Two Families Walk Separate Ways

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This is when the Ro'meave's and Zvahl's first met!

*Part One*

~Eleven Years Ago~

"N/n, Sugar Pea! Time to pick Garroth and Zane up from preschool!" Zianna hollers as two year-old Vylad and Y/n wobble to the door where their Mother Zianna, is standing with their shoes and coats in hand. The two sit on the floor, as Zianna bends down and puts Y/n's shoes on then Vylad's and helps them put their coats on. "Grab Mommy's hand." She says, putting both her hands down for the two kids to grab, after she is done locking the door.


Looking up at the tall building in front of them, Zianna holds the door open as the two wobble in, taking Zianna's hand again. Looking around at all the bright, colourful shapes on the walls, Y/n smiles, seeing three year-old Zane walking over to them. Y/n hugs Zane's leg once he stops in front of them, he groans and walks away from her.

"How was your day Zu-Zu?" Zianna asks, ruffling Zane's hair as he puts it back into place. "Ugh, terrible." Zane says, as Y/n tilts her head to the side, seeing Garroth talking to a boy with light brown hair. Pulling on Vylad's sleeve to get his attention, he tears his gaze from the shapes on the walls and looks at his twin sister.

"Who's that?" She asks, pointing to four year-old Garroth and the other boy. "I dunno, let's go find out!" Vylad says as they start walking towards them. "Gar-Gar!" Y/n says putting her little hands up in the air, waiting for a hug. He bends down and hugs Vylad and Y/n as Zianna walks up to them. "Who's this, Gar-Gar?" Zianna asks holding Zane's bag in hand.

"This is my new friend! His name is Laurence!" Garroth says as Zianna smiles. "It's nice to meet you Laurence, I'm Zianna, Garroth's Mom." She says shaking his hand. "Hi!" Laurence says, smiling brightly. "Well, I'll let you guys hangout for a little." Zianna says, walking back to Zane, leaving Vylad and Y/n with Garroth and Laurence.

"Y/n, Vylad this is Laurence; Laurence this is my baby brother Vylad and his twin sister Y/n!" Garroth says as the two twins wave in sync, smiling brightly. "Hi! My name is Laurence, I'm four!" Laurence says, holding his fingers up. "Cool! We're one, two! We're two!" Y/n says, counting her fingers one by one until she is holding two in the air.

"Gar-Gar, can we play outside?" Vylad asks, tugging Garroth's sleeve. "Let's ask Mummy!" Garroth says as the four of them walk to Zianna. "Can we play outside, Mommy?" Vylad asks, poking his Mother's side. "Yes, you can. Laurence, where are your parents?" Zianna asks Laurence, after answering Vylad's question. "My Dad isn't here yet. My sister Cadenza is playing outside with her friends!"

Laurence answers smiling with his big blue eyes shining. "Okay, we'll stay until your Dad get's here. I don't want to leave you all alone." Zianna says as Laurence nods. They all walk outside, Vylad and
Y/n holding hands while Garroth and Laurence talk and Zianna and Zane hold the door open. Once the door closes, Zane sits at a picnic table with his Mother, and Garroth and Laurence run to the play area.

Y/n and Vylad stop at the stairs, trying to find another way to get where their brother and his new friend is, without getting hurt. The two look around for ways to get up, but they can't find any. "Help!" Y/n yells, as Garroth and Laurence turn around and walk over to the twins. Garroth helps Vylad while Laurence helps Y/n, walk up the stairs.

"Thank you!" The two say once they make it to the top. "You're welcome." Laurence says, smiling at Y/n. Garroth and Laurence walk to the slides and sit down, Vylad and Y/n watch them as they slide down then walk back to the slides. "I wanna go on the slide!" Y/n says jumping up and down behind Garroth. "Okay! Sit down and I'll push you."

Laurence says getting off the slide. "Can you come down with me? I don't wanna go down alone." Y/n says, intertwining her fingers together and tilting her head to the right. "Sure! You sit in front of me and I'll sit behind you." Laurence says, as Y/n sits on the slide and Laurence sits behind her, putting his arms around her little waist.

Y/n's little arms fly in the air as they slide down to the ground. "Laurence, Dad is here!" Four year-old Cadenza yells at Laurence as he helps Y/n off the slide and walks to Hayden. "Dad this is my friend Garroth!" Laurence says as Garroth waves, while the twins are beside him. "It's nice to meet you Garroth, I'm Hayden," He says shaking Garroth's hand.

"What's your names?" Hayden asks the twins, crouching down to their size. "I'm Y/n!" The little girl says, smiling brightly up at the older man. "I'm Vylad!" Vylad says pointing to himself. "We're twins!" The two say in sync as Zianna and Zane walk over to them. "Hello, I'm Zianna, these are my kids!" Zianna introduces herself to Hayden as he gets up from his crouching position.

"It's nice to meet you, Zianna. I'm Hayden." He says as they shake hands. "This is Zane. Zu-Zu, say hi." Zianna says as Zane grunts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't call me that!" He complains, kicking rocks around. "This is my daughter, Cadenza." Hayden says as Cadenza waves, smiling at everyone. "Hi!" She says holding her Fathers hand as she waves.

"We should get going, it's was nice meeting all of you." Zianna says as she grabs the twins hands. "We'll see you later." Hayden says as the two families walk separate ways.

I hope you like Part One of How The Ro'meave's Met The Zvhal's! Part Two will be out soon, so keep an eye out! Also, do you know any Nightcore songs with four boys' singing? If you do, please let me know. I need one for the prequel and I can't find any that I haven't used. If there are any other Nightcore songs you'd like me to use, comment the song and I'll look for it and maybe even use it in the prequel. Thank you for reading, I love you guys and you'll see me soon, bye!!!!

THIS CHAPTER HAS 1110 WORDS IN IT -WolfeChan-💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚


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