Getting my friends back one by one

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~•~•~•~•~•~•Key words•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
(Y/n): Your name
(D/n): Dogs name
(M/n): Middle name
(F/c): Favourite color
(S/f/c): Second favourite color
(F/f): Favourite food
(F/b): Favourite book
(F/m): Favourite movie
(F/a/c): Favourite anime character
(F/a): Favourite anime
(F/an): Favourite animal
(H/c): Hair color
(H/l): Hair length
(S/c): Skin color
(H/s): Hair style
(•): Time skip
(@): Months later
(%): Weeks later
Intalics are thoughts.


Garroth woke me up by pushing me of his bed. I walked out of Garroth's room then went to wake Y/n. I opened Y/n's bedroom door and woke her up. "Y/n time to get up there's school." I say sitting on her bed.


"Y/n time to get up there's school." Someone says sitting on my bed. I turn around to see Laurence sitting these I get out of bed then Laurence gets out of my room, then I get my uniform on. As I walk out of the bathroom I get some of my makeup on and go downstairs.
"Where's Garroth, Zane and Vylad?" I ask looking at Laurence confused. "There still sleeping." He says looking up stairs. "Oh ok." I say looking at Laurence. "Are you hungry?" Laurence asks smiling at me. "Yeah I am what do you want to eat ?" I ask looking in the Kitchen. "Ummm how about French toast?" Laurence says looking at me. "That sounds perfect!" I say cheerfully. "Where are the bowls?" Laurence asks looking around the kitchen. "There over here." I say walking over to where the bowls are then grabbed the rest of the stuff we needed. I flipped the French toast over just before it was burnt. "Laurence is the French toast ready?" I ask him. "Yep there done!"

Laurence says. "Ok I'll wake up my brothers." I say walking up the stairs. "Garroth wake up." I say standing at the door. He doesn't get up so I try Zane. Zane doesn't wake up ether. I go to Vylad's room. Vylad doesn't wake up ether so now I need to think of a plan.

Oh! I know! I'll pretend to fall down the stairs!

THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! GAR GAR, ZU ZU, VWAD HELP ME!" I yell from down stairs. Garroth, Zane and Vylad come running down the stairs. Laurence comes running from the kitchen. "N/n are you ok?" My brothers and Laurence say at the same. I wipe the fake tears of my face and stand up. "Yeah I'm fine just a little fake tears and pretending to fall down the stairs." I say walking over to the mirror in the hallway, I unzip my makeup bag and pull out my mascara to fix my makeup. "What, why would you do that?" They all say at the same time. "Because you guys wouldn't get up when I called you!" I say in a cute little voice. "You are evil." Laurence says looking at me smiling. "I know The youngest is always the most evil." I say flipping my hair and walking away from them.


"We made it to school finally!" I say hopping out of Garroth's car. "What is that supposed to mean?" He says glaring at me. "Oh just that you drive like a grandpa!" I say running into the school as Garroth chases after me. I see Laurence waiting for me at my locker. I run into his arms and hug him he hugs me back. "Laurence help me Garroth is chasing me!" I say in a little kid voice. "Garroth stop chasing N/n!" Laurence says looking at me smiling. I smile back and blush. Garroth walks away and goes into his class. And I go into mine with Laurence.


"Yahoo (F/f) for lunch!" I say running to my locker. Laurence walks up behind me. "Y/n are you ready to get your friends back!" He says excited. "Yep of course I'm ready!" I say very excited and a little nervous. "Your nervous aren't you?" He says smiles at me. "Y-yeah s-sorta." I say nervously. "It'll be ok, I'll help you through it." He says holding my hands. I blush and just look into his eyes. I pulled Laurence to the entrance of the cafeteria and looked at the table where my old friends are sitting. "Y/n I'm going to go talk to them." Laurence says walking away slowly.

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