Chapter 42

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I wake to find myself in Harry's arms. His head is to his side, his hair partially covering his face.

His arms are wrapped around me, holding me tightly. Harry's hands are cold, gripped, somewhat softly, around my shoulder.

"Harry." I whisper, nudging his torso with my shoulder. After no response, I try again. "Harry."

"Mm." He groans and rubs his eyes. "What time is it?"


"Wow. So precise." He smiles and opens his eyes slightly.

A knock in the door startles both of us. Harry looks at me and closes his eyes. I release myself from his grip and head towards the door.

"Hello?" I ask, whipping the door open.

"Hey!" Shyanne smiles and hugs me tightly, dropping her bags to the floor.

"Ugh." I whine, hugging her back lazily.

"Just woke up?" She looks at me, giving me a questioning look.

I nod in response and throw myself into her arms.

"Oh darling. Not bough sleep is bad for you. It makes you stand out... In all the wrong ways." She says, referring to the bags under my eyes.

"Such a great best friend." I sigh sarcastically.

"Feeling the love!" She smiles and walks in the house, bringing her bags behind her. Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam follow behind her.

"She was staying out for a night..." Niall pauses, standing by the door. "She packed a months worth!"

I chuckle and lightly punch his arm.

"She doesn't have as much practice as you Ni!" I laugh and let the boys and himself inside.

"So, how are you?" Niall asks me, walking into the kitchen. Typical.

"Not bad, yourself?" I ask, watching as his face throws a confused look at me as he sees the saucepan in the sink. "Harry was cooking..." I explain and add a weight lift off Niall's face.

"Aww yeah. Pretty good! How are you in terms of..." He tries explaining, but he can't find the words for it. "Um, in regards of ugh..."

"My battle?" I ask, my voice coming out more of a squeak.

"Yeah, how is that going?" Niall asks me, looking at me as his hand rests on the fridge door.

"If you want me to be completely honest with you..." I pause and watch as he nods. "I'm not doing do great. I want it to be over. I just want to hide, but I need to live. I mean, it's not going to get better, just sitting around and doing nothing with my life."

"That was good... I wish I could speak like you." He smiles and pulls out left over pizza from last night.

"You don't want to live like me though." I say quietly, so he can't hear me.

"Can I ask you something?" Niall asks, placing a plate in the microwave and heating up the pizza.

"Of course!" I smile and sit down on the counter.

"I love Shyanne. She means everything to me. And, I don't want to lose her. I want to be with her forever." I see where this is going... "I want to know what you think, of me proposing to her." Niall asks me, sitting down on the opposite side of the bench.

"Well... You can't marry her Niall... You just can't." I sigh and look at Niall disapprovingly. His face drops and tears start to form in his eyes.

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