Chapter 39

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I’m going crazy.. I have to be.

I keep thinking all this. Running away from my problems, I shouldn’t have to.

This is my life.. And the scariest thing? I can’t control it.

I turn the shower off and step out of the glass frame.

The air surrounding me is cold, goose bumps rising on my skin. I wrap myself in a towel and dry my hair, curling it and leaving the bathroom. I look through my closet and sigh heavily.

I click my tongue as I brush my hand over my clothes, deciding what to wear.

A light blue, floral dress catches my eyes. It’s gorgeous. I don’t remember putting it in here, nor wearing it.

I take a moment to glance out the window. It’s raining. I look back at the closet and sigh, I let go of the dress and move on. I will wear that dress, sometime.

Black skinny jeans and a light grey, long sleeve shirt with a dark grey heart printed on the front.

I walk downstairs after doing my hair and makeup.

The phone rings.

The house is quiet.

The phone rings again.

I slowly walk over to the phone, and let my hand hover before it. After my arm hanging there, I answer the phone.

“Ms Parker?” The familiar voice booms through the phone.

“Yes?” I sigh in relief into the receiver.

“We have some news about your mother…” The officer on the phone announces. It gives me a little hope, not much.

“And?” I say with a slight smile on my face, my voice full of excitement.

“We’d like you to come down to the station immediately.” He says with a serious tone. The line goes dead within seconds and his voice is replaced with a constant beeping.


“Ms Parker. We have important information to give you.” I nod and wait for him to continue. “This case is closed,” He says after a taunting silence. “Your mother, the autopsy proves that she had stage 2 lung cancer.” I gasp to myself. She never told me that, or anything about it for that matter.

“I-I didn’t know. She never told me.” I stutter, looking at the ground. She had cancer and she didn’t tell me.

“She took her life, I assume, to protect you, so you didn’t have to go through it with her.”

“But what about the mirror? And the blood everywhere, and the knife! You mean to say she did that? To herself? To me?” I wipe the tears from my cheeks.

“We think that she didn’t want you to know about her suicide. She wanted to cover it up.” He says with straight lips stretched across his face.

“I… I can’t believe it.” I murmur to myself. Constable Spencer presses his lips together and slightly nods. He waits by the open door and watches as I exit the dark, somewhat cold atmospheric room.

The temperature difference between both rooms hits me like a truck. My head starts spinning and I start to feel nauseous. I look around for an exit, for fresh air. A neon green sign hanging from the roof with white writing on it catches my eye as an exit. I leave through that door and step out into the fresh air. The cold air whips across my face, but I don’t mind. It’s relaxing.

I pull my keys out of the car keys out of my pocket and unlock Harry’s car. Getting in, I start the car and drive away from the station.

Soon later, I pull up in the parking lot of Starbucks. Tears streaming down my face, I rush to sit in a booth by myself.

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