Chapter 1- What should I do?

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Pha closed the door behind him and sighed. He came here every evening and left early every morning but he wasn't sure his efforts were making an impact. It had been a week and Yo still refused to leave his home despite all reassurances that the culprit had been dealt with.

Fucking son of a bitch! 

Phana's fist slammed into the wall and he wished it was Park's face all over again. He could only take savage satisfaction in the memory of pulverizing the asshole. Beam had informed him yesterday that he had broken Park's nose, dislocated his jaw, fractured several ribs, not to mention the concussion that resulted from forcefully shoving Park's face into the cafeteria table. 

His smug smile fell away when one of the men showed up to tell him the car was ready. He nodded and hurried to get to it. It was a 2 hour drive to get to the college. He couldn't afford to dally.

Phana arrive with half an hour to spear and found Kit and Beam waiting for him in the parking lot.

"How is he?" Kit asked immediately.

"Not good. Can you get Forth and Ming to meet us at lunch today? We need to talk." The two shared a look as Phana walked past them then turned and followed him. Messages were quickly sent out and replies were received almost immediately.

"Are me meeting at the cafeteria?"

"Yes, the science one. Mon and the gang have already reserved us a spot and no one will bother us."

"I see. Are you going to tell us anything right now?" Beam queried.

"No. Lets wait for Forth and Ming."

Beam and Kit could barely focus for the rest of the morning. By some miracle Kit managed to answer Auntie Professor's question without even hearing what she asked and Beam nearly blew a pop quiz in the next class. He was so stressed for Pha that he barely remembered to double check the paper and barely had time to make the much needed corrections.

The moment they got a break, all three Doctors rushed over to the science cafeteria. Ming and Forth were already waiting for them to arrive and the gang had managed to secure them the most private corner table. The moment the Doctors arrived, they ditched the engineers and moved to the nearest table, effectively blocking anyone from getting too close to them.

"How is Yo?" Forth asked as soon as Pha sat.

"That's the reason we're here right now. I've tried everything and he's still in a dark place. What should I do?"

"What have you tried?" Ming asked.

"Everything. The problem is it takes hours to encourage him to get out of bed and when he is home they allow him to do as he likes so by the time I get there all my hard work from the day before is offset."

"Then we will go back with you. Let us deal with it this afternoon. But listen Pha. You can't be rushing to protect him if we seem a little harsh. We are not truly being mean to him. This is a case of tough love."

"Eh eh eh. I hear you Forth." Pha took a deep breath and nodded.

"How about Kit and I go in first. We are always together. Then Ming can join us. Forth for the final push. We will slowly work our way to him." Pha nodded then though of something.

"Montree. Are you free this afternoon? How about you come too but just you. Sorry it's just that all of you will be too overwhelming for him."

"Don't worry. I will carry all our love with me. Just tell me what time to meet you." The Angel Gang leader flashed a grateful smile to Pha. Pha nodded and looked at the time.

"Ok we have five minutes left. Kiss each other goodbye and lets go." He stood and so did everyone else. Kit's face was pink but he let Ming take his hand and lead him outside. Ming handed him one of his chocolate wafers since they didn't get to eat. Forth gave Beam the sandwich he had brought for him earlier and absorbed Beam's sweet smile. 

Beam quickly shared the sandwich in the car and they all scarfed it down. Their break was much too short to effectively do anything. Once they got to class, Pha quickly text Montree and was satisfied with his reply. 

Just wait Yo. We will help you get through this.

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