Chapter 21

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"I-I'm sorry... I need to go... It was nice talking to you though... Kimberly." Harry stutters, trying to run off. I catch him by the hand and pull him closer to me.

"Why didn't you try and talk to me?" I whisper into his ear. He looks at me, his eyes watering.

"I... I can't say..." Harry says, pulling out of my grip and running off.

"You don't know how much I missed you! You can't just leave me like this Harry!" I argue, tears rolling down my cheeks. I sit in the middle of the stage and cover my face with my hands, crying into them.

I can't believe he just left me like that...

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Shyanne standing there with Niall.

"Niall?" I ask, looking up at him. "Do you remember me?" I sniffle, wiping my eyes.

"Of course I do! You're Kimberly Parker! You and Harry moved in with me before we auditioned for X-Factor! You live in my house!" He giggled. Well at least SOMEONE remembers me...

I smile and look down at the empty arena... All the empty chairs...

"You know... I want to be as big as you guys are... Playing worldwide, sold out shows... Everything..." I say, looking out to the far end of the room. "To show people what I can do..."

"It's an amazing life to live... To have people singing your lyrics back to you, to have everyone going crazy about you... It's incredible!" Niall smiles, sitting down beside me. "And let me tell you one thing, when you do become as big as us, I'll be in the first row fangirling over you!" Shyanne slaps him on the shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?" Niall asks, rubbing his shoulder.

"Thanks Niall... I really mean it... Thank you. But, is there one thing you can do for me?" I ask Niall. I know I can trust Niall with anything, I have been able to from the start.

"Of course!" He smiles, looking at me as I look at him.

"Can you talk to Harry and calm him down... I think I deserve an answer after what he did to me..." I sigh, looking back down in an instant.

"I will... I certainly will." He says before standing up and leaving the stage with Shyanne.

Maybe he might just tell me why he didn't even try to contact me...

I quietly start to sing to myself.

"When I'm nervous, I have this thing, yeah, I talk too much, sometimes I just can't seem to shut the hell up, it's like I need to tell someone, anyone who'll listen, and that's where I seem to fuck up... Yeah, I forget about the consequences, for a minute there I lose my senses, and in the heat of the moment, my mouth starts going and words start flowing, oh." I sing the words to Nobody's Perfect by Jessie J.

"But I never meant to hurt you, I know it's time that I learnt to, treat the people I love, like I wanna be loved, this is a lesson learnt!" Harry sings from behind me, making me jump. I turn around and see Harry singing.

"Harry... I'm sorry for having a go at you before I've just bee-" Harry cuts me off by pressing his lips against mine.

"Look..." Harry says as he pulls away. "I didn't forget about you... I wanted to see if you've changed... You haven't..."

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask worried. What if it is? And he doesn't love me anymore?

"No! It's a good thing!" He smiles at me, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you Harry... I really missed you..." I whisper into his ear, hugging him back in return.

"I've missed you too Kimmie, you have no idea how much I've thought about you..." He laughs. "We were doing a concert in Doncaster, and I screwed up the lyrics... I was thinking about you then, the other day in Dublin, we were doing a show and I cried during Right Now... I was thinking about you then too."

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