Chapter 42: Mother's love

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Saira's P.O.V

I tried to calm down Asami and I fortunately succeeded. I asked her to tell me stories, how she did in primary school and who her friends were.
She had a lot of stuff to tell me especially how much she loved her parents and that aunt Yasuko was expecting another baby.
There were some bruises and ashes on her face, so I decided to freshen the beautiful little girl next to me up. I took her hand and went to Iroh's car, where the first aid box was kept.

"You didn't tell me your name. How do you know my mama?"

I ignored the little girl for a moment until we reached the car. Then I let her sit on the passenger's seat and started cleaning her little face.

"My name is Saira. And the kind gentleman who saved us both and looks for your mama is Iroh. Aunt Yasuko is a very good friend of my mother. But I don't think you heard of me, honey."


"Because your mama is always very busy with you, Asami honey. And my mama is very busy with my siblings. That's why little princess."

As I finished cleaning her little face, I went to the boot and took out a brush of my bag. Then I returned to Asami and started brushing her long wavy hair.

"My, my. What beautiful hair you have! Do you want to borrow me some of yours?"

"But you already have beautiful hair!"

"Not as much as yours, princess."

Asami giggled at that. After I finished brushing her hair, I put back the red ribbon in her raven hair.

"Can I make your braid again? It loosened during your fight."

"Uhm...sure. Why not."

Asami was about to open my braid but then I suddenly saw two figures coming out of the house. They were Iroh and Mr. Sato. I looked out for aunt Yasuko but couldn't find her anywhere. I hoped she was alright because I haven't seen her since years. I stood up and smiled, in hope that they just needed to carry aunt Yasuko out of the house.
But my heart dropped when Iroh looked into my eyes sadly, shaking his head invisibly.
I dropped next to Asami, still holding her little hands. The little girl's eyes lit up as she saw her father.

"Papa! Where is mama?"

I looked at Iroh, waiting for Mr. Sato's answer. Waiting for Hiroshi's reaction. I did not want Asami to cry. So I was ready to interrupt, but Mr. Sato said something unexpected.

"Mama is at a better place now, my sweetheart."

There I got my confirmation. Aunt Yasuko and Asami's little sibling weren't anymore. I put myself together so that I wouldn't cry. I didn't want to cry in front of Asami. Not after her loss. It was difficult to live without a father. But it was more difficult to live without a mother. Especially for a girl.

Asami was about to say something but I interrupted her, knowing that she would ask questions that would cause her father to break more inside. I was afraid, he might cry in front of his daughter.

"Hey little princess, do you want to eat some ice cream? Now that we are friends?"

I noticed how much my voice was shaking and that I almost whispered. The girl looked at her father, pleading for permission. I just hoped that Hiroshi would say yes so that Asami wouldn't have a difficult time.

"Of course sweetheart. Just go."

I sighed in relief. Before I could take Asami with me, I had a word with Iroh.

"Are you going to stay?"

"I have no other choice. He needs help. I think I should also offer them a place to stay, since they won't be able to live here for a while."

"That's a great idea. I will stay at yours too to help you out. We won't take long at the gelateria. If you are home, just give me a call and I will bring Asami over."

I gave him a brief kiss on his cheek and left with the little girl, who didn't know what was actually happening. I decided that I would make this difficult time to a wonderful one to her.

I couldn't imagine myself in a life without my mother. Or without my siblings Taemin and Sarina.
It was true that I didn't get along that well with my mother some times because we were just too different from each other by behavior. By looks, I completely took after her while Taemin and Sarina took after my father.

My mother was more a calm person, strict and very ladylike. If you didn't know her you would think she was royality, the way she behaved. If Fire Lord Zuko and the late Fire Lady Mai had a son, I'm sure she would have married him and became the perfect princess, Fire Lady or whatever.

One day I trained with my wooden sword, when I was a little girl. I wasn't allowed to have a real one because it was too dangerous for a seven year old girl. I've made it myself so there was a lot of hard work in that piece of wood. So I was training with it and not listening to my mother. My mother got completely angry and she then took it from me and threw it into the fire. After I yelled how much I hated her, she realized, whatever she has done and took the wooden sword out of the fire. But it was completely destroyed. My mother cried for what happened and apologize for several times. I couldn't see her cry, she was my mother after all and I still loved her very much.

I was not the daughter my mother wished for. I was the complete opposite of her and Sarina. I was someone who just loved wild, exciting adventures and experiences. I loved the freedom and diversity. My mother was completely against the idea, of me joining the military. And of course she didn't want me to move to Republic City. But I also understood why. She was just worried and I was sure if I had children one day, I would be worried like her. She made me to the person I was today. She raised me when my father wasn't at home. And I was grateful for everything she has done. I loved her with every beat of my heart because she was also the one who gave birth to me. And what would we be without a mother's love?

My thoughts drifted back to little Asami who was looking out of the window.

"Do you like dolls?"

"Yes! I do!"

"Really? Then I think you can choose one when we stop by doll house."

We stepped into the doll house first so she could choose one.
After a while she ran towards me with a doll in her arms.

"I think she looks like you Saira!"

I looked at Asami, not sure if she was serious about what she said. The doll didn't have anything in common with me except the hair and the teint. But I knew she was serious about what she said and I decided to agree on what she was blabbering.
Asami then has chosen this doll because she reminded me on her and she would be with her instead of me, although I wasn't.

When we walked out of the store, I had made a decision.

I made myself a mission. To keep Asami happy, no matter what was happening. To give her the childhood she deserved because I believed that children are our future.
They were the only ones, who could save this world and for that they needed a lot of love and happiness.

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