Chapter 31

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The train hits me at full force, knocking me to the ground and pinning me under the moving train.


I loved him... Way too much. I loved him to the point I was obsessed with him, at least I thought.

My friend once told me she engraved her boyfriends initials into her uper thigh, just above her dress line.

I figure that that's what love is. Doing something you'll regret, but it won't matter.

I find an abandoned sharpener lying around on my desk. I grab a pair of scissors from my pencil case and remove the blades.

Pressing it to my skin above my dress line, and dragging it across. I carve decent sized heart into my leg, causing spots if blood to rise at the surface of my skin. Inside the heart, I scratch his initials, plus mine, into it.

The way I feel right now is beautiful. I know that I've just caused a scar on, what used to be, my perfect skin. But it's okay because that's what preteen love is right?

Few days later, he calls me up. only to leave a 3 worded message before hanging up.

"I'm dumping you."

His words cut through my heart. I felt as if everything I knew, has just been crushed beneath me.

Then I remember the sting from blade on my skin.

I search around my room for the pair of scissors I used to remove the blades from the sharpener. I open the scissors, bring one of the sharp surfaces to my upper wrist.

With the scissors pressed to my skin, I drag them across slowly. These are sure to scar.


A dark world consumes me, dragging me into it. I try and escape it, but I simply can't.

My eyes are what seems to be, glued shut. I've just lost one of my main senses. Great.

"Kimberly Parker, age 18. Got hit by a train and her heart failed for 6 minutes. She was airlifted here 5 minutes ago. she is in a stable, yet fragile condition." A female voice stated from beside me. It seems as if she knows everything about me. Maybe she has my life, right there in her hands...

Darkness is all that surrounds me. It has me held here. the only soul that wanders the dark, is mine.

A light, fast knock pulls me from my thoughts as the nurse walks over to it.

"Can we see her?" I hear a light voice ask the nurse. By the awkward silence in the room, I can tell the nurse doesn't want them in here.

"Yes, but know that she can't reply to you." The nurse states, almost leaving the room until another question is thrown at her.

"W-What's wrong with her?" A male voice asks. His Irish accent thick.

"She's in a coma. We can't be sure when she'll come to." I hear the nurse say.

The darkness has trapped me, as if it's locking me in a darkened room, with no light at all.

"Shit." The small female voice curses under her breath. I swear I've heard both of their voices before somewhere ,I just can't seem to put my finger in it though.

"It says here on her records that she has a really bad case of depression, is that true?" The nurse asks. I thought she knew everything about me?

"Yeah, that's true." I can hear the pain in a whisper coming from the girl.

"Hmm. That would explain alot..." The nurse mumbles before I can faintly hear the pen scribble on paper. The door opens and I feel as if the intensity in the room has left, along with the nurse.

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