Chapter 41

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The lights are turned off, and soft music is playing in the background. Candles are lit, and the curtains are drawn. The table is set with red serviettes, red roses, similar to the ones Harry have me today, sit in a glass vase on the table. Candles are arranged in a circle around the vase of roses on the table.

I silently gasp and let my mouth drop. It's beautiful. The TV isn't on.

Candles are the only source of light in this room.

The pool glows a neon blue, reflecting on the wall from outside.

I exit the living room and walk to the kitchen, where Harry is cooking dinner for us both.

"Hey." I smile and wait for Harry to turn around from the stove.

"Hey, sorry... I was just cook-" He turns around, his eyes trailing up an down my body. "Wow." He gasps and smiles at me.

"What?" I giggle lightly, waiting for his reply.

"You're gorgeous." Harry replies simply as he continues to smile at me.

"Harry..." I question, watching as a cloud of dark smoke erupts from the saucepan behind him.

"No, wait.. I know I've been a total dick to you, and I want to make it up to you." He smiles and continues to talk. "The way I treated you was absolutely terrible, and I'm so sorry. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend, ever. I'm so proud to be able to call you my girlfriend, Kimberly. I just want things back the way they were, before all of the fame and cameras. What do you say?"

"Harry... It's burning." I admit, completely discarding what he said to me for the time being. It was beautiful, what he said, I'll give him that... But didn't his mother ever teach him to watch what he's cooking?

"Oh shit." He mumbles before hurrying to fix the problem. With a struggle, he tries to stir the contents in the saucepan. With no luck, he turns a switch, causing the flame to disappear. "It's burnt." He sighs, a smile slowly forming on his face as he looks into his hands.

"What now?" I ask, not trying to sound disappointed.

"Can you pass me the phone?" He asks politely. I nod and hand him the portable phone. He presses multiple buttons on the keypad, height the phone to his ear soon after.

"Hey, take out please." He smiles as he looks at me. "Yeah, can I get a Hawian, ugh... I think I might get a pepperoni. Can I get a bottle of sprite with that as well? Thanks, yeah. Okay" He smiles and hangs up the phone.

"Did you just order pizza?" I ask sarcastically. He smirks and throws a laugh my way. "Harry Styles, did you just order fucking pizza?"

"I may or may not have" He smiles and chucks the hot saucepan in the sink. He leads me into the candle lit living room and sits me down at a chair.

"Look, I don't know why your trying to make it up to me. I love you, that's all that matters. And after everything we've been through, I still love you. I don't know how, or why, but I do. I'm in love with you Harry Styles." I smile and look at his gorgeous green eyes.

"I love you." He smiles and leans in for a kiss, only to be stopped by the doorbell ringing. "It'll be the pizza" He smirks and brushes his hand along mine, till it can no longer reach. Few minutes later, Harry walks in with 2 boxes of pizza and a bottle of sprite.

"I can't believe you actually ordered pizza." I laugh and smile at him. He serves a decent numerical amount of pizza slices on my plate.

"Oh I did" He takes a bite from his pepperoni pizza, smiling to reveal the purée inside his mouth.

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