted by Meelo and his sisters.

"I see you didn't take along my bro. Sorry but you are not allowed to enter Prince!", Meelo said.

"I'm sorry Meelo but Zuko couldn't come."

"You can't trick me, firebender! I know he is here!"

I chuckled and soon Tenzin and Pema stepped out of their home. As Pema took in Meelo, she looked pretty exhausted. Tenzin then smiled and asked me in as well. As I walked into the living room, the person I was looking for already was sitting inside. She smiled brightly as she saw me and stood up to greet me:"Iroh! Nice to see you!"

"It's good to see you too Katara.", I hugged the old lady," You look good."

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself. Just a little stressed. Tell me, is something wrong? How is Saira doing? I remember the birth of your second son not being easy for her."

"May I talk in private to you?", I asked looking at Tenzin. She nodded and we walked outside.

"So, would you now tell me what's wrong?"

"Saira is in Kyoshi Island. She is injured and I would like to ask you to help us."

"Of course. When will we go?"

"Next month."

"Next month?!? It takes one month to Kyoshi Island! And you just came back from there! It'll be two months and you tell me that she is injured? Her injury can worsen!"

"I know, Katara. I know. But I don't have any other opportunity. Lin will only be able to come along next month. And I need her to look for Saira."

"You mean, you don't even know where she is?"

"I'm afraid I don't."

"Why? What happened?"

"It's a very long story and I don't know if my theory is right."

"I'm sure we have enough time to discuss it later. Why don't you ask Toph?"

"Because I don't where she is. I would have asked her if I did."

"Oh that's no problem. I know very well where that old grumpy hag is.", she grinned cheekily.

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