On the road [part three]

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~•~•~•~•~•~•Key words•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
(Y/n): Your name
(D/n): Dogs name
(M/n): Middle name
(F/c): Favourite color
(S/f/c): Second favourite color
(F/f): Favourite food
(F/b): Favourite book
(F/m): Favourite movie
(F/a/c): Favourite anime character
(Y/s/n): Your ship name
(F/a): Favourite anime
(F/an): Favourite animal
(Y/s/n): Your ship name
(H/c): Hair color
(H/l): Hair length
(S/c): Skin color
(H/s): Hair style
(•): Time skip
(@): Months later
(%): Weeks later
Intalics are thoughts.


The girls walked out the of the gift shop with two bags each filled with stuff. "Took you guys long enough!" I say getting off up the floor walking up to them. "Shut up! let's find the guys." Maddie says walking in the deration of the guys. We see the guys sitting at a table of four drinking coffee. "Hey girls! How was your trip to the gift shop?" Laurence asks looking up at me. "It was good!" Nicole says putting her bags of stuff in the air. "I got some stuff, so I'd say it was good." Maddie says shrugging. "I got you all something!" I say smiling brightly as I look at my bag of teddy bears for everyone. "What did you get us?" Dante asks putting his hand on the brim of the bag, I pull the bag away from him smack his hand and say "No! Bad Dante! You have to wait until we get to my island!" Dante looks at me like I'm crazy. "It's not your island." Dante says crossing his arms over his chest. "Yes it is, it's my Fathers island so therefore it's my island too!"

I say sitting on Laurence's lap blushing a little as I do. "Okay, fine it's your island to." Dante says accepting defeat. Laurence grabs a bag with a chocolate chip muffin in it, I watch as he takes it out he must of noticed me staring at it. "Do you want the muffin?" Laurence asks putting the muffin in front of my face. "What about you? This is your muffin." I say looking at him. "It's ok, you can have it." Laurence says giving me the muffin, I take the muffin split it in two then give one half to Laurence. "Here you can have the other half!" I say stuffing the half into his mouth.


We've been sitting in the cafeteria for an hour now which means one more hour left, I'm looking at the signs hanging off the ceiling of the ferry and saw in big bold writing 'Arcade' my eyes light up once I saw there is an arcade on the ferry, I turned around and started shaking Laurence. "Laurence! Laurence! Laurence! Look there's an arcade! Can we go? Can we! Can we!" I ask almost jumping out of my seat from excitement. "Sure! Let's go to the arcade, guys wanna go to the arcade?" Laurence asks the rest of the group. "Yeah! Sure we got nothing better to do." They all say at the same time. "Okay great! Let's go!" I say excitedly getting out of my seat grabbing Laurence's arm and dragging him in the arcade. "Laurence! Laurence! Laurence! Money! Money! Money! Give me! Give me! Give me!" I say jumping up and down holding my hands out to get the money. "You have your own money, use yours not mine, I'm not your personal wallet for Irene's sake."

He says looking away from me, my smile turns into a frown, my excitement goes away my shoulders slouch down, tears form in my eyes then I speak.
"I-I u-um g-I'll b-be," I try to say but run out of the little arcade and into the bathroom. "Y/n! Wait come back! I'm sorry, I uhh!" I hear Laurence say as the bathrooms door closes. I go into a bathroom stall put my back against the stall door then cry silently to myself.


I unlock the stall door walk over to the sink turn it on get some water in my hands and splash it on my face to get rid of my tear stained cheeks. I look in the mirror and whip off my wet face with the sleeve of my hoodie. I walk out of the bathroom and back into the arcade I see Nicole and Maddie standing by the doors of the arcade I walk over to them and stand beside them until Maddie speaks. "Hey (N/N)! Where did you go?" Asks Maddie. "I-I was in t-the washroom." I say frowning a little. "Y/n, are you ok? You seem a little off?" Nicole asks me.
"I-I'm fine, I'll tell you guys later." I say trying to smile but it turns into a frown. "Okay? Wanna race me in the car racing game?" Nicole asks me, I smile devilishly and say. "Oh your on!" I run over to the racing game take a seat next to Nicole while Maddie stands next to me watching.


"Haha! I won every round suck it!" I shout happily. "Fine you win." Nicole says excepting that she lost every round. Then we hear the same monotone voice from when we got on the ferry say; "We are nearing the destination of Pikoro," I look at the girls I link arms with them and they do to as we walk to the car side by side. As we are walking I see the guys looking at us I look at Laurence for a spilt second tears flood my eyes I quickly look away as we get to the stairs to go down to the parking lot, I let go of the girls arms and sit on the railing for the stairs and slide down to the bottom floor. I look up at Nicole and Maddie and they're up there cheering saying; "Whoo hoo go gurl!" I smile at them as they run down the stairs we link arms again and find Laurence's car I lean up against his car as I wait for him to come to the car.


We just got into the plane and it's about to take off, the seating arrangements are; Garroth, Dante and Laurence. And on the other side of them are the girls and I. Dante is sitting by the window, Garroth is sitting in the middle, and Laurence is sitting on the outside. And for the girls;  Nicole is sitting by the window, I am sitting in the middle, and Maddie is sitting on the outside. I told them what Laurence said to me through the girl group chat so the guys didn't hear it, Maddie and Nicole got really mad so they made me sit in between them. "Y/n look out the window it's so beautiful from up here!" Nicole says astonished by the view. I look out the window and see this

"Whoa! It's beautiful move outta the way Nicole I need to take a picture of this," I say crawling over top of her

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"Whoa! It's beautiful move outta the way Nicole I need to take a picture of this," I say crawling over top of her. "Y/n no stop please your crushing me." Nicole says struggling to breathe. "Sorry Nicole! I got my picture though," I say showing her the beautiful picture I got. "Okay, it was all worth the crushing." Nicole says handing me my phone. "I know, can I sleep now?" I ask her putting my phone into my pocket. "Yeah of course, I'll wake you up when we get to the island." Nicole says as I lean my head on her shoulder. "Ok thank you Nikki." I say yawning then closing my eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep.


"Y/n wake up we're here!" Nicole says in my ear my eyes shoot open I shoot up from my seat and take off my seatbelt. "Well come on we don't wanna keep paradise waiting!" I shout jumping out of my seat and off the plane. We all get our luggage I run out of the airport and see the beautiful island right in front of me. "Whoa!" Is all I say.





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