
97 4 9

"Get your tissues ready!"
~•~•~•~•~•~•Key words•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
(Y/n): Your name
(D/n): Dogs name
(M/n): Middle name
(F/c): Favourite color
(S/f/c): Second favourite color
(F/f): Favourite food
(F/b): Favourite book
(F/m): Favourite movie
(F/a/c): Favourite anime character
(Y/s/n): Your ship name
(F/a): Favourite anime
(F/an): Favourite animal
(Y/s/n): Your ship name
(H/c): Hair color
(H/l): Hair length
(S/c): Skin color
(H/s): Hair style
(•): Time skip
(@): Months later
(%): Weeks later
Intalics are thoughts.


Garroth pulled into our driveway, turned off the car and got out then locked it. I ran up to the door opened it drop my bag and ran to Mom. "Mom, we're going to record some songs for our first album and if that goes well, then we get to go on tour!" I shout excitedly jumping up and down. "That's great (N/N)! I'm so happy for you!" She says hugging me, I wrap my arms around her then let go. "I need too call the girl so we can write more music! And we need Cadenza to make us dresses!" I say grabbing Maddie's hand and running up to our room.

I called the girls and they're all coming over all I need to do is call Danza and ask for her to make dresses for all the girls!

I squeal inside my head as I text Danza dress designs. I hear footsteps running up the stairs when the door flys open showing all the girls except Danza, Aph, KC and Luci. "Hey girls! Ready to write more songs?" I ask as the girls file into Maddie and I's room. "Of course we are!" They say at the same time. Katelyn sitting with Maddie on her bed and Nicole sitting on my bed with me, we get our pencils out and start writing.


A couple months ago Melody and Timothy told us we get to go on tour which is only one more week to go! We released our first album last week it's a big hit! It's called 'Independent' we called it that because most of the songs on that album are about being free out of other peoples control, without a boyfriend and that you don't need someone to be happy in life. Hints why the album name is 'Independent.'

The car comes to a halt as we pull into the school parking lot, I grabbed my bag and walked into school before I even got through the doors the girls and I get ambushed by almost the whole school yelling things like "NIGHTCORE! CAN YOU SIGN MY BACKPACK?!?!?!" "OMI! NIGHTCORE I LOVE YOUR ALBUM 'INDEPENDENT' IT SPEAKS TO ME!!" I look at the girls trying to find away out of the mob of fans. When I see the guys. "Everyone look over there it's Under-Phoenix!" We yell pointing to the guys. All the fans turn there heads and run to the guys. The guys then scream and try to run but get cornered.

"We should help them out of the mess we made." Katelyn says taking her gaze off the guys the rest of us nod. I put my fingers in my mouth and whistle which catches the fans attention and turns to look at me. "Ladies they have girlfriends back away," I shout has all the girls sigh and walk away. All the guys look at the girls and I while starting to walking closer. "Gentlemen we have boyfriends, shoo!" I say shooing them away with my hands, they all look at the ground and walk away.  "Look, I saved you!" I say putting my hands in the air. "Thank you baby sister!" Garroth says as we hug. "Your welcome Big brother." I say still hugging him, the bell then rings and I let go of Garroth.

"Shit, I'll meet you in class!" I say running down the hallway to get my stuff from my locker. "Y/n." I hear a deep voice from behind me. I turn around to see Father. "F-Father? What are you d-doing here?" I ask trembling with fear. "We are having a little...talk when we get home." He says evilly smiling then walks away. Tears are slowly brimming my eyes I close my locker then walk to class.


The bell rings for the end of the day, Laurence left earlier to go to the bathroom and the rest of the guys went to there lockers. The girls and I walk out of vocals to grab our stuff from our lockers. "I can't wait to go on tour! It's going to be so much fun!" Katelyn says as we walk closer to our lockers.

The pit in my stomach is back...

"It's going to be so much fun! We can all share a room!" Nicole says as we walk around the corner where our lockers are that's when I see what I never want to see.

Laurence and Regina making out in the corner. And for the second time today, tears brim my eyes. But this time, I let them fall. We all just stand there, staring.

Laurence opens his eyes and spots me, he pushes Regina off of him and looks at me. "Y/n, it's not what it looks like." He says walking closer to me. I get the last little bit out of my locker and look at him again. "N-No, Laurence, it's exactly
w-what it looks l-like." I say tears streaming down my face. I grab the locket Laurence gave me and pull it off my neck. "Goodbye, Laurence Zvahl." I say tossing the locket on the ground wiping the tears of my face while walking out of the school with the girls' behind me.

"I can't believe him!!" The girls' shout before the door closes so Laurence can hear them. "I-I'm g-going t-to g-go home." I say through my sobs. "Maddie, whatever you do. Don't. Come. Home." I say remember what Father said to me. "Ok." She says understanding what I meant. I turn back to the road and walk home. Sobbing.

I see Fathers car in the driveway, I quickly stop the tears from falling and walk through the doors. "Y/n sit. Now." He says sternly, I sit on the couch and look up at him. "Your Mother told me the boys and you are making a band?" He says looking at me. "Y-Yes Father. Is that ok?" I ask looking up at him still stoping the tears. "Yes it's ok. Your Mother also told me you found Madeline?" He says looking at me I nod my head. "Answer me." He says sternly. "Y-Yes Father." I say looking at my hands then back at him. "Where is she?" He asks I take a breath then answer. "I don't know." "What do you mean you 'don't know?'" He says squinting a little. "I don't know where she is, I think she might have gone to a friends house." I answer not really sure.

"So Y/n, you have a boyfriend eh?" He asks bringing the tears back. "N-No." I say holding back the tears. "Don't lie to me bitch!" He yells as he slaps me. I hold my cheek from the stinging pain as the tears fall once again. "H-He c-cheated on m-me." I say crying more then ever. "That's good. Ready for more pain?" He asks as he gets up and comes back with the whip.
"N-No p-please." I say as he brings it in to the air whipping in down onto my back. "AHHG!!" I scream as I fall to the floor in pain blood oozing out from the whip mark on my back. I hear the front door open I thought it was Maddie but it wasn't. Instead it was Laurence.

He looks at me laying on the ground tears streaming down my face onto my red cheek. I look over to Father and he lifts the whip back into the air and slams in down colliding with my back. "AHHHGGG!" I scream as he lifts the whip into the air and slams it onto my back over and over and over again. "Now stand up bitch!" Father yells at me. I try to push myself up off the ground but fail and fall to the floor. I try again this time I  succeed. He kicks me then picks me up and tosses me onto the ground. Laurence just stands there watching the whole thing unfold. "Now clean this mess up!" He yells as he leaves the house. I stand up but then fall to the floor again, I crawl to the cupboard underneath the sink and grab the cleaning supplies then crawl back to the living room and start cleaning.

THIS CHAPTER HAS 1491 WORDS IN IT -Wolfe~Chan-💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜

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