Chapter 27

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“This, tonight is our last show of the tour…” Zayn sighs, placing his hand on his knee as we drive home.

“Yeah?” I ask, wanting more information. Zayn looks back at me, and starts talking again.

Before I know it, we’re back at home and Zayn has stopped talking. We all walk in the house and go our separate ways.

Harry walks in my bedroom behind me and looks at my sympathetically.

“Harry, I don’t know what to do anymore!” I cry, walking up to Harry with my head down, tears streaming down my face and onto my dress. He opens his arms for me and I walk into them, my arms wrapping around his torso.

“Do whatever you need to… But if you hurt yourself, you lose me.” Harry says and walks out the room and closes the door, leaving me standing there broken. He just came out and said it, it doesn’t make any sense…

Within seconds, I crumble to the floor and break down. I open my mouth to scream, but no noises come out. I ball my fists and raise them above my head, only to bring them down to the floor, causing a loud thud along with a scream. I loosen up and cry on the floor.

What am I doing to myself? Who am I?

I manage to pull myself together -only for a minute- until I crawl into my bed, crying myself to sleep. I spend the night alone in my bed, my heart sinking at Harry’s words…

Do whatever you need to… But if you hurt yourself, you lose me. Do whatever you need to… But if you hurt yourself, you lose me. Do whatever you need to… But if you hurt yourself, you lose me.

My heart aches as his words repeat in my head.

After a few hours of sleep, I decide on going out… I get out of bed; fix my hair and make-up, choosing a clean pair of skinny jeans, a white crop top and a black leather jacket. I put on some black heels and grab a coat, my phone ad left my room, closing my door behind me.

“Where are you going love?” Anne asks me as I pull the door open. I step outside and look at Anne.

“I’m going to the mall for a bit… I’ll be home soon” I say and close the door. I catch a cab to the local bar.

“Thanks” I smile, handing the blonde guy my money for the trip. He nods and drives off into the distance.

“Just a beer please” I tell the bartender and smile back at him as he smiles towards me.

He hands me my drink and winks at me. My smile fades as I bring the cold glass to my lips.I drink the whole glass full of beer within 3 minutes and I order another one. After drinking more than 5 beers, I stagger over to the dance floor and starts dancing. I’m surely intoxicated by this point!

Soon enough a tall male comes from behind my and places his cold hands on my waist. The song finishes and I turn around to face him…

“Hey.” He smiles, winking at me.

“Hi” I smile back, looking at the ground. He brings me closer to him and leans in to kiss me. I smile as our lips connect. He glides his tongue lightly on my bottom lip. I slightly part my lips and grab the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. His mouth tastes different… I can taste the alcohol on his tongue. I squint and mentally scream at myself for doing this.

I hurry outside, passing many of the drunk people that are at the bar tonight. When I get outside I unlock my phone and dial Harry’s number. After a few rings he picks up.

“Hello? Kimberly?” Harry’s voice on the other side of the line sounds perfect, as always.

“Harry!” I laugh through the noise.

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