Chapter 11 - Planning

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After getting off the phone with Yo, Ming sat in his car and thought about Kit. He was a grumpy, cute little cat. Ming worried for him, made sure he was fed, had a ride, loved on really hard, and always protected, but what more could he do?

He reached for his phone and called someone he knew he could trust.

"Hey Nong. What's up?"

"P'Forth. I need you to help me figure something out. Is P'Beam there with you?"

"Yea but he's sleeping."

"Oh, that's ok then. Listen, what special things do you do for Beam?"

There was a pause on the other line. "I'm not sure I know what you mean Nong. I take care of him and give him everything he wants and needs. Is that what you mean?"

Ming realized he needed to explain himself better. "Well I was just talking to a friend. He's planning a special night for his lover with massages and stuff. It got me thinking."

"Ah. I haven't planned anything like that for Beam. We hardly ever have time so every chance I get, I want to be with him. Never thought of anything else." Now Forth too was pondering the situation. Ming understood. Kit was eaten up by classes and studying too. When he got to spend time with him he just wanted to love on him hard all night.

"What would you do if you had the chance though? Like a special one day or two day event?"

"Find somewhere we've never been before and do something we've never tried together. I've been bungee jumping and sky diving. Not sure Beam would do it but I would like to do it with him. Maybe it's best if I ask him what he wants."

"I think so too." This extreme couple, Ming thought. Always going hard at everything and doing out of the way things. Kit would kill him if he even suggested it. Beam on the other hand would try it with Forth. They were that type. Ming had noticed the marks on Beam's wrist. He knew what they meant. They all did but Beam was clear. He liked that sort of thing and Forth never took advantage of him or hurt him. Pha hadn't even blinked. He and Forth had spoken a long time ago and if Beam even uttered a sound of dissatisfaction Pha would kill Forth. 

While Pha might lead the Wild Doctors Gang, people failed to realize that Beam was the wildest one. He was like a hurricane but he finally had a center in Forth. Ming was just glad he had fallen for the least complex of the Wild Doctors. Don't get him wrong, Kit was just as wild and could hold his own, but in terms of his needs, Kit was a simple man. He ate, slept, and enjoyed sex with Ming.


"Sorry. I got lost in thought. I'm going to have to do some research. Talk to you later P'"


Ming started his car and headed back to his lover. He knocked on the door to let Kit know he was coming on then unlocked and entered. He walked in and saw Kit on his side facing away. He slipped onto the bed and snuggled Kit. The smaller man sighed in his sleep and muttered his name. Ming smiled and held him closer. His phone pinged and he checked the message.

-Ming where are you?

-With Kit mom.

There was a long pause. Ming knew how his parents felt about Kit but he wasn't backing down. 

-Your room is a mess. I did your laundry and I checked your fridge. Why do you still have casseroles?

-Kit makes them for us. He prepares them for us and I just cook them so we can eat.

-Really? He can cook?

-Yep. Kit knows what he is doing and if you ever mention this to anyone he may never speak to me again.

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