Chapter 30

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“Hey Harry… Can we not go to the movies? I just want to take a nice walk with you… Is that okay?” I ask Harry. I don’t want to be in a confined space… I just need fresh air.

“Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?” I nods in response and look out the car window.

We pull up in the parking spot of a park. Wooden framework of a playground stands in the middle of green grass, red slides hanging off the playground. I walk up the gravel path, Harry’s fingers intertwined with mine. I breathe in the cool air through my teeth. I stop at the playground and sigh. I remember when I was a child, my mother used to bring me here all the time. I’d play with the other kids that were also here… The ones that wouldn’t make fun of me.


“Mummy! Please take me to the playground? I really want to play with Jack!” I whine, tugging on her night dress. “Please mummy?” She sighs and raises her hands above her head in defeat. Jack is my best friend, he always has been! Mummy said that his she knew his mummy when she was a little girl like me.

“Fine, fine…” she sighs, pretending to be angry at me.

“Mummy… Are you angry at me?” I ask, tears brimming in the corners of both my eyes. It kills me to see my mum angry, especially at me.

“Of course not hunny!” She smiles and lifts me up, holding me against her skinny figure. I smile and hug her tightly. Of course she was mucking around with me!

“Mummy, you’re so skinny!” I laugh, poking her tummy as she places me back on my feet. I could feel her bones through her skin. Little did I know that my mum was suffering an eating disorder.

She ignores my comments about her figure and walks into the bathroom. Turning on the water for the shower and looking over at me.

“Mummy will be out soon okay Kimmie? She needs to have a shower and get ready for the park!” Mummy talks about herself in third person.

“Okay mummy!” I smile and run down the hall, into my bedroom and grab my hairbrush off the tall dresser. I brush my silky, blonde hair and do my shoes up.


We both arrive at the park, me running off to go and play with my friends. I look back at my mummy occasionally and see her talking to Jack’s mummy. They always have something to talk about… Whether it’s cleaning, shoe prices… Whatever.

“Tag! You’re it!” Jack runs up to me, tapping my shoulder quickly before running off.

“I’m going to get you!” I laugh, chasing after him. I stumble over my feet, my knees hitting the floor first. I cry in pain and force myself to slide against the wooden wall. My mum and Jack’s mum come and look at my bleeding knee. Jack runs past and sees me, he then comes running up to me.

“Are you okay?” Jack asks me, clearly worried about my fall.

“Yeah,” I let out a sniffle, wiping my eyes as my mummy pulls a band-aid from her pocket. She takes it out from the plastic wrapper, and sticks it on my knee. “I’m fine.” I add.

“All better now?” Mummy asks me. I nod and smile, standing up and wiping my eyes again.

Our parents go back to the park bench where they were sitting before. Jack comes over to me and hugs me. I smile and hug him back, wrapping my arms around his small body.

“Look! Kimberly has a boyfriend! Jack and Kimberly sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Naomi sings, pointing at both of us. A crowd gathers around us and they all start laughing.

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