Chapter 28

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“Hey, Kimmie…” Harry shakes my shoulders lightly in attempt to wake me, sitting on the bed and causing it to dip. He brings his hand my my cheeks and wipes my tears at the corner of my eyes. “Wake up beautiful…” I hear him whisper into my ear.

I slowly open my bloodshot eyes to look at Harry. He smiles and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear.

“Harry!” I smile, rushing up to hug him, I end up throwing my head back onto the pillow as a massive headache over comes me.

“Ow…” I breathe in through my teeth, rubbing my eyes and look at what Harry’s looking at. Beside me there is a glass of water with an aspirin sitting beside it.

I smile at Harry, remembering how he brought that into my room last night while I was in my drunken state.

I swallow the tablet, along with the glass of water.

“Thanks Harry” I smile and hold his hand. Shyanne and Niall walk in my bedroom, hand in hand. Shyanne eyes me disapprovingly and Niall nods at Harry.

“What the fuck were you thinking? Going out and getting drunk!” Shyanne lectures me as if I’m a child.

“I can make my own decisions! What does it mater if I go out and get drunk?” I yell, feeling sorry for Niall as he is standing next to Shyanne while she is having a go at me.

“What does it matter?! What if something had of happened to you? How are we supposed to help you?”

“Don’t help me then!” I yell back again, getting out of bed despite my headache. I pull my suitcase out from under the bed and take out a pair of light blue, ripped skinny jeans along with a black v-neck, yet long sleeve shirt and to top it off, a champagne coloured scarf.

“What are you doing?!” Shyanne yells at me, Niall still standing beside her, her hand in his.

“What the fuck does it look like? I’m going to have a shower! Fuck!” I shout, pushing past them both to get to the bathroom. I drop my clothes on the toilet seat and undress. I turn the shower on and wait impatiently for the water to get to the right temperature.

When I’m happy with the temperature of the water, I step in the shower, letting the water run over my body. Washing my hair with shampoo and conditioner, cleansing my body with my soap and finally, washing it off and stepping out of the glass shower. I dry myself off and get dressed in the bathroom, brushing my hair through and tying it in a messy bun.

I walk out the bathroom, my feet slightly wet still. As I walk into my bedroom, Shyanne steps out in front of me and blocks my doorway.  I sigh and roll my eyes.

“What now?” I sigh, my voice quieter than I intended, almost making me look weak to her.

“You can’t just get drunk, come home and expect us to all be fine with it…” Shyanne says, her voice complete with confidence. Her hands are resting at her hips, whilst mine are at my sides.

“Well they can forget about me in a few hours! I’m going back home to Ireland.” I raise my voice, looking up at her, as she is just taller than I am. I attempt to push past her, into my bedroom, but she stops me… As usual.

“Kimberly! This is your home! You grew up here! Your home is here!” Shyanne responds. She is right, I’ll give her credit for that… But I’m still leaving for Ireland, no matter what.

“It’s not home without my mother!” I blurt out, tears pricking at the corner of my eyes.

She looks at me disappointed.

“You don’t understand!” I choke out, my voice coming out barely a whisper. “You don’t understand…” I try to push past her, this time succeeding in doing so.

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