Chapter 33

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I whip my eye lashes open, my heart racing. I immediately scan my surrounding, I let out a sigh I didn’t know that I was holding. The heart monitor is beating faster than usual, but still stable. The bed sheets are slightly rippled from me sleeping in them. Actually sleeping.

I look around the room, Lillianne is sleeping with her head rested on the metal bedframe.

Lillianne makes a light noise, sitting up and looking at me.

“You didn’t wake me?” Lillianne asks me, fixing her ponytail and blinking several times in a row.

“I just woke up myself…” I reply, my voice quiet. I look back at Lillianne with shaky hands.

“I don’t want them to know…” I finally say after what seems minutes of silence. Lillianne nods understandingly and stands up.

“I’ll let them know.” She flashes a smile before leaving my room.

I smile back, just before she leaves my sight.

I close my eyes and just think about Harry, Shyanne… My mum… Gosh she would be so disappointed in me.

As soon as I open them, 7 silhouettes are in my sight.

“She’s awake!” Shyanne shouts.

I stare back at everyone, they all stare back at me.

Silence is the only thing in the room.

“I-I…” I stutter, fiddling with my fingers in my lap.

“Save it.” Harry says towards me. “I can’t believe you did that to us Kimberly.”

“Harr-” Niall says to Harry, trying to stop him from saying anything.

“We’re finished. Over.” Harry spits before leaving the room and me behind.

A tear rolls down my face as the door slams shut, causing me to jump.

“I’m sorry…” Shyanne whispers before placing her hand on top of mine reassuringly.

I can’t seem to move. It’s like he just left, with my heart shattered into pieces. I’ve just lost everything… Harry… He meant everything to me.


I’ve been released from the hospital. They said that I need to be careful. Lillianne hasn’t forgotten to visit me once every week. She reminded me just before I left. A woman dressed in black and white came to take me to my new home.

I get in the car, the only thoughts that will travel with me are Harry. Only Harry.

The woman introduces herself as Martha Woods before she starts to drive away from the hospital.

He was the best thing that ever happened to me. He was there for me when I lost my mum, he wasn’t just there, he gave me a home, and he saved me.

He won’t have to see me again anyway. He’ll be too busy touring to give a damn about me.

We soon arrive at the mental institution. I cringe at the thought of this being my new home.

I walk up to the front desks with my bags as Martha walks away from me.

“Hi! I’m Jesinta, what can I do for you?” This sounds an awful lot like my nightmare I had not long ago…

“Ugh... I’m supposed to be here…” I mumble, I don’t know what I’m supposed to be saying to her... I’ve never been in this situation before...

“Kimberly Parker I assume?” I nod and she leads me to my room.

“Here, you’ll be staying in here for a while…We might occasionally let you out... Not out of the building of course!” She jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Not working…

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