Chapter 63

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**Niall's P.O.V**

Shyanne and I have been fighting for a month, she won't even tell me why.

Is it because we haven't gotten married yet?

We've put our engagement on hold until we can sort this out, because clearly, we have issues.

Shyanne broke my guitar, now I need to get another one.

Sure it's 2 strings and a scratch on the back, but I can't have that.

I'm going to go to Zayn's place and hang around him, ask for some advice on Shyanne and I. I don't know honestly.

I grab my car keys and lock my house.

The ride to Zayn's house was quiet.

Not that there was anyone to talk to me, but because I didn't have music playing.

I normally would have music playing, whether it be softly or loud.

I knock on Zayn's door, only for it to be opened by Perrie.

"Hey Niall! Come in!" She chirps and I smile at her, walking into their comfortable home.

"Zayn, mate I need help."

"I know." He sighs and looks at me with a smile. I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head. "Seriously, what's up?"

"Shyanne and I-"

"Are you guys still fighting?" Zayn asks, cutting me off. I ignore him and continue.

"Are still fighting, and it's been a month. We need to sort our shit out, but I don't know what's wrong. She won't tell me." I look at Zayn who is avoiding contact with me.



"You know why she's mad at me don't you? Tell me please! I need to sort this out with her." I admit. It's not a lie, I do need to sort this out with her.

"She overheard your conversation before Kimberly went into labour with Amber."

What did I say? Was that when I told Kimpoo about how I liked her rather than Shyanne?


"Where is she?" I ask, curiosity evident in my voice.

"She's at the hospital." Zayn replies avoiding eye contact. Once again.



"Kimberly's there."


I grab my keys from beside me and hurry out of the house.

"Bye Zayn, bye Perrie!" I shout from the front door and run to my car.

What has she done?


"Niall." Harry sighs and pulls me over to him.

"Mate, where is she?"

"She's in room 14-" I don't let him finish before I make my way down the halls.

As soon as I come across room 14, I open the door and let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

She's okay.

Shyanne is in there with Kimpoo, smiling and wiping her eyes.

Both of them look over to me and Kimberly smiles, Shyanne looks back to Kim.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Are you okay?" I ask, directing my attention to Kim.

It's a stupid question to ask, we all know she's not. She'll lie and tell us she's okay, when even she knows she's not okay.

"I'm fine." She smiles and Shyanne holds her hand, rubbing to top with her thumb.

I smile and don't pressure Kim into talking about it.

"I'm going to therapy."


"For how long?" I ask, looking at her pale face with concern.

"Just a couple of years, I'm going to get better." She smiles, which causes me to smile back.

"That's great!"

"Hey, Ni... Come here for a sec." Kimberly tells me and I do as she says.

She cups her hands around her mouth, bringing her lips incredibly close to my ear. Her hot breath tickles my neck and I shiver.

I nod as she finishes her instructions and smile.

I grab Shyanne's hand and lead her outside.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Of course I already know the answer, I just want to hear it from her.

"I'm not." She protests and looks away from me.

"You are, you're not even looking at me!"

Shyanne automatically turns and looks at me with a frown on her face.

"What now?" She spits, not breaking eye contact with me.

I wish I could wipe that emotion of her beautiful face. She doesn't deserve to be angry, or upset.

Her face is one made for smiling and laughter.

"Look, I know why you're mad at me, and you deserve to be. But to ignore me? To break my guitar? You know how much that means to me! I can't believe you would. Never would I have thought you'd be the one to break something that meant so much to me."

"Like my heart." She mumbles, looking at the ground.

I pause and think about those three words.

It makes sense.

My words to Kimberly broke her heart.

I don't know how to reply to her retaliation, so I act like I didn't hear it.

"You didn't hear the full thing Shyanne. I was talking about how I saw her and I thought she was the one... Then I got to know you, and everything changed. I knew you were the one. I'm not sure how much of our conversation you heard, but I swear that's what happened. I don't know what else I can say to convince you. We need to stop fighting Shyanne, it's unbearable. And seeing you with that look on your face, makes me want to break down. You don't understand how much you actually mean to me, you don't understand how much I need you. I want to be with you, and I know you do too." I sigh in relief at my small speech. I start to fiddle with my fingers, and shuffle my feet in hope she won't turn me down.

"Niall, you know I love you. You know I want to get married to you, but I'm not sure if I can. Kimmie's going to rehab, how are we supposed to do all the stuff that bridesmaids and bride stuff? I can't have everything Niall, and this is obviously something I can't have. It's not fair on both of us, but I guess it has to be that way." She sighs and shrugs her shoulders, obviously not really caring about what she said.

"No, it doesn't. Kim is going to get better, we can sort something out. Please, don't do this to me, to us. I e waited my whole life for something like this to happen, I'm not going to let it slip past me. There's some things you have to do, despite the circumstances. I want to get married to you, I want to have kids with you, I way to grow old with you. Why can't you accept that you do too?"

"I want to Niall, I really do. But I mean, I can't. I would love to be with you for the rest of my life, I would love that. Why would you do this? Why would you make it seem like I'm the bad one?"

"I'm not! I just want us to sort this out, I just want to be happy with you. Can't we just forget about what happened?" I ask, my energy being drawn from me.

She avoids eye contact and shuffles her feet.

I smile and walk over to her, grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers.

"I'm sorry." I sigh, looking down at the ground as we walk.

"I'm sorry about your guitar."

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