The Eye of the Storm... Thy name is Ming

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Ming stared at his phone. He had arrived home two days ago and there was till not a word from Kit. He hadn't even spoken to Pha or Beam. That was the strangest part. Ming would get it if he was cut off but Pha and Beam too? Something was not right.

"What's the matter with you? You are too quiet."

"I think I need to go to Kit's house Dad."

"Already? You've only been here a couple of days. Let Kit enjoy his time with his family."

"That's not it. Something is wrong. He hasn't spoken to anyone by phone or online. We are all worried."

"His friends are not going to check on him?"

"They want to but they are asking me first. I want to go Dad. I need to see that he is ok."

"What's all this?"

"Ming needs to check on Kit. Did you want to use the Wagon? What if you need to break Kit out? That thing is like a batting ram."

"No Dad. It might break down half way there."

"Oh well then I'll follow. I still say the wagon is a great idea."

"Stop Husband. Do not get involved. They need to sort themselves out. You are not helping. Ming, call us and let us know what is happening."

"Ok. I'll leave after breakfast."


"Kit. Come and eat lunch. You barely touched your breakfast."

"I'm not hungry."

"Please Kit. Na? Na na na? Come on. Your Mother have to beg you like that?"

"Ok. I'll come. I'll be there in a bit."

"Good. I want you to eat. We will talk things out."


Kit crawled out of bed. The pain in his heart had spread to his whole body now. He didn't feel sick, just hurting. Wasn't that something? Emotional pain with a physical manifestation. He blinked and looked at himself. He looked like shit.

"Ming wouldn't be happy to see this. Not even a little bit." He would be fussing at Kit to eat and rest properly like a mother hen. Just the way he fussed at Pha. Had Pha gone to Beam? Had he made it safely? The main house phone lines were down on purpose. The brothers wouldn't lend him their phones. He had tried last night after he came back to the main house. Keng was useless. He didn't have one. It had broke and he never replaced it. Still he had promised Kit that he would see if he could get a friend to loan him an old one. it was weird to have Keng on his side for once. Usually he was the one getting the harsh treatment and Kit was defending him.

"I hope you come through Keng." I really need to talk to Ming.

They all sat down to dinner when the house intercom chimed. Kit started. Since when was it so loud? Six and Seven started giggling and everyone looked at them. They were bored without their phones so they started messing with everything.

"We'll deal with this later." Mother told them as Keng asked to be let in. Kit crossed his fingers and hoped he had come with a phone. Keng drove up and got out. He slipped the little push button into his picket and walked in. He was just passing the front parlor when the intercom buzzed again. He waved the housekeeper away and went in himself.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"Yes. My name is Ming..."

The moment Kit heard the Yes, he was out of his seat and through the door. Everyone was so confused, it took them precious seconds to realize what was happening. 

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now