Chapter 20

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I walk back out of the bathroom and into the arena. So many thoughts are clouding my head...

Why does he want to see me? What if he hates me? What will he say to me?

I throw all of the thoughts out of my head as I walk up to Shyanne and sit down beside her.

"Took ya time!" Shyanne jokes, laughing and looking at me.

"Something on your mind? What's up?" As if on cue, a voice comes through the microphone.

"VAS HAPPENIN'?!" I giggle and look at Shyanne.

"Harry wants us to stay back after the concert..." I say, looking down.

"That's great! Maybe you guys can talk again!" She shouts, smiling crazily and lifting up me face. "Hey, it'll be fine! Just forget about it for now, and enjoy your time here!"

"You're right! Nothing will happen!" I smile, standing up.

Suddenly screams and conversations burst through the doors along with people.

"It's starting now!" I laugh, sitting back in my chair.

The whole arena fills and the noise is loud as!

Soon, Best Song Ever starts playing and the crowd goes wild.

"Hey, how you doing everyone?! Liam asks into the microphone, which only earns louder screams from the crowd. "Alright here we go!" And with that, Harry starts singing his first solo.

"And we danced all night to the best song ever! We knew every line, know I can't remember, how it goes but I know that I won't forget her, cause we danced all night to the best song ever! I think it went oh oh oh, I think it went yeah yeah yeah, I think it goes..." They all sing, the crowd jumping around and singing the lyrics back to them.

Once they finish the song, Harry looks down at me and winks at me. I smile like an idiot and turn bright red.

They sing all the songs on the album, except one.

Back up crew are setting out 5 chairs on the stage in a line.

"Alright... Can I please get... You up here please?" Niall says, pointing at Shyanne. She smiles excitedly and stands up and walks on stage.

Niall whispers something in her ear away from the microphone, and she sits down on a chair.

Please pick me... Please pick me Harry...

"You!" Zayn exclaims, pointing at a girl in the crowd.

"The girl with the One Direction shirt one!" Louis smiles. The whole crowd goes wild. It takes me a few seconds to realize what he just did... Ha. "The girl in the 5th row, about the middle... With the Louis sign!" She screams and jumps around before running up on the stage and taking a seat.

"Well, I wish I could pick all of you!" Liam shouts into the microphone, causing the whole stadium to scream. He laughs before picking a girl to take a seat up with the 3 other girls.

Please Harry... Harry please me...

"And I pick Louis!" Harry shouts, everyone screams and Louis sits down with the girls, stretching his arm over the other girls shoulder. They start having a conversation until Harry starts talking again. "This girl... Right in front of me." Harry's pointing to me... He wants me to go up... Oh my god...

I stand up and casually walk up onto the stage. Louis moves, and I sit down. I look over at Shyanne and smiles big! I can't actually believe that we both got picked!

"So your friends been telling me, you've been sleeping with my sweater, and that you can't stop missing me... Bet my friends been telling you, I'm not doing much better.... Cause I'm missing half of me..." Liam sings to his chosen girl, brushing his hand over her face.

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