Chapter 4

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“Hello?” I say as I answer my phone. I look at Harry whose looking at the ground fiddling with his fingers.

“Kimberly Parker?” A female voice on the other line asks. I sigh and tap my nails on the kitchen table, making a rhythym.

“Yes?” I ask.

“Hi, I’m Officer Beth Robinson…” My heart stops and my tapping comes to a halt. Harry looks up at me, furrowing his eyebrows together. “I’m with the Victorian Police Department.” She sighs but keeps talking. “Your mother, Esther Parker… She’s been murdered …” She stops, waiting for a reply.

“W-What?” I stutter, my voice breaking. My eyes fill with fear. I feel… Torn… Shattered.

“Hunny? I’m so sorry…”

I hang up, tears forming in my eyes. I look at Harry, but as soon as I do, all hell breaks loose and I start bursting out into tears.  He looks at me and holds his arms out; I walk towards him and hug him tightly.

“She’s dead… My mother… She’s dead!” I sob into Harry’s shoulder, making wet patches where my tears fell.

“Shhhh. It’s okay babe… Shhhh.” He rubs my back, calming me down.

Wait… Did he just call me babe? But? Oh well, he didn’t mean it…

“I’m so sorry!” I sniffle. “You don’t deserve this!” I try to run away, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer.

“Don’t be sorry…” He whispers into my ear. “It’s not your fault.”

“I just… I don’t know anymore!” I cry again, burrowing my head in his shoulder.


“I… I wanna go see her…” I look at Harry, his eyes disagreeing with me 110%.

“Sure. I’ll drive.” He grabs his keys and rushes out to the car. I get in quickly and strap my seatbelt on.


We arrive at my house, red and blue flashing lights everywhere bluring my vision. I get out the car and run to one of the officers.

“Where is she? I want to see my mother!” I shout, Harry running by my side and whispering something in my ear. I wasn’t listening to him because of the fear building inside me. “I just want to say goodbye to her… Properly…” I sigh and look at Harry who was once holding me back, but chose to let go. He nodded and I ran past the officers, dodging them so I couldn’t be stopped.

I start to cry as I wonder through my house. I walk into the lounge room, but all I see is broken glass over the floor, chairs lying on their side and the rug messed up.

I quickly check the rooms for my mother, every other room except her room. I gulp as I slowly open her door. I jump back and gasp for air.

Her body lay on the middle of the floor, her eyes wide open and full of fear. Blood stains on her shirt, her light brown hair a darker shade than what it usually is. A knife on the floor beside her, blood on the blade. Multiple stabs to her chest and her neck slit. Her body lay lifeless infront of me and there’s nothing I can do about it.

“H-Harry!” I call from upstairs. Within seconds, Harry is by my side, helping me up. He leads me away but I can’t take my eyes off her. “Wait!” I quickly run back and stroke her hair off her face. I close her eyelids, take my necklace off, and put it on her.

“I’m so sorry for hurting you mum… I never wanted to, I didn’t mean to. This is my entire fault… I shouldn’t have ever taken advantage of you, I should have cherished the moments we had together. I should have told you I loved you more often, shown appreiciation for what you did for me. I’m so sorry for everything!” I cry and hold her cold hand. “I promise I will never forget you! I will always love you! You mean everything to me mum! You’re the strongest person I know and will ever know! You’d risk your life to keep me safe, to make sure I was okay. You taught me to never give up and I never will! I love you mum and I always will!” I kiss her hand sofly and place it by her side. I wipe my tears away and look at her one last time. “I love you mum.” I walk out the room to see Harry standing there, waiting for me.

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